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...A young man who lives on his father’s earningshas very little to boast of, but one who squandershis inheritance in riotous living is an objectof contempt and ridicule...   A young man who lives on his father’s earningshas very little to boast of, but one who squandershis inheritance in riotous living is an objectof contempt and ridiculeの読み方
James W. Donovan 「Don't Marry」

...It would be so if its moralwere that, in this world, true enthusiasm naturally leads to ridicule anddiscomfiture...   It would be so if its moralwere that, in this world, true enthusiasm naturally leads to ridicule anddiscomfitureの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...Only a coarse-minded man would care tomake merry with the former, but to one of Cervantes’ humour the latter wasnaturally an attractive subject for ridicule...   Only a coarse-minded man would care tomake merry with the former, but to one of Cervantes’ humour the latter wasnaturally an attractive subject for ridiculeの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...It was a challenge to death rather than yield to cowardice and ridicule...   It was a challenge to death rather than yield to cowardice and ridiculeの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Frances Douglas 「The Blood of the Arena」

... “Ah! monseigneur,” replied De Guiche, “show a little charity towards such a miserable fellow as I am: do not hold me up to the ridicule of the Chevalier de Lorraine...         “Ah! monseigneur,” replied De Guiche, “show a little charity towards such      a miserable fellow as I am: do not hold me up to the ridicule of the      Chevalier de Lorraineの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Ten Years Later」

... “If he hears you ridicule me, he will go beyond your highness, and will show no pity...         “If he hears you ridicule me, he will go beyond your highness, and will      show no pityの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Ten Years Later」

...And I remember that ‘me’ who, during that period, wasstill the butt of his comrades’ ridicule on account of his innocence...   And I remember that ‘me’ who, during that period, wasstill the butt of his comrades’ ridicule on account of his innocenceの読み方
Leo Tolstoy 「The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories」

...This explains the obscurity which surrounds the names of early inventors; it explains also our indifference to religious matters, and the ridicule heaped upon religious customs...   This explains the obscurity which      surrounds the names of early inventors; it explains also our indifference      to religious matters, and the ridicule heaped upon religious customsの読み方
P. J. Proudhon 「What is Property?」

...Another extremely human characteristic of our canine friends is shownin their susceptibility to ridicule...   Another extremely human characteristic of our canine friends is shownin their susceptibility to ridiculeの読み方
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler 「Domesticated Animals」

...I believe the joke editors of magazines and newspapers are responsible for the spread of the propaganda of ridicule, skepticism and distrust of all fish yarns, regardless of their source...   I believe the joke editors of magazines and newspapers are responsible for the spread of the propaganda of ridicule, skepticism and distrust of all fish yarns, regardless of their sourceの読み方
Henry Abbott 「Fish Stories」

...In 1796, a tax, which caused great discontent and ridicule, was laid forthe first time upon dogs...   In 1796, a tax, which caused great discontent and ridicule, was laid forthe first time upon dogsの読み方
Various 「Heads and Tales」

...Contempt and ridicule or abhorrence and denunciation are too oftenthe only recognition vouchsafed to the savage and his ways...   Contempt and ridicule or abhorrence and denunciation are too oftenthe only recognition vouchsafed to the savage and his waysの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...The fear of ridicule has thus an important sociological function in maintaining ethical standards...   The fear of ridicule has thus an important sociological    function in maintaining ethical standardsの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...His single pieces, however, are rather to be consideredas studies, not perhaps for the professional artist, but for the searcher intolife and manners, and for the votaries of true humour and ridicule...   His single pieces, however, are rather to be consideredas studies, not perhaps for the professional artist, but for the searcher intolife and manners, and for the votaries of true humour and ridiculeの読み方
John Trusler 「The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings」



roosters   reluctance   finish  


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太平洋   真剣勝負   不可能  

