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Ankleshwar Plant

CONTENTS 02 Prelude

Quote inspired by the theme...


Patango ki Dor : Production

03 EditorIAL Article

Is team ko sirf woh players chaiye jo pehle India ke liye khel rahe hain...

09 Patango ki Dor :

QA & Environment

Lessons On Team Building


Books, Novels and tales that teach us about teamwork...


Career Guidance article

GWM’S Article

Ankleshwar plant, traditionally called the ‘New Products' Hub’ of Asian Paints...


Manjha, the thread of mutual gratitude that gives flight to our kite...

Manjha reflects its true meaning when we talk about the production department at our Ankleshwar plant...


05 Sutradhar :

From Different Ships to The Same Boat



Deciding on career options right after board exams...

v$y:M dp„ sdpfu..... A¡L$ Ap„Nmu Ap„ky g|R>¡ R>¡ A_¡...

Office Days Keeping Doctors Away

The heath benefits of working with a team of high spirits...

Work relations which inspire and bind us...

20 In House Talent

Union Ki Kalam Se

26 Article on Songs

Songs breathe life in our souls, giving us renewed energy to tackle all odds...

Displaying incredible talent of fellow colleagues

30 Pehli UdAan




44 Promotions

46 Retirement


Prapti : Employee Children Talent Hub


54 Sports &

Introducing our new entrants...

Our path to excellence...

Magical people of a magical year...

Congratulations to Hetvi Rajeshbhai Aahir...




TBT article A healthy mind only resides in a healthy body...

Safety Week Think safety – it couldn’t hurt...

Feedback Your feedback is essential to help Ankleshwar plant fly higher...

Disha Meet 2018 This year we are going to explore the boundless #JoyOf Giving...

Reward & Recognition

34 Plant Day

On 4th February, 2018, the Ankleshwar Plant celebrated its Plant Day...

Experiences that will last a lifetime...

Republic Day

The sports tournament starts from November where various teams come together in healthy team spirit...

Appreciating exceptional efforts in the last two quarters!


HEALTH & WELLNESS Highlights April, 2018


The World Environment week starts on 5th June and we celebrate it every year...

64 Swachh Ankleshwar

Swach Ankleshwar Abhiyan is the embodiment of the commitment...


Quiz Some questions to challenge you...




s team ko sirf woh players chaiye jo pehle India ke liye khel rahe hain, India ... phir apni team mein apne saathiyon ke liye ... aur uske baad bhi agar thodi bahut jaan bach jaye toh apne liye ... “ These words of Shahrukh Khan from ‘Chak de! India’ echo in the very essence of our plant at Ankleshwar. We are because our team is. Together we stand steadfast against all odds, like the Manjha which refuses to let go of the kite despite furious storms.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. - Margaret Mead


A burning desire to achieve, a vision and a dedicated, harmonious team; that is all that success asks for. In this edition of Drishti, we would like to honour the crux of all success and achievements: the threads which hold the entire team together. Yes, Manjha binds us all into one, large family that tends to all its branches with equal care and so does each branch and each leaf to keep the engines running. The most essential ingredient of Manjha is powdered glass. Likewise, we believe for an organisation to sustain against odds and thrive, all departments and team members need to work in unison. That becomes the cornerstone of any successful company. Teams grow from solidarity, friendship, warmth and transparent communication. Perhaps, the biggest challenge for a company is to construct a well-knit team and in this edition of Drishti we are celebrating just that!





