Timothy Kassouni
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Kassouni Law
Private Rights- The Right Of Individuality
Private Rights are defined in the Bill of Rights and are not available to the public. In fact, the First Amendment was founded on a guarantee of rights that were considered private. For instance, freedom of speech was one of these rights. But, the government could limit free speech by law or in private.Private Rights are also referred to as civil rights. Civil rights are not as inclusive as private rights. Civil rights protect your rights as a person, such as freedom of speech and religion, from government action. These rights come from the federal government or the US constitution. Private rights on the other hand are considered inalienable rights, which are not derived from any written document by the United States government.Do you want to learn more? Visit Timothy Kassouni.
Historically, some of our greatest presidents have included private rights in their presidential speeches. George Washington said, "Our Constitution vests these broad and important rights in America, for men are endowed by nature with certain powers which are their right, and cannot be alienated from them by Law." James K. Polk added, "The people have a right to be secure in their lives, liberty and possessions, against any man, government, nation or set of men." Thomas Jefferson stated, "Our very Constitution guarantees the rights of citizens in different degrees of freedom." These three leaders recognized that the US government was not created to protect the rights of the masses but to protect the individual rights of individuals. Throughout human history, the government has attempted to restrict freedoms in various ways. In many instances, the government has passed laws that require everyone to purchase insurance or pay taxes in order to enjoy the freedoms that they have. For instance, in The US, if you want to eat strawberries, you will have to register in a nutrition school or pay a tax in order to legally obtain the fruit. This is an example of the violation of private rights. In fact, in the year 2005 the government passed a law that states that
all employees of the federal government are required to have health insurance and that they cannot be discriminated against based on that fact. Private rights are best understood when they are understood as individual rights. There are many instances throughout history where the government has attempted to restrict freedoms of individuals because of their private choices. For example, throughout American history, the government has regulated speech in order to prevent individuals from voicing opinions that might be considered unpatriotic or offensive. Individuals who believe that they have a right to free speech have often been put in prison for what they say, especially if it offends others. Even in the early United States, the colonists experienced periods of government harassment and censorship, and the colonists eventually decided to assert their individual rights against the British, in terms of their rights to vote, holding of property, and so on.Have a look at Tim Kassouni to get more info on this.
The Bill of Rights was written by John Locke, a well-respected English philosopher. His statement, "A man's rights are founded on the equal freedom of each person in all points in life, to judge, protect, and defend his interests, according to his own conscience and inclination." This was written around 1675, and has stood as the foundation for most human rights throughout the course of history, up to the present day. Every American citizen is encouraged to read the Bill of Rights, and to learn about the importance of defending his or her rights. There are numerous excellent online sources for learning more about this important document.If you wish to learn more about this, visit Kassouni Law.
Summary: America's Changing Coasts: Private Rights and Public Trust Kassouni, Timothy V. "The Ripeness Doctrine and the Judicial Relegation of Constitutionally Protected Property Rights," California Western Law Review: Vol. 29 : No. 1 , Article 2.
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