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Fairy Rise

The second SM7 subset focusing on Fairy, Grass and Psychic Pokemon
Cards 50 +13 Secret
Released Aug 3rd 2018

Card List

Collection Status
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#1 - Tangela
#2 - Tangrowth
#3 - Treecko
#4 - Grovyle
#5 - Sceptile GX
#6 - Wurmple
#7 - Silcoon
#8 - Beautifly
#9 - Nincada
#10 - Ninjask
#11 - Combee
#12 - Vespiquen
#13 - Shaymin
#14 - Alolan Vulpix
#15 - Shedinja
#16 - Sableye
#17 - Giratina
#18 - Sigilyph GX
#19 - Yamask
#20 - Cofagrigus
#21 - Litwick
#22 - Lampent
#23 - Chandelure
#24 - Meloetta
#25 - Alolan Ninetales GX
#26 - Jigglypuff
#27 - Wigglytuff
#28 - Ralts
#29 - Kirlia
#30 - Gardevoir
#31 - Dedenne
#32 - Carbink
#33 - Xerneas Prism Star
#34 - Cutiefly
#35 - Ribombee
#36 - Morelull
#37 - Shiinotic
#38 - Mimikyu GX
#39 - Tapu Lele
#40 - Tapu Fini
#41 - Kecleon
#42 - Net Ball
#43 - Adventuring Satchel
#44 - Spell Tag
#45 - Fairy Charm [Psychic]
#46 - Fairy Charm [Fighting]
#47 - Fairy Charm [Dragon]
#48 - Morty
#49 - Mina
#50 - Life Forest Prism Star
#51 - Sceptile GX
#52 - Sigilyph GX
#53 - Ninetales GX
#54 - Mimikyu GX
#55 - Morty
#56 - Mina
#57 - Sceptile GX
#58 - Sigilyph GX
#59 - Ninetales GX
#60 - Mimikyu GX
#61 - Net Ball
#62 - Adventuring Satchel
#63 - Spell Tag

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