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Hoshi Saga Dokuringo

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Hoshi Saga Dokuringo

JayIt seems like only a few days ago we were given a new installment in Yoshio Ishii's gorgeous Hoshi Saga series, and today another one, number 8, lands in our virtual laps: Hoshi Saga Dokuringo. But before you go off playing this one, please note the rating. This latest set of levels contains some risqué imagery, as well as some way more difficult stages.

Hoshi Saga DokuringoInside you'll find 25 new stages to clear, made up of images from the previous "ringo" games with all new puzzles (and mini-games) designed for them, and all you need to do is find the star. How you go about it will take some creative problem solving along with the usual pointing and clicking, dragging and waggling. The first level is mandatory, and it contains a lot of Japanese text, which I suspect explains this set of levels. I'd really appreciate it if someone were to translate what is says for us in the comments. I hope it gives a good reason and warning for the titillating imagery of scantily clad young females that appear in this batch.

Another immediate and obvious oddity of the Dokuringo set is the stage numbering, which starts off at Stage 9976 for the first. I wonder if perhaps this was a set that the author never intended to publish. And maybe he decided to publish them after receiving complaints that the previous games were becoming too easy. What do you think about the numbering, and what do you think about the level of difficulty in this one?

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Walkthroughs for the Hoshi Saga series...

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Walkthrough Guide

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Hoshi Saga Dokuringo Walkthrough


Drag the wall with the japanese lettering on it to the right, then click the box.


Drag the third diamond from the left up into the ceiling.


Click on the front and back walls, then click at the back until a man falls down


Click on the woman's navel to reveal a... remote? Yeah, that's a remote. Click all five buttons to reveal the star.


Click the screen rapidly until the mountain reaches at least a little above the moon. (keep clicking to see the yukai zone)


Drag the screen in the way you want it to move, the star is above the treetops, straight up from where you started


Click the bottom left corner until it is at the lowest place possible, then click the one above it until you see a green square on the bottom of it. Click the green square to reveal the star.


Click the screws in the bottom right and upper left corners, then click the ball.


Drag the zipper down, then drag the undershirt up, then drag the underwear down.


Sorry, but you're just gonna have to follow the star with your eyes.


Drag the cube until its side can land to finish the star.


Clicking causes three blocks to fall. Finish the picture, then drag down the wave


The oddly colored domino has the power to slide, so put the last two towards the end, and then the slider will do the rest.


Just keep rubbing, it'll pop up eventually.


Turn the box so that it's arrow faces downward, the star'll come out eventually.


Click the little 'I' in the corner, and while it's flipping, click the background image and drag it up. (thanks star!)


Click the small circle in the upper right corner.


Just click very rapidly. (any fan of Ginormo Sword should have no problem with this)


Click and move your cursor over her right breast.


Click the four corners to remove the screws. Click the pentagon in the center and more cursors will appear in the top row, these work like a cursor trail (i.e. they follow your cursors movements). If there are more cursors on the pentagon, their clicks count as well. I is the ones place, II is the tens place, III is the hundreds place, IV is the thousands place, V is the ten thousands place. The total amount of clicks you need is 12345. But wait...

After every one hundred or so clicks, another cursor appears at the top of the screen. Mouse over them to collect another cursor to click with.


Go to another tab after clicking start, when you feel it's been ten seconds, go to the game. The reason this is the solution is because it still makes the star, but if you aren't looking at the game, the star doesn't become invisible.


Click the "S" in stage (upper left corner), then the "T", then the "A", then the "R" in Return (bottom right corner).


Drag the screen to the right (as in, move to the left), and click on the candle.


Grab the knot of the bow, then pull down.


This one is pretty dang hard, but aside from the very end where you absolutely need to dodge, the rest is solvable with tricks.
Here's a compiled list
From Diego:

Apparently, the ship synchronizes with the mouse cursor, so if you move out of the game area from one side and enter from the other your ship is transported.

From jolson42

Go to the bottom of the screen, and stay in the middle. the first four shots that look like they might hit you will miss - you just have to dodge the fifth one. You can start hitting the core before the lasers finish.

The lasers and "death rings" you need Diego's trick. For the initial shots, use jolson's tip.

Aside from the attack patterns mentioned above, there is also the laser attack that sends lasers from the tips of the star towards you. After you destroy it, it'll start spamming all it's attacks, this is the last challenge, and you must dodge.

From nerdypants:

Eventually (not sure exactly when) there will appear a speech bubble next to the level in the menu. Click that bubble, and the difficulty is reduced from 10 to 5 stars. It also gives you a blue bar at the bottom of the screen in the level, which is a shield. Click and hold to use the shield. However, you can't shoot while you have the shield on.

