Raising butterflies

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How To Attract Dragonflies and Repel Mosquitos with these plants
Enhance your garden with the best plants that attract dragonflies, turning your outdoor space into a haven for these beautiful insects. Dragonflies are mesmerizing to watch and excellent for controlling pests like mosquitoes. Read more info for each plant.
Bienentränke selber bauen: So einfach wird's gemacht!
Gartendeko aus Glas selber machen: 10 Ideen für DIY-Kunstwerke
Butterfly Garden Plant List
Everything you need to know to attract Swallowtail butterflies into your backyard! Learn what trees, shrubs, fruit, and herbs will bring these butterfly beauties into your garden this summer.
Don't Make This Mistake When You Plant Milkweed
You’ve probably heard that you should plant milkweed to save the monarch butterflies. But many people make this one common mistake when they buy milkweed plants for their garden—and inadvertently do more harm than good.