ancient greek costume

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Greek Lady of Sicily. Dame Grecque de Sicile.
Himation over chiton - Ionic chiton. Ancient Greek lady from Sicily 400 BC. | Costume History
Archaic Greece by Tadarida on DeviantArt
Archaic Greece by Tadarida In the Archaic Period, clothes were mostly white and made of stiff materials. Woman on the left wears peplos, the one on the right - doric chiton. They are both made of two rectangular piece of cloth, that are sewn together on the left side and open on the right. Top edges are turned over and pinned together. In chiton, the fold reaches from shoulders to waist, in peplos it's shorter.
Vestal Virgin | Dress Parade
How to make an Ionic chiton. Useful for lots of ancient costumes!
Roman clothing
Roman clothing owed much to that of ancient Greece, but it had distinct forms of its own. In all the ancient world, first and foremost clothes needed to be simple. As for possible materials there w…
Book: Roman Clothing and Fashion by Crown. Different details on how the shoulder seams were gathered.
Book: Roman Clothing and Fashion by Crown. Different details on how the shoulder seams were gathered. by jenniferET
CHITON (peplos): Va fija a los hombros, dejando libres los brazos, no está unida a los lados, pero se sujeta a la cintura mediante un cinturón y se ata a las caderas. Chitón (traje básico unisex): formado por dos paños regulares unidos entre si, fijo a nivel de los hombros por medio de fíbulas o broches. Largos al tobillo para los adultos y cortos bajo rodilla o sobre ella, para los jóvenes.
Hermia, Helena, Lady Egeus, Hippolyta, Thetis, Callia
Costumes of Ancient Greece
The Spartans, The Hoplite armed Soldier and Hercules W.I.P [COMMERCIAL] - Page 7
The Spartans, The Hoplite armed Soldier and Hercules W.I.P [COMMERCIAL] - Page 7 - Daz 3D Forums