And apparently there are 2 endings depending upon whether you use nerdypants' cheat or not.


David Goldfarb October 9, 2011 4:08 AM

I have only a smattering of Japanese, but it looks like the text on the first level just says something about downloading, and a "thank you for playing".


The text in the first level tells us that this game uses the pictures of the previous games (ringo, ringoame, ringoen and ringohime). New content is into those pictures to make brand new stages. The first stage is also here to warn that there are sexual content in the game, so the player should be cautious about that. And if any damage is done due to repeated clicks of mouse by the player, the game will not take any responsibility. The button says "agree"

I have never learnt Japanese officially, so this is only a rough translation.


The name of this one means Poison Apple, and the last one meant Apple Princess.
I wonder if there's an Apple Witch in our future?

Hopefully this will save someone a little of my frustration on 9991:

The clock matches your computer's time when you load the level, but don't go messing with your computer clock.

There's a small light colored info button in the bottom left corner that lets you change the game's clock.

Not a solution spoiler, just something obvious that I completely missed about the process...


Just to add:
The first sentence is already translated so I didn't do that.

After you click the button "agree", the words says Hope you have fun playing Hoshi Dokusaga

P.S. �' means poisonous

Namchokdef October 9, 2011 4:54 AM

i cant pass this game and i need a walkthrough now. could someone send me a walkthrough


Anonymous October 9, 2011 4:59 AM

A mediocre game at best, nothing new or interesting but a decent way to spend time on some coffee breaks. The difference in difficulty gets a bit annoying though, not the "thinking outside the box" that some levels try to require but the pixel hunting.

Anonymous October 9, 2011 5:11 AM

How did you pass level 9991?


am stuck on 9986 and 9991. help anyone?


I too am stuck on 9991

I got

The "almost star" to move from the top of the clock face to the bottom, but I don't know how :/ (I was letting it run in the background while I googled a walkthrough)

For 9986:

The moveable block goes on top of the light blue square up and left of the "almost star." The side of it will fold down and finish the star.



Line up the box with one of the other squares (the one diagonally up from the half-a-star and the side will fall down and make the star

Does anyone have any idea about 9983 or 9991?


I can't get through both 9982 and 9991.
I got absolutely no idea how to solve 9982.
For 9991

My star sometimes appear on top and sometimes at the bottom, but I still don't get it.


Progress! 9991:

By channeling a bit of rage-quit, I've found that furiously clicking on the minute hand (10 times) drops its arrow to a point where it makes contact with the star! HURRAY! But it still doesn't count, and I don't know why.


need help on 9991!!!


My experience in stage 9991 was opposite of abloker's.

The incomplete star was at the bottom the first time, but then I exited the stage and it was on top when I entered again. Now it's on top each time I re-enter.

I'm still stuck anyway.


I'm liking how much of this one is made up of 'different answers' to previous Hoshi Saga solutions. Particularly because in some cases the solution I came up with when the scene had appeared before is *now* right!

Work-in-progress on 9991:

The star moves of its own accord if your computer clock moves onto it, presumably to prevent you solving the puzzle by accident?

There's an 'i' in the bottom-left to allow you to move the in-puzzle clock without having to adjust your computer clock. Although that could be a red herring (I believe it was in the original puzzle, and often key mechanics from the original puzzle are red herrings now)

Ultimately, though, the big thing is that there doesn't seem to be anything on the clock which would match the star on the face. I'm wondering if that's another red herring.

9997 is bothering me. And as soon as I was about to type out a spoilery question, it hit me! Something I'd noticed early on but dismissed.


I'm liking how much of this one is made up of 'different answers' to previous Hoshigama solutions. Particularly because in some cases the solution I came up with when the scene had appeared before is *now* right!

Work-in-progress on 9991:

The star moves of its own accord if your computer clock moves onto it, presumably to prevent you solving the puzzle by accident?

There's an 'i' in the bottom-left to allow you to move the in-puzzle clock without having to adjust your computer clock. Although that could be a red herring (I believe it was in the original puzzle, and often key mechanics from the original puzzle are red herrings now)

Ultimately, though, the big thing is that there doesn't seem to be anything on the clock which would match the star on the face. I'm wondering if that's another red herring.

9997 is bothering me. And as soon as I was about to type out a spoilery question, it hit me! Something I'd noticed early on but dismissed.


Thanks, abloker, for the help with 9986. I got to the same point as you for 9991 and now have no idea what to do.

David Goldfarb October 9, 2011 6:03 AM

Whoops, there was a bunch more text on the first stage that I hadn't found yet.