EDITORIAL ARTICLE Ap V$ud_¡ dpÓ A¡hpS> M¡gpX$uAp¡_u S>~f R>¡ S>¡ kp¥â\d cpfs dpV$¡ fd¡ R>¡, cpfs...... A_¡ `R>u `p¡sp_u V$uddp„ fl¡gp `p¡sp_p kp\uAp¡ dpV$¡.... A_¡ s¡ `R>u L$C Æh_ h^¡ sp¡ `p¡sp_p dpV$¡...... Ap QL$ v$¡! B[ÞX$ep dp„ ipl~M Mp__p iåv$p¡ R>¡! A_¡ A„L$g¡íhf Mps¡ Adpfp àgpÞV$dp„ `Z Ad¡ Ap S> _urs_¡ A_ykfuA¡ R>uA¡. Ad¡ S>¡ L$C `Z R>uA¡ s¡ Adpfu V$ud_¡ gu^¡ R>uA¡ Ad¡ A¡L$kp\¡ b^p Ahfp¡^p¡ kpd¡ AX$N Ecp R>uA¡, S>¡d L¡$ Manjha A_¡L$ sp¡ap_p¡ hÃQ¡ `Z `s„N_¡ R>p¡X$hp_y„ _L$pf¡ R>¡.


L$p¡C`Z Ýe¡e lp„kg L$fhp dpV$¡ A¡L$ Av$çe BÃR>p, ÖrôL$p¡Z A_¡ kdr`®s, r_v$p£j V$ud; Ap s¡ S> R>¡ S>¡ Ad¡ CÃR>uA¡ R>uA¡. Örô_p Ap k„õL$fZdp„, Ad¡ b^u kamsp A_¡ rkrÙAp¡_y„ kÞdp_ L$fhp dpNuA¡ R>uA¡: A¡hu X$p¡f, S>¡ k„`|Z® V$ud kp\¡ dmu_¡ fpM¡ R>¡. lp, Manjha Ap`Z_¡ A¡L$ dp¡V$p `qfhpf sfuL¡$ kp\¡ Å¡X¡$ R>¡, S>¡ s¡_u b^u ipMpAp¡_u kdp_ L$pmÆ fpM¡ R>¡ A_¡ s¡ v$f¡L$ `Z® `p¡sp_y„ L$pe® L$f¡ s¡_y„ `Z Ýep_ fpM¡ R>¡. Manjha _p¡ kp¥\u AphíeL$ OV$L$ `phX$f L$pQ lp¡e R>¡ s¡hu S> fus¡, Ad¡ Adpfu k„õ\pAp¡dp„ dsc¡v$ rh{Ù DÐkpl V$L$phu fpMhp A_¡ rhL$pk dpV$¡ rhíhpk fpMuA¡ R>uA¡, b^p rhcpNp¡ A_¡ V$ud_p kæep¡A¡ k„NW$_dp„ L$pd L$fhp_u S>~f R>¡. s¡ L$p¡C`Z kam L„$`_u_p¡ `pep¡ R>¡. L$p¡B`Z V$ud A¡L$sp, rdÓsp, DóZsp A_¡ `pfv$i®L$ k„Qpf\u ApNm h^¡ R>¡ L$v$pQ, L„$`_u dpV$¡ kp¥\u dp¡V$p¡ `X$L$pf A¡L$buÅ kp\¡ kpfu fus¡ k„L$mpe¡g V$ud b_phhp_y„ R>¡ A_¡ Örô_p Ap k„õL$fZdp„ Ap`Z¡ s¡ S> DS>hZu L$fu füp R>uA¡.



nkleshwar plant, traditionally called the ‘New Products Hub’ of Asian Paints, has this unique habit of evolving every day – a little at a time and reminding us constantly that age is just a number. However, this number in question is not an insignificant one! The oldest paint manufacturing plant of Asian Paints has weaved many success stories over its journey of 37 years. If someone asks me, what is the secret of all these achievements? I can patiently answer; it is a thread of camaraderie and brotherhood which binds everything together. This is our Manjha which has sharpened us and helped us battle many patches in the sky to keep the Ankleshwar kite flying high. As I look back to the year that was FY 2017-18, a word that fits my memories perfectly is ‘Magical.’The quest that we set out on in the beginning of the year - to create countless #MagicalMoments in our daily routine, proved to be a fulfilling experience. We braved GST implementation and PC rule changeover challenges, our OEE figures were the best ever, we battled the SPC and SFC demons and achieved favorable results, 5S journey reached newer destinations…It’s a long list! All of these together have paved a path for us, and now we are determined to aim even higher and greater feats.

