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How to Work with Baba Yaga
In this article, we will travel into the darkest of Slavic forests in search of Baba Yaga’s hut. And we will, respectfully, introduce ourselves and our intent to learn more about her origins and true nature. Then most of us will turn around and leave quietly. A few brave, pure souls will choose to stay and be initiated into Baba Yaga’s ways of magic.
Handbook of Saxon Sorcery & Magic Wyrdworking Rune Craft Divination Wortcunning magick witch witchcr
Explore the powerful magic and fascinating lore of a rich folk traditionDiscover the secrets of Saxon sorcery, and learn how to craft rune charms, brew potions, cast effective spells, and use magical techniques to find love and prosperity. Exploring the practices and customs of the Anglo-Saxons hidden in English folk traditions, this book shares techniques for making wands and staffs, consecrating and using a ritual seax (knife), healing with herbs (wortcunning), soothsaying, and creating your o