On stage 9991: I'd guess the reason that the dropped-down triangle still doesn't count is that there's still a little bit of the minute hand sticking out past it. It seems like there ought to be some way of sticking the triangle on the end of the hour hand, but I haven't figured it out.

One thing I noticed: if you set the time to 59 minutes past an hour and then wait a minute, the hour hand moves counter-clockwise.

Also, the first couple times I tried the stage, the incomplete star was up at the top of the clock face. Now it's at the bottom.

I don't know what relevance either of these things has.


Some people claimed to have solved 9991 on some Japanese site.
They say that

it has absolutely nothing to do with the clock.

But I still don't know the concrete solution.



The clock is just a diversion.
When you click the "i" the screen flips, grab the background and pull it.


9991 solution!!!

press the i on the left bottom corner. When the picture turns, drag the background upwards and you'll find the star

Thanks to Japanese players on other sites ^^


Stuck on 9991 as well.

Found out you can change the position of the star to top or bottom by adjusting your system clock, but the clicking thing as abloker pointed out isn't getting me anywhere.



never mind the needle. lift the background image when going back between clock image and time setting image


wow.. o_O

crashlanding October 9, 2011 6:20 AM

thanks star.

for those who didn't quite understand star's post (I didn't at first):

when you click the little i to switch between the clock page and the time changing page, you can see an image BEHIND the clock while the page is turning. you have to click and hold on that, and lift. The star has nothing to do with the clock at all.


Thanks for help on 9991. Also 10000 is ridiculous.

lankyduke October 9, 2011 6:30 AM

Pro tip for 9995:

slow down when you get to near 100,000 clicks on 9995. Be careful not to overshoot!

Anonymous October 9, 2011 6:30 AM

9995? Seriously?

lankyduke October 9, 2011 6:32 AM

And wow Stage10000 is really hard, unless I'm missing something :(



Click "S", "t", and "a" from "Stage" in the upper left and "R" from "Return" in the lower right.

Now I am stuck on the last one

Night Stryke October 9, 2011 6:37 AM

Any help for 9997?

All I can seem to do is click the R on "Return", turning it red and making the rainbow glow, but nothing really happens; I'm tired of clicking everything repeatedly and trying to drag random stuff to no avail.


Well.. if stage 10000 is what I think it is, then it sucks. But there may be some brainy way to beat it. Then it won't suck :P


In 10000

When I manage to destroy all its shields the rain of fiery rings starts and there's no way to survive that thing!


my turn.


no matter what i do i can't seem to get them to be spaced far enough apart


For 9988:

The bright one behaves differently than the others, try working with that.


I'm feeling very stupid stuck on 9983 - can anyone help?

Anonymous October 9, 2011 6:56 AM

For 9988:

One of the dominoes slides.



The brighter one slides forward after being hit.


I don't know if it's cheating but I dodged the red rings by right-clicking and immediately left-clicking another spot that's empty. Teleportation.

However, I don't have the "mad skills" to dodge the laser rain and always lose there.



About 50% Health is as low as i get the boss. Unless there's something retarded i'm missing like with the clock level, i guess i'm done. Always enjoyed the Hoshi Saga series, but this took the fun out of it for me.



Yeah, it gets ridiculous. It's easy to break the shields down at the start... Go to the bottom of the screen, and stay in the middle. the first four shots that look like they might hit you will miss - you just have to dodge the fifth one. You can start hitting the core before the lasers finish.
But yeah, the red rings of death really aren't fair.

repairmanman October 9, 2011 7:01 AM

Can someone help me with 9983?


Need help with 9996...

repairmanman October 9, 2011 7:08 AM

For 9996

Go to another tab after clicking start, when you feel it's been ten seconds, go to the game. The reason this is the solution is because it still makes the star, but if you aren't looking at the game, the star doesn't become invisible.

Anonymous October 9, 2011 7:08 AM

repairmanman : try clicking on those buttons..


my best strategy for 10000 so far:

Not exactly 'strategy', but an exploit of the poor collision system. Since it doesn't use the actual trajectory of the ship, if you move your mouse fast enough you can cross the beams unharmed, giving you more time to inflict damage. Not enough to destroy it before the rings of doom, though

repairmanman October 9, 2011 7:37 AM

Hoshi Saga Dokuringo Walkthrough


Drag the wall with the japanese lettering on it to the right, then click the box.


Drag the third diamond from the left up into the ceiling.


Click on the front and back walls, then click at the back until a man falls down


Click on the woman's navel to reveal a... remote? Yeah, that's a remote. Click all five buttons to reveal the star.


Click the screen rapidly until the mountain reaches at least a little above the moon. (keep clicking to see the yukai zone)


Drag the screen in the way you want it to move, the star is above the treetops, straight up from where you started


Click the bottom left corner until it is at the lowest place possible, then click the one above it until you see a green square on the bottom of it. Click the green square to reveal the star.


Click the screws in the bottom right and upper left corners, then click the ball.


Drag the zipper down, then drag the undershirt up, then drag the underwear down.


Sorry, but you're just gonna have to follow the star with your eyes.


Drag the cube until its side can land to finish the star.


Clicking causes three blocks to fall. Finish the picture, then drag down the wave


The oddly colored domino has the power to slide, so put the last two towards the end, and then the slider will do the rest.


Just keep rubbing, it'll pop up eventually.


Turn the box so that it's arrow faces downward, the star'll come out eventually.


Click the little 'I' in the corner, and while it's flipping, click the background image and drag it up. (thanks star!)


Click the small circle in the upper right corner.


Just click very rapidly. (any fan of Ginormo Sword should have no problem with this)


Click and move your cursor over her right breast.


Click the four corners to remove the screws. Click the pentagon in the center and more cursors will appear in the top row, these work like a cursor trail (i.e. they follow your cursors movements). If there are more cursors on the pentagon, their clicks count as well. I is the ones place, II is the tens place, III is the hundreds place, IV is the thousands place, V is the ten thousands place. The total amount of clicks you need is 12345. But wait...

After every one hundred or so clicks, another cursor appears at the top of the screen. Mouse over them to collect another cursor to click with.


Go to another tab after clicking start, when you feel it's been ten seconds, go to the game. The reason this is the solution is because it still makes the star, but if you aren't looking at the game, the star doesn't become invisible.


Click the "S" in stage (upper left corner), then the "T", then the "A", then the "R" in Return (bottom right corner).


Drag the screen to the right (as in, move to the left), and click on the candle.


Grab the knot of the bow, then pull down.


This one is pretty dang hard, but aside from the very end where you absolutely need to dodge, the rest is solvable with tricks.
Here's a compiled list
From Diego:

Apparently, the ship synchronizes with the mouse cursor, so if you move out of the game area from one side and enter from the other your ship is transported.

From jolson42

Go to the bottom of the screen, and stay in the middle. the first four shots that look like they might hit you will miss - you just have to dodge the fifth one. You can start hitting the core before the lasers finish.

The lasers and "death rings" you need Diego's trick. For the initial shots, use jolson's tip.

Aside from the attack patterns mentioned above, there is also the laser attack that sends lasers from the tips of the star towards you. After you destroy it, it'll start spamming all it's attacks, this is the last challenge, and you must dodge.

From nerdypants:

Eventually (not sure exactly when) there will appear a speech bubble next to the level in the menu. Click that bubble, and the difficulty is reduced from 10 to 5 stars. It also gives you a blue bar at the bottom of the screen in the level, which is a shield. Click and hold to use the shield. However, you can't shoot while you have the shield on.

And apparently there are 2 endings depending upon whether you use nerdypants' cheat or not.


ok.. a little update for 10000:

Apparently, the ship synchronizes with the mouse cursor, so if you move out of the game area frmo one side and enter from the other your ship is transported. This is *very* useful! I can survive the rings of doom now! Actually, I even managed to destroy the damn thing, but doing so a bazillion of projectiles fill the screen and I die.


For 10000, if you move your mouse off the edge of the playing field, then move it into the other edge, yoou can telleport. Use it to dodge the RROD


for 10000

u can right click and then left click somewhere else and it will "teleport" ur ship to safety. but it doesnt matter for me. i've had enough.



The game also doesn't read the mouse cursor unless it's in focus, so you can right click on the game to open the Flash menu, move your cursor to where you want your ship to go, and left click outside of the menu to teleport to that spot. That gives you a bit more flexibility.

repairmanman October 9, 2011 7:48 AM

The rest of the walkthrough


Click the screws in the bottom right and upper left corners, then click the ball.


Sorry, but you're just gonna have to follow the star with your eyes.


Drag the screen to the right(as in, move to the left), and click on the candle.

I'm not gonna try 10000 yet.


Yep.. I'm done too. I think I'll have more fun working :P

repairmanman October 9, 2011 8:01 AM

For 10000

This one is pretty dang hard, but aside from the very end where you absolutely need to dodge, the rest is solvable with tricks.
Here's a compiled list
From Diego:

Apparently, the ship synchronizes with the mouse cursor, so if you move out of the game area from one side and enter from the other your ship is transported.

From jolson42

Go to the bottom of the screen, and stay in the middle. the first four shots that look like they might hit you will miss - you just have to dodge the fifth one. You can start hitting the core before the lasers finish.

The lasers and "death rings" you need Diego's trick. For the initial shots, use jolson's tip.
Aside from the attack patterns mentioned above, there is also the laser attack that sends lasers from the tips of the star towards you. After you destroy it, it'll start spamming all it's attacks, this is the last challenge, and you must dodge.

Anonymous October 9, 2011 8:15 AM

That last level is impossible.


The first levels are ok, not innovative or anything but a decent time waster. Level 10000 is about as much fun as a root canal, it completely destroys the entertainment value of the game if there isn't some trick that we haven't discovered yet. If there is a trick, then it might be a good design, otherwise it's just one of the most poorly designed games I've seen in a long long time.

repairmanman October 9, 2011 8:24 AM

I manage to beat the ship numerous times, it's just the spam at the end that completely murders me, I might make a video showing how to do it.


Is 9995 really that boring? I have clicked upto 2500 now in the past 15 mins and I realise that I am only about 1/6th of the way to the end.

Could they have not used binary or something?

Anonymous October 9, 2011 8:32 AM

@fretty: look around the screen closely. there will be help every hunderd clicks

Anonymous October 9, 2011 8:34 AM


As you click more mouses appear at the top of the screen, you can mouse over them to add to your clicking arsenal.

Regarding level 10000 and all the risque art in this, I believe that quite frankly we've been trolled. Looking over the 7th game, there are several completely reused images and game types from there, including level 100 (in the 7th installment) being a fair version of the impossible boss fight that is level 10000.

Fair, mind you, in that your ship has a sheild. You see that empty bar at the bottom of level 10000? Yeah, that used to be your sheild on level 100.

Also, considering how large the numbers are compared the previous level's numbering system... it all adds up to being an elaborate trolling in my mind.

repairmanman October 9, 2011 8:41 AM


Are you collecting the cursors in the top row?

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 9, 2011 8:56 AM

Interesting game. Love all the callbacks to previous challenges, but #9991 drove me up a wall.

Here's what my thoughts are on #10000:

I've noticed that on the stage select screen, the difficulty stars are clickable hotspots that don't do anything. I figure maybe you're supposed to rip some of the difficulty stars away from #10000? Doesn't work, though.


Managed to finish 10000 without the teleport glitch :3
Guess playing Touhou finally paid off.


I'm stuck on 9979? The one with the three naked women XD

I've found 5 hotspots where the mouse changes but clicking and dragging doesn't do anything :/


Officially giving up on 10,000. Am able to get past rings using teleport magic, but that's pretty much it. Got tired of getting killed around 200 times.. :) Good luck guys. Hope you survive..

repairmanman October 9, 2011 9:53 AM

Marach, you may have beaten me in the race, but you'd never have gotten there at all without me.

P.S. The ending is really underwhelming


Some tips on 10000 for hardcore players (yeah, this definitely isn't for casual gamers)

0. Align your ship with the centre of the boss. If done correctly, the boss should drop to 3 bars (see the centre of the boss), even before it gets a chance to attack.

1. As mentioned by jolson42, keep low and you can dodge the first four shots. At the end of this, boss should be down to 2 bars.

2. Teleport by right-clicking then left-clicking at your destination. Use this to keep firing at the boss whenever possible. At the end the boss should have less than 1/3 red health.

3. Keep moving from left to right (or vice versa), teleporting to the other side when you reach the end. Keep a safe distance from the boss. Pay attention when the boss stops attacking; take this chance to move to the centre and finish the boss. You MUST finish the boss by this stage (or the next) otherwise your chances of surviving are slim.

Boss will self-destruct. I found it easiest to move from the centre-bottom to the left-centre of the screen (note that your ship cannot move above the centre of the gamescreen). After that, teleport to the right-centre, and avoid the pointy ends of the boss star. Don't touch the star even when it seems to explode and turn gold, trust me on that.

Namchokdef October 9, 2011 10:02 AM

for level 95

i found that if you click 100 time you will get another cursor for clicking and it's on the top

Namchokdef October 9, 2011 10:18 AM

i'm stuck on level 9979 somebody help me


stuck on 79 as well

Anonymous October 9, 2011 11:23 AM

on 9979

click around bottom middle where the girl's pubis is

ReverendTed October 9, 2011 11:35 AM

On 10000

I feel like it just takes practice and reflexes to destroy the gem of whatever, but the bit after the health is depleted is really frustrating.


I really cannot click as fast as required in 9993 so had to pass on that level -- seems to me there's a lot more manual in lieu of mental dexterity in this series, but still enjoyable.

argyblarg October 9, 2011 12:08 PM

For anyone who wants to enhance the life of their mouse button on 9995

Google "auto clicker"'ll make this level a breeze...

ILikeCrows October 9, 2011 1:11 PM

The solution for 9982 is wrong.

It's the left corner, not right.

[Fixed. thanks! :) -Jay]

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 9, 2011 1:31 PM

I... I did it... I beat the last level.

I'm still not sure how I managed to dodge the last array of projectiles while the boss was blowing up. But I did it. The ending was...

...a naked woman with her nipples covered by "Yoshio Ishii" and "NEKOGAMES". Her navel is covered by a star, and her crotch by what I think is a samurai head.


...I suppose some people would consider that sort of thing to be worth dying a hundred times on the last level, but I'm not one of them.

argyblarg October 9, 2011 1:31 PM

On #10000:

I think it really detracts from the quality of the game. Unless there's some clever way to make it easier, it seems impossible for mere mortals to solve. On a game that (mostly) relies on the player being clever, this level feels like it was pulled from another game. (Maybe this one.)

I resorted to cheating and played it at 1/10th normal speed: even then, it was difficult (took two tries). If you couldn't teleport, I'm not sure it would be possible. The sheer number of things to avoid at the end is incomprehensible to me.

And, by the way, the ending isn't really worth it.


Normally I like these, but it's like in trying to make up for the easier-than-normal levels of last time, ended up going ridiculously-hard instead. The earlier ones were at least requiring some lateral thinking, but were still solvable after a little thought. These were just too hard for my patience.


I came to play a puzzle game and was made to endure a vertical-scrolling shooter without save points, extra lives or emergency bombs. Not what I expected...

Anonymous October 9, 2011 1:54 PM

For level 10000

If you trigger a certain condition (I think it involves dying in a certain way) a bubble will appear on the level select menu. Clicking it will reduce the difficulty to five stars and give you a shield you can use by clicking.

Anonymous October 9, 2011 2:53 PM

What is up with 9981??

Anonymous October 9, 2011 3:05 PM

for 10000

if you reload the game you'll get a button that will make it easier by giving you a shield


Many of these seem to be just alterations of existing ones...


If only had marisa, I could master spark level 1000 ;_;
I don't like using mouse... I mess up too easily @__@


Also for 10000

don't let your guard down even when its hp is depleted... you can still die =(


that's bizarre.

nerdypants October 9, 2011 4:46 PM

Well, I was enjoying this game up until 9995. That was just too much work. If it hadn't been for argyblarg's hint about


I would've just quit, and possibly set my computer on fire for good measure. That was just unfair. Even with help, it still took me about 45 minutes.

Currently stuck on 10000, which is way harder, but at least it isn't telling me to do the same thing thousands of times.

nerdypants October 9, 2011 5:34 PM

Okay, big hint for 10000:

Eventually (not sure exactly when) there will appear a speech bubble next to the level in the menu. Click that bubble, and the difficulty is reduced from 10 to 5 stars.

It also gives you a blue bar at the bottom of the screen in the level, which is a shield. Click and hold to use the shield. However, you can't shoot while you have the shield on.

Still haven't beat it, though. I play this kind of game because I'm not good at shooters, dangit.

repairmanman October 9, 2011 5:44 PM


After every one hundred or so clicks, another cursor appears at the top of the screen. Mouse over them to collect another cursor to click with.


alternate 9992:

1. Wait.

click that ball.


There are two endings... Whether you beat the 10 star or the 5 star version of level 10000.

Carny Asada October 9, 2011 6:00 PM

No way in HECK would I get 9991 without a spoiler.


Regarding the ending...

If the shield powerup is activated, the monk/priest guy covers the entire image...

...but you can reload the page to remove the shield, and then the game will let you see the "good" ending.


I must be dumb in the head. I read all the spoilers on 9991, know what to do, and I still can't do it.

So I clicked on the "I" taking me to where I can adjust the time.

-I spin the hour and I try to drag the darker grey background, nothing.

-I spin the minutes and I try to drag the darker grey background, nothing.

-I manage to spin both (they go different directions and drag the darker grey background, nothing.

-I don't spin anything and drag the darker grey background, nothing.

-I do all of those while trying to drag from the top the screen, bottom of the screen, left, right, the button where to you click to exit back to the clock, inside the hours, inside the minutes, on the exit to the menu button, on the stage title, and nothing.

What am I doing wrong?

Also can't get 9986 going.

I swear I have the thing lined up perfectly. The dark blue on dark blue, right so where the block would fall down and form the star with the lighter blue one.

Lined it up, clicked afterwards, left it on for 20 minutes, and nothing.

Any idea? I readjusted it a lot.

repairmanman October 9, 2011 6:19 PM

For 9991

Y'see the background while the thing is spinning? Drag that from the bottom to the top

For 9986

What you're doing is the solution from the previous version, what you need to do is put it so that the SIDE of the cube falls and completes the star.


FanIQ: On level 9991:

If you look behind the clock/dials while they're flipping, you can see a brown background. THAT is what you need to drag up.

For level 9986:

It should work instantly once the block is correctly positioned. Aside from that, I'm afraid there's not much I can do.

Namchokdef October 9, 2011 7:01 PM

on level 10000 l found if you can't play it will pop up the message and if you click it you will found that life is getting up yay!!!!!!!!!

Namchokdef October 9, 2011 7:06 PM

but you still die if you get shot :(

The Lost Doctor October 9, 2011 7:21 PM

What once was an interesting puzzle game has become repetitive and vaguely perverted. The inclusion of girls seems unnecessary and their physique strikes me as creepy.
Were this game generally marketed as something risque I'd leave it be but this is part of a usually asexual series.


Just in case people haven't read the spoilers above me, there is a way to get a shield on the last level. It's therefore not exactly "10-stars" of impossibility.

What does that bubble say? I, for one, can't read Japanese.

ThemePark October 9, 2011 8:14 PM

Question about 10000:

How on Earth are you supposed to damage the spaceship? Shooting directly at it when it spreds the triangles, causes absolutely no damage even though the spaceship blinks at each hit.

repairmanman October 9, 2011 8:15 PM

@The Lost Doctor
This is actually more of a return to it's roots, the puzzles in the earlier hoshi sagas were sometimes perverted.
About the difficulty, I found it to be more like the old hoshi sagas(with a few exceptions).


The lost doctor, in the monochrome series there were plenty of girls in the games, usually getting upskirts and the like, so it's not that out of the ordinary, just more blatant. Also



Am I the only one whose instinctive reaction to Level 10,000 was

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A

which apparently doesn't work :[

Yeah, thanks for the prior amusements, Yishii, but I was looking for a puzzle game, not a sudden trip to Gensokyo! D:

Arkher, lord god of Danmaku October 9, 2011 8:42 PM





The flashing means you are doing damage. There are five shields you need to destroy before damaging the core, which is the part that lowers the boss's health bar.


Yeah I just rage quit. Stage 10000 is bull.


Yeah, if I wanted to play Asteroids, I'd go play Asteroids. But since I hate all shoot-while-avoiding games with a passion, I think I'll skip it, as well as level 10000.

orangeall October 10, 2011 6:17 AM


The laser rain is INSANE!

Gave up eventually

I think the meaning of finishing #10000 will be lowered if I use the shield, but it is 99.99% impossible to beat it without the shield.


The clock will stop flipping if you click the background, so you don't need to race with it.


Way too many "just find the hotspot and then it's automatic" type puzzles. Also, thosemouse-killer ones were rather annoying.

I was happy to see some hard ones, but all in all - Hoshi Saga is better than this installment :(



OK, through to the final one (with one hint on the clock-like one). The final one is just too much. I never minded hard or tough ones, but this one's simply beyond unfair. I never liked ones that can only be beaten with a fair amount of luck. I want to beat a game so that I know I've done it because I'm good enough - not lucky enough. Simply no interest in finding out when i get lucky enough...

Someone said this installment is going back to the roots - no, it's going back to the worse parts of the roots IMHO.

I was fool enough to rate it while still in progress - give it 3 stars, now I wish there was a way to give one star back...

Shame it had to end like this (I assume the level 10,000 is meant to be the final one?), I loved Hoshi Saga all the way through - up until this installment...


Anonymous October 10, 2011 9:17 AM

There's a bug:

While finishing the #10000 in ゆとり (yutori = handicapped) mode unlocks a less-than-hardcore ending screen, reloading the game page afterward (which brings back the ゆとり button on #10000) will let you see the full ending screen.


Is there a way to slow 85 down? I keep losing the right cup :(


Yes yes yes YES. This is exactly what I've been wanting from the series since the first Ringo game.

I dunno if it's just me, but aside from Stage 10000, I had less trouble with this one than with the original Hoshi Saga sets. Without hints, I spent about half an hour on the first 24 stages and another half hour on 10000 (which, while not the kind of difficulty I expect from the series, was a lot of fun). The ending was rather underwhelming though.

Just throwing out a wild guess, I wonder if this is the start of a new series whose number scheme is backwards? So the next game will have stages 9951 - 9975.


^ Whoops, I meant about an hour on the first 24 and about a half hour on 10000. Still less time than it took to beat any of the original three.


D: Now if only Yoshio Ishii had a penchant for drawing hot, half-naked guys instead...


WHAT THE HECK I drained his health on the last level and then... UGH what.


Angelade, You clearly beat it on full difficulty, if you did it handicapped, you'd get a barrier, which makes it MUCH easier.

Namchokdef October 10, 2011 9:42 PM

i found a shield if you can't get pass and you restart the game and click the text that come out and you got a shield when you click the stage


Thanks for all the help!


I think I got a bug on Level 9987.

After I click all the blocks down to make the picture, the playing field goes gray, and I can't exit the level. Is part of the puzzle, or is it a glitch?

Thanks in advance for y'alls' help.

Billy Nitro October 11, 2011 12:08 PM

Wow, Jay, you weren't kidding. Those are some of the most brazen displays of the female form I've seen on this site. They were kind of cheeky in the original Hoshi Saga games.

CK's translation should do fine, but I'll do the hardcorest unlocalised translation I can muster:

"I humbly make Hoshi Saga Dokuringo available for download. My sincerest thanks.

This time, the images of stages from Hoshi Saga Ringo, Ringoame, Ringoen, and Ringohime have been restructured as Hoshi Saga Dokuringo.

In some stages, sexual content is expressed. Please pay adequate attention to this. Also, no responsibility is taken for damage from doing something like rapidly hitting the mouse button.


I couldn't help but localise a little bit, but with CK's summary that's all you really need. ah.

hikari no sakura October 13, 2011 9:58 AM

I know it's like a week late, but if anyone else is having trouble with 9985 and its cups:

The cup with the star actually looks different. It does not have a shadow at its rim at the bottom.


I'm somewhat glad I can't beat 10,000. I would have been pissed to do all that work and get a picture of a naked chick. Heck, I'd still be mad if it was a naked dude! It's such a shame, especially since I liked the puzzles up to that point, not counting "let's break your mouse" (I did use some of the extra cursors though). Hopefully the next game will be better. >_>


For 9985,

you have to get it right 5 times In A Row. Five Times!

hikari no sakura,

I tried to follow your advice, but I don't see any difference in the shadows.



Done. First do as jolson42 says. For the laser, stay there and use the shield for the lasers. You should end up with the boss' shields and begin to attack half of the core. Move only for the big laser coming from the core.
Use the shield for the rings. at the end of the ring finish killing the core and try to have still enough shield to survive 5 seconds, the very last explosion.
That way you don't even get to the heavy rain.


I can't get past 9996.



The star now does not have a fixed pattern when it fills and a guide, so you have to wait for 10 seconds in your head. You can also switch to another window/tab as the star won't disappear as long as you're not looking at it after pressing the play button.

BTW, the 10000 level:



Ok, so all of the given advice on 9996

Click a new tab, come back after ten seconds

...does not work for me.

It's very straightforward, how am I doing it incorrectly?

When I switch to a new tab in the same window, the load of the star simply freezes, so no matter if it's ten seconds or two minutes, the star is only as far along as when I left it, and resumes only when I come back to the tab to find it incomplete. And when I click over to a new window, the star continues to load AND STILL DISAPPEARS ANYWAY. So how did everyone else get it to work?


Ok, update on 9996

Power of posting now DOES make the star stay visible, but obviously it doesn't stop itself after 10 seconds, and the few times I've stopped it as accurately as possible, watching the star match up at 12:00, instead of getting a star... it just blanks itself and resets.

It doesn't show me an incomplete star like usual, it just completely disappears, making me think I did indeed line it up right, but there's something I'm not doing correctly, I guess. Help, PLEASE.


I seriously need help with level 9995. I've been stuck for about an hour now. Does anyone know how many cursors to collect so that I don't over- or under-shoot? This is really difficult. Please help!


So, when will Hoshi Saga 9 come out? And I hope that he'll make it more challenging like the first three installments.

Woofman32 May 23, 2012 10:58 PM

On level 10000, impossible to dodge last explosion. If you don't want to spend 3 hours on it, don't start it. I've thrown controllers before, but this is the first time I threw a laptop!

Bill Nye the Russian Spy December 9, 2012 9:51 PM

Easy way to beat #10000 without a shield:

Right-clicking freezes the game. Left-click somewhere else while frozen to teleport there and keep going. Just make sure to beat it before it starts firing a bunch of little lasers, and good luck surviving the explosion even with this.

Oh, and don't do what I did and fly into the star after you beat it. It still kills you.


For 9996

use a metronome sounding in the background (google for metronome online, for instance) set to 60 bpm (beats por minute, one beat per second). Wait for a beat and press play. That's beat zero. Keep counting beats, when the 10th beat comes play stop.

The game should allow a bit more deviation than it does. I am a trained musician and I am very sure I can ace the timing down to a few milliseconds, but it took me several tries to satisfy the game, which I blame to the time the computer takes to react to a key stroke under load.


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