these challenges were felt in our plant too. However, kites do fly against the force of the wind, so did we. Our teams worked proactively to ensure smooth PC rule changeover. They worked day and night to ensure that GST implementation does not topple our efficiency numbers. Our shop-floor teams worked in a coordinated manner to ensure we meet the everchanging demands of the market. When I retrospect to figure out what made all of these possible, I can see that the perennial spirit of ‘Team Ankleshwar’ is always at the center of everything. It is the powerful bond that we share, beyond our departments and designations, which help us to create magical moments everyday. It is the Manjha of trust, fellowship and mutual respect that keeps our kite soaring high above all. To realize the strength of our bonds to the fullest, this year we have taken the pledge to explore the horizons of #JoyofGiving. No barrier is strong enough to counter the power of collaboration and this year we have set out to prove just that. Disha Meet 2018-19 has set the context of celebrating the joy of giving throughout the year and I am confident that this endeavor of ours will do wonders in achieving our performance targets. The sky is vast and it is calling. It’s time to prepare our flying gears and set course for the limitless sky with challenging winds. The moment has come to test the strength of our threads, the threads that draw resilience from the powdered coating of brotherhood and fellowship in Ankleshwar. Come; let us fly together like a kite, against the wind, keeping our thread anchored to our values and standards.

Most significant aspect of the last quarter of FY 2017-2018 was the Long Term Settlement 2018 a new beginning which will define the future of Ankleshwar plant. Months were spent in discussions and deliberations and finally we could come out with solutions that fit all the stakeholders. On 15th March, 2018 the Settlement was signed, sweets boxes were opened and due celebrations took place! This Long Term Settlement is a remarkable achievement in its own way, and I would like to thank everyone associated with the task for making it possible. FY 2017-18 was a year full of challenges. At organization level we faced adverse external market conditions and changing economic contexts. The impact of






L$g¡íhf àgpÞV$_¡ A¡rie_ `¡BÞV¹$k_p "_hp DÐ`pv$_p¡_y„ lb' L$l¡hpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. S>¡_¡ rhL$rks \hp_u A_Þe Apv$s R>¡. A¡L$ kde¡ R>p¡Xy„$, Ap`Z_¡ kss ev$p L$fph¡ R>¡ L¡$ Ddf dpÓ A¡L$ k„¿ep R>¡ Å¡ L¡$, âí_dp„ Ap _„bf _Æhp¡ _\u! A¡rie_ `¡BÞV¹$k_p kp¥\u S|>_p f„N DÐ`pv$L$ àgpÞV$A¡ 37 hj®_u s¡_u kaf `f OZu kam hpsp®Ap¡ Dcu L$fu R>¡. Å¡ L$p¡B d_¡ `|R>¡ L¡$. Ap bOu rkqÙAp¡_y„ flõe iy„ R>¡? lº„ ^¥e®`|h®L$ S>hpb Ap`u iLy„$ Ry>„; s¡ rbfpv$fu A_¡ cpBQpfp¡_p¡ A¡L$ k|Ó R>¡ S>¡ b^y„ A¡L$kp\¡ Å¡X¡$ R>¡. A¡ Adpfp¡ dp„Å¡ R>¡ S>¡Z¡ Ad_¡ ApL$pf Ap`u A_¡ A„L$g¡íhf_p `s„N_¡ ApL$pidp„ rhrh^ `¡Q kps¡ gX$u A_¡ s¡_¡ ApL$pfpdp„ DQ¡ V$L$u fl¡hp dv$v$ L$fu. 2017-18 _pZL$ue hj®_¡ epv$ L$fy„ sp¡, A¡L$ iåv$ S>¡ dpfu epv$dp„ bfpbf b„O b¡k¡ R>¡ A¡ R>¡ "Åvy$B'. Ap`Zu qv$_Qep®dp„ ANrZs #MagicalMoment

