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Soul Helper Oracle
Release Your Inner Rebel ~ Be yourself and create your own universe. This card has come into your awareness because you need more space & freedom for yourself .Emerge from your constraining cacoon . Ask yourself what or who is opressing you. Rebuke them clearing and with love as sometimes others arn't aware of their incorrect behaviour. Follow the path of your soul the path of freedom and pay no attention to the criticisms of others . They do not know that you create your own universe 😇
Soul Helper Oracle
The Time For Romance Has Come ~ See it as an opportunity for a radiant life , It has been far to long since you gave yourself to the romance of life .Your mind your " sensible" side is always fighting against it. Listen to your soul its asking you to surrender become the Queen of Roses or the King of Ivy the colours of the rainbow , clothe yourself in the light of the stars. To keep following the path of your soul you must allow romance a firm place in your life. Pause for a moment and see the world through the eyes of the lover only then you will recoginize true radiance your magic will unfold silently like a scent of a rose entrancing & healing life will become more richer and more radiant day by day 😇