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Alter Genesis

Our last full Sun & Moon set
Cards 95 +22 Secret
Released Sep 6th 2019

Card List

Collection Status
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#1 - Sunkern
#2 - Sunflora
#3 - Lileep
#4 - Cradily
#5 - Kricketot
#6 - Kricketune
#7 - Rowlet
#8 - Rowlet
#9 - Dartrix
#10 - Decidueye
#11 - Buzzwole
#12 - Larvesta
#13 - Volcarona GX
#14 - Litleo
#15 - Pyroar
#16 - Alolan Vulpix
#17 - Snorunt
#18 - Glalie
#19 - Spheal
#20 - Spheal
#21 - Sealeo
#22 - Walrein
#23 - Ducklett
#24 - Swanna
#25 - Black Kyurem
#26 - Chinchou
#27 - Lanturn
#28 - Togedemaru
#29 - Woobat
#30 - Swoobat
#31 - Golett
#32 - Golurk
#33 - Skrelp
#34 - Dragalge
#35 - Oricorio GX
#36 - Cosmog
#37 - Cosmog
#38 - Cosmoem
#39 - Lunala
#40 - Nosepass
#41 - Trapinch
#42 - Trapinch
#43 - Vibrava
#44 - Flygon GX
#45 - Anorith
#46 - Armaldo
#47 - Rockruff
#48 - Lycanroc
#49 - Sandygast
#50 - Palossand
#51 - Alolan Sandshrew
#52 - Alolan Sandslash
#53 - Mawile
#54 - Probopass
#55 - Solgaleo
#56 - Alolan Ninetales
#57 - Azurill
#58 - Flabébé
#59 - Flabébé
#60 - Floette
#61 - Florges
#62 - Swirlix
#63 - Slurpuff
#64 - Sylveon
#65 - Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX
#66 - Naganadel & Guzzlord GX
#67 - Drampa
#68 - Jangmo-o
#69 - Jangmo-o
#70 - Hakamo-o
#71 - Kommo-O
#72 - Ultra Necrozma
#73 - Mega Lopunny & Jigglypuff GX
#74 - Eevee
#75 - Aipom
#76 - Ambipom
#77 - Teddiursa
#78 - Ursaring
#79 - Rufflet
#80 - Braviary
#81 - Helioptile
#82 - Heliolisk
#83 - Tag Whistle
#84 - Unidentified Fossil
#85 - Island Challenge Amulet
#86 - Beastite
#87 - Guzma & Hala
#88 - Cynthia & Caitlin
#89 - Mallow & Lana
#90 - Red & Blue
#91 - Chaos Swell
#92 - Cherish Ball
#93 - Adventure Bag
#94 - Pokémon Communication
#95 - Professor Elm's Lecture
#96 - Volcarona GX
#97 - Oricorio GX
#98 - Flygon GX
#99 - Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX
#100 - Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX
#101 - Naganadel & Guzzlord GX
#102 - Naganadel & Guzzlord GX
#103 - Mega Lopunny & Jigglypuff GX
#104 - Mega Lopunny & Jigglypuff GX
#105 - Guzma & Hala
#106 - Cynthia & Caitlin
#107 - Mallow & Lana
#108 - Red & Blue
#109 - Volcarona GX
#110 - Oricorio GX
#111 - Flygon GX
#112 - Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX
#113 - Naganadel & Guzzlord GX
#114 - Mega Lopunny & Jigglypuff GX
#115 - Tag Call
#116 - Island Challenge Amulet
#117 - Giant Hearth

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