b_phhp- hj®_u iê$Apsdp„ Ap`Z¡ S>¡ Dv$¡i L$ep£ R>¡, s¡ A¡L$ `qf`|Z®sp_p¡ A_ych kprbs \ep¡ R>¡. Ad¡ GST AdmuL$fZ A_¡ PC r_ed ê$`p„sf_p œ`L$pfp¡ blpvy$fu`|h®L$ L$ep®,


lsp. Ap `X$L$pfp¡_u Akf Ap`Zp àgpÞV$dp„ `Z A_ychpB lsu. Å¡L¡$, lhp_p bm kpd¡ `s„N DX¡$ R>¡, dpV¡$ Ap`Z¡ L$fu bspìey„. PC r_ed kfm `qfhs®__¡ kyr_[íQs L$fhp Ap`Zp S|>\ kq¾$e ê$`¡ L$pe® L$e®y„. GST AdguL$fZ Adpfu L$pe®ndsp Ap„L$X$pAp¡_¡ _ô$ L$fu iL$su _\u s¡_u Mpsfu L$fhp dpV¡$ s¡Ap¡ A¡ qv$hk A_¡ fps L$pd L$e®y„. Ap`Zu ip¡` ãgp¡f V$ud A¡ bÅf_u kss bv$gpsu dp„NZuAp¡_¡ `lp¢Qu hmhp k„L$gus fus¡ L$pd L$e®y„ lsy. Äepf¡ lº„ dp¡S>Zu L$fu kdS>hp âeÐ_ L$fy„ Ry>„ L¡$ Ap bOy„ L$B fus¡ i¼e bÞey„, Ðepf¡ lº„ Å¡B iLy„$ Ry>„ L¡$ A¡ V$ud A„L$g¡íhf_u L$pedu Sy>õkp¡ l„d¡ip v$f¡L$dp„ L¡$ÞÖdp„ lp¡e R>¡. s¡ i[¼sipmu b„^_ S>¡ Ap`Z¡ OfphuA¡ R>uA¡, S>¡ Adpfp rhcpNp¡ A_¡ lp¡v$pAp¡\u `f R>¡, S>¡ âsu qv$_ d¡ÆL$g dp¡d¡ÞV¹$k b_phhp Ap`Z_¡ dv$v$ L$f¡ R>¡, s¡ rhíhpk, AÝee_h©rs A_¡ `pfõ`qfL$ Apv$f_p dp„Å R>¡ S>¡ Ap`Zp `s„N_¡ v$f¡L$\u D`f DÃQ õsf¡ fpM¡ R>¡. k„`|Z®`Z¡ Ap`Zp b„O__u spL$ps_¡ Ap¡mMhp, Ap hj® Ap`Z¡ Å¡e Ap¡a rNthN _u lv$p¡_u ip¡^Mp¡m L$fhp_u ârsop gu^u R>¡. L$p¡B Ahfp¡^ klep¡N_u i[¼s_p¡ kpd_p¡ L$fhp dpV¡$ A¡V$gp dS>b|s _\u A_¡ Ap hj® Ad¡ s¡ S> kprbs L$fhp dpV¡$ _½$u L$f¡g R>¡. qv$ip duV$ 2018-19A¡ kdN° hj® v$fçep_ kd`®Z_p¡ Ap_„v$ dpZhp_p¡ k„v$c® _½$u L$ep£ R>¡ A_¡ d“¡ rhíhpk R>¡ L¡$ Adpfp âv$i®__p gÿep¡ rkÙ L$fhp Adpfp¡ Ap âepk AÅebuAp¡ L$fi¡. ApL$pi rhipm R>¡, A_¡ s¡ bp¡gph¡ R>¡ Ap kde R>¡ L¡$ Ap`Zu DX$p__p i÷p¡ s¥epf L$fu A_¡ `X$L$pf ê$` `h_ kp\¡ Acep„qv$s ApL$pi dpV¡$ ep¡S>_p _½$u L$fp¡. A¡ nZ Aphu NB R>¡ L¡$ Ap`Zp v$p¡fp_u spL$ps QL$pkp¡, v$p¡fp¡ S>¡ A„L$g¡íhfdp„ cpBQpfp¡ A_¡ AÛe_ h©qÙ_p AphfZ Üpfp [õ\rsõ\p`L$sp_¡ O¡f¡ R>¡. Aphp¡, Qpgp¡ `s„N_u S>¡d A¡L$ kp\¡ DX$p_ c$fue¡, `h__u ipd¡, Ap`Zp v$p¡fp_¡ Ap`Zp d|ëep¡ A_¡ Op¡fZp¡dp„ gNphu_¡ fpMuA¡.

Ap`Zp OEE _p Ap„L$X$pAp¡ AÐepf ky^udp„ î¡›$ lsp, Ap`Z¡ SPC A_¡ SFC kpd¡ gX$ép R>uA¡ A_¡ A_yL|$m `qfZpdp¡ âpá L$ep® R>¡, 5S âhpk _hu qv$ipAp¡A¡ `lp¡Ãep¡...Ap A¡L$ gp„bu epv$u R>¡! F.Y. 2017-2018 _p R>¡‰p rÓdprkL$ Npmp_y„ kp¥su dlÐh_y„ `pky„ gp„bp Npmp_u `sphV$ 2018 lsy„, S>¡ A¡L$ _hu iê$Aps R>¡ S>¡ A„L$g¡íhf àgpÞV$_p crh_y„ r_ê$`Z L$fi¡. Qep® A_¡ rhQpfZdp„ drl_pAp¡ _uL$þep A_¡ ApMf¡ Ap`Z¡ DL¡$g gpìep„ S>¡ sdpd rls^pfL$p¡ dpV¡$ ep¡Áe lp¡e. 15du dpQ®, 2018_p `sphV$dp„ lõspnf \ep, duW$pB_p X$åbp Myëep A_¡ DS>hZuAp¡ \B! Ap gp„bp Npmp_u `sphV$ s¡_u `p¡sp_u fusdp„ A¡L$ _p¡^`pÓ rkqÙ R>¡, A ¡ lº„ s¡_¡ i¼e b_phsp L$pe® kp\¡ k„L$mpe¡g v$f¡L$_p¡ Apcpf dp_y„ Ry>„. FY 2017-2018 `X$L$pfp¡\u cf¡gy„ lsy„. ìehõ\p_p õsf¡ A_¡ ârsL|$m bpü dpfL¡$V$ `qf[õ\rsAp¡_p¡ kpd_p¡ L$ep® lsp¡ A_¡ Apr\®L$ k„v$cp® bv$gu füp




pletion of this humongous task within such a short time period is owed to the long hours put in by the team. Also, it reflects the harmonious work relationships and mutual respect the team members maintain among themselves and other stakeholders.



“ anjha” reflects its true meaning when we talk about the production department at our Ankleshwar plant. Our harmonious work relationships are much like invisible threads that bind and connect us together. In unison with other departments, we function like one big, content family aimed at achieving our goals despite difficult times and obstacles. Last year was not an exception. We met all the service parameters irrespective of all the challenges like the PC rule change, LTS, artwork changeover, to name a few. The PC rule change has been one of the most trying tasks of the year. It demanded utmost cooperation and coordination among all the departments for consistent progress into the new age. Understanding the job from a customer centric point of view, compliance to the PC Rule has been our topmost priority across all the production teams. With close and transparent communication, we prioritized and understood with great care the expectations and desires of our significant partners (PMDI, Purchase, Vendors and so on). Hand holding of the operators was ensured and full support was provided during implementation. Encouraged by an enormous level of trust and confidence in the shop floor team, all the other trivial issues were solved per case basis. Another precious #magicalmoment for us this year has been the LTS negotiation and implementation. Let’s begin with heartfelt gratitude to the SPB, RH, EIRS operators, officers and union members. Their rigor, agility, meticulous planning and dedicated support for the LTS negotiation made it possible for the changes to be executed within a week. They had a single-minded approach in dealing with the issue: Dare, Dream and Dominate. The most crucial part of it was to help the people adopt and adapt to the new group based philosophy turning over a legacy of 32 years of norms-based operations. The com-

A noteworthy checkpoint in our progress trajectory is the journey of ‘TRACC’. It has started showing visible and sustainable results in both Processing and Packing floor of SPB. This journey had helped us to build a network and involve all the team members in it to reach a consensus for a problem together. This has resulted in a cultural exchange between team members across the hierarchy, prospering team work and harmony. As voices of all those concerned have been heard, the team has started to realize the benefits and significance of ‘TRACC’. . After gaining sufficient traction in SPB this year we decided to move to new blocks i.e. Resin House. Today our approach is to fine tune our operations in new blocks with whatever learning we have had from our pilot block, SPB. As an afterword, I would like to say that years of mutual respect and trust has got us here. While this year has been of success in most areas, there have been some pitfalls and hick-ups during the year in areas like minor injuries, waste generation and so on. Despite the obstacles and problems, we believe in striving together as a team is the only prime necessity for better results and better partnerships. We would raise toast to the cementing of harmony, faith and trust among the team members which forms the backbone of success and thrift.





are high and we are confident of achieving Stage 2 by Q3.

k„b„^ A_¡ S|>\_pkæep¡ A_¡ AÞe rlõk¡v$pfp¡ `fõ`f Apv$f Åmh¡ R>¡.




`Zp A„L$g¡íhf àgpÞV$_p DÐ`pv$_ rhcpN rhj¡ Äepf¡ Ap`Z¡ hpsL$fuA¡ R>uA¡ Ðepf¡ ""dp„Å''kpQp A\®dp„ ârstbb `pX¡$ R>¡. Ap`Zp r_v$p£j L$pe® k„b„^p¡ A×íe v$p¡fp kdp_ R>¡ S>¡ Ap`Z_¡ bp„^u A_¡ A¡L$kp\¡ Å¡X$u fpM¡ R>¡. AÞe rhcpNp¡ kp\¡ A¡L$sp \u, Ap`Z¡ dyíL¡$g kde A_¡ Ahfp¡^u R>sp„ Ap`Z Dv$¡ip¡ lp„kg L$fhp_p gÿe kp\¡ A¡L$ dp¡V$p, s©á Ly$Vy„$b_u dpaL$ L$pe® L$fuA¡ R>uA¡. R>¡‰y„ hj® `Z A`hpv$ _ lsy„ `uku r_ed `qfhs®_, A¡gV$uA¡k, _pd_p ApV®$hL®$dp„ \p¡X$p a¡fapf S>¡hp `L$X$pfp¡ lp¡hp R>sp„ Ap`Z¡ k¡hp_p sdpd `qfZpdp¡ ky^u `lp¢Ãep. `uku r_ed hj®_p kp¥\u dyíL¡$g L$pep¤dp_y„ A¡L$ R>¡. _hu_ eyN_pkss rhL$pk dpV¡$ sdpd rhcpNp¡ hÃQ¡ k„`|Z® klL$pf A_¡ k„L$g_ dp„Nu ku^¡g. N°plL$_¡ L¡$ÞÖdp„ fpMu s¡_u ×ô$uA¡ L$pe®_¡ kdÆ, `uku r_ed_y„ `pg_ sdpd DÐ`pv$_¡ V$udp¡_u V$p¡Q_u AN°sp flu R>¡. _ÆL$_p A_¡ `pfv$i®L$ k„Qpf\u, Ap`Z¡ Ap`Z _p¢^`pÓ cpNuv$pfp¡ (`uA¡dX$uApB, Mfuv$, rh¾¡$spAp¡ S>¡hp_u) BÃR>pAp¡ A_¡ A`¡npAp¡_¡ Mpk L$pmÆ fpMu_¡ s¡_¡ kdÆ A_¡ AN°sp Ap`u R>¡). AdguL$fZ v$fçep_ Ap¡`f¡V$fp¡_p dpN®v$i®_ A_¡ k„`|Z® klpe_u Mpsfu L$fhpdp„ Aphu lsu. vy$L$p_p¡_u V$ud_¡ NpY$ rhíhpk A_¡ ApÐdrhíhpk Üpfp âp¡Ðkpl_ Ap`hpdp„ Apìey„, qL$õkpv$f qL$õkp_pAp^pf¡ AÞe Æhpdyv$pAp¡ DX¡$ghpdp„ Apìep lsp. Ap hj£ Adpfp dpV¡$ A¡L$ buSy>„ d|ëehp_ d¡ÆL$g dp¡d¡ÞV$ A¡gV$uA¡k hpV$pOpV$ A_¡ AdguL$fZ füy„ R>¡. Qpgp¡ A¡k`ubu. ApfA¡Q, BApBApfA¡k Ap¡`f¡V$f, Ar^L$pfuAp¡A_¡ eyr_e__p kæep¡_¡ Mfp qv$gsu Apcpf kp\¡ iê$ L$fuA¡. A¡gV$uA¡k hpV$pOpV$ dpV¡$ s¡d_p¡ kMs, Q`msp. ÆZhV$ce®y„ Apep¡S>_ A_¡ kd`}s V¡$L$pA¡ A¡L$ kápl_u A„v$f a¡fapfp¡_¡ Adg L$fhp_y„ i¼e b_pìey„. Ap kdõep_¡ DL¡$ghp dpV¡$ s¡Ap¡_p¡ A¡L$g rhQpf_p¡ ArcNd lsp¡: rlçds, k`_p„ A_¡ âcyÐh s¡_p¡ kp¥\u dlÒh_p¡ cpN A¡ lsp¡ L¡$ gp¡L$p¡A¡ 32 hj®_p„ Op¡fZp¡-Ap^pqfs L$pdNufu_ hpfkp_¡ bv$g¡ _hp S|>\ Ap^pqfs sÐhop__¡ A`_phu A_¡ A_yL|$g_ L$fhy„. Apdlp_ L$pe®_¡ ApV$gp„ Ap¡R>p kdedp„ `|Z® L$fhp S|>\ Üpfp gp„bp ¼gpL$p¡_p¡ kde dp„Nu g¡ R>¡. A ¡, s¡ A¡hy„ âsus L$f¡ R>¡ L¡$ kyd¡mspcep® L$pe®

Ap`Zu âNrs_u epÓp_p dpN®dp„ ""TRACC'' A¡L$ _p¡^`Ó `qfiZ õ\p_ R>¡. s¡ A¡k`ubu âq¾$ep A_¡ `¡qL„$N sm¡ A¡d b„_¡dp„ s¡ Öíedp_ A_¡ V$L$pD `qfZpdp¡ v$ip®h¡ R>¡. Ap epÓp Üpfp Ap`Z_¡ A¡L$ dpmMy„ b_phhp dp„ dv$v$ dmu A_¡ A¡L$ kdõep dpV¡$ A¡L$ kp\¡ dmu_¡ `lp¢Qu hmhp s¡dp„ sdpd S|>\_ kåep¡_p¡ kdph¡i L$ep¤. s¡_p `qfZpd ê$`¡ kdN° `v$p_yL$d®_p S|>\_ kæep¡_u hÃQ¡ kp„õL©$rsL$ Apv$p_-âv$p_, kd©Ù S|>\ L$pe® A_¡ kyd¡msp b_u. s¡_¡ k„b„r^s v$f¡L$ _p õhfp¡ kp„cmhpdp„ Apìep R>¡, S|>\_¡ ""TRACC''_p gpcp¡ A_¡ dlÐh kdÅhp gpÁep R>¡. Ap hj® A¡k`ubudp„ `ep®á L$j®Z âpá \ep bpv$, Ad¡ _hp ågp¡L$dp„ S>hp_y„ _½$u L$e®y„ R>¡. D.v$p. f¡Tu_ lpDk. ApS>¡ Adpfp¡ ArcNd S>¡ Ap`Z `pegp¡V$ ågp¡L$, A¡k`ubu\u S>¡ iu¿ep R>¡ s¡_¡_hp ågp¡L$_u L$pdNufudp„ kyep¡rS>s L$fhp_p¡ R>¡. ApNm lº„ L$l¡hp dp„Nui L¡$ hjp£_p¡ `fõ`f Apv$f A_¡ rhíhpk Alu Ad_¡ dþep R>¡. Ap hj® v$fçep_ dp¡V$p cpN_p n¡Óp¡dp„ kamsp dmu R>¡ Äepf¡ kpdpÞeBÅ, bNpX$ r_dp®Z A_¡ A¡hp bOu Ady dyíL¡$guAp¡ A_¡ AQL$pV$p¡ füp. Ahfp¡^u A_¡ kdõepAp¡ lp¡hp R>sp„, Ad¡ A¡L$ S|>\ sfuL¡$ kp\¡ dmu_¡ L$pd L$fhp_p¡ kMs âepk L$fuA¡ R>uA¡ s¡ h^y kpfp `qfZpdp¡ A_¡ kpfu cpNuv$pfu dpV¡$ A¡L$dpÓ dlÒh_u AphíeL$sp R>¡. Apip L$fuA¡ L¡$ S|>\_ kæep¡¡ hÃQ¡ kyd¡msp, îÙp A_¡ rhíhpk b„^pe¡gp¡ fl¡ S>¡ kamsp A_¡ gpc_u L$fp¡X$ fˆy> b_ph¡ R>¡.


PATANGO KI DOR : QA & Environment


anjha, the thread of mutual gratitude that gives flight to our kite, the thread which unwinds the potential of individuals and brings cheer, happiness and competitive edge to the entire Ankleshwar plant.... Kai Po Che..! The Quality and Environment departments hold the kite of the plant to soar high in the sky. Their united strength, harmony and cooperation thread the entire organization like a strong Manjha. Both these departments work out the problems with agility and flexibility, watching each other’s backs through thick and thin. This year we have been exchanging ideas and vision for betterment ever since setting our target goals. Our top priority this year are Shared Goals and the Joy of Giving. Our work plan for this year involves not only a coordinated game plan involving engagement of all departments; but also a Road Map for each department to realize their respective goals.

We also aim to focus on Capability​building​this year. Strengthening this thread can lead to the achievement of many long and short-term goals. From the current 43% we aim to reach 62% this year. As last year we are banking high on Smart tests​that would lighten the burden of testing. In the Environment front, sustainable technology like Vermi Bio filter, Smart Meters, UltaChhata, anti-stick coatings are powdered glass for the threads to remain strong. Vouching on the commitment and dedication of all departments, we have taken stretched targets for Water Consumption and Hazardous Waste Generation. The support from each and every Ankleshwarian will add to the strength of our Manjha and our beautiful Kite will fly High... I would also urge everyone to suggest ideas for Water Conservation, Waste Reduction and Effluent Reduction. You can give the same to Plant EHS Team. Jo iraado