1. |
Punch : "All's (pretty) well!"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
2. |
Punch : Subaltern. "And about this saluting - I want you recruits to be very particualr about that. Of course, you know, you don't salute me - you saliute the uniform.", 1914
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
3. |
Punch : Our man
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
4. |
Punch : Private Slogger, just arrived with last draft and on guard duty for first time, forgets himself when the colonel appears accompanied by his daughter, 1915
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
5. |
Punch : Mr. Punch's army pages
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
6. |
Punch : Squadron Sergeant-Major (who has been told to ascertain the qualification of an applicant for a commission)
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
7. |
Punch : Doctor. "How do you feel, colonel, when you have actually killed a man?" Colonel. "Oh, not so bad. How do you?"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
8. |
Punch : Sergeant. "'ere, Samson, you trot along to the regimental barber an' let 'im give you the Delilah cut."
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
9. |
Punch : Orderly Sergeant. "Lights out, there."
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
10. |
Punch : "And how's the leg this morning?"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
11. |
Punch : Colonel (on his round of inspection, during prolongued pause in manœuvres). "And what is the disposition of your men, sergeant?" Sergeant. "Fed-up, sir!"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
12. |
Punch : Fiery Major (discussing delinquent Subaltern), 1914
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
13. |
Punch : An infant in arms
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
14. |
Punch : Good-bye, Samoa!
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
15. |
Punch : A vote of thanks, 1877
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
16. |
Punch : He always wondered himself
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
17. |
Punch : Warfare at Islington
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
18. |
Punch : Service evolution
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
19. |
Punch : The pay-table. (The end of a perfect war)
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
20. |
Punch : Sergeant (as new recruit grumbles about tunic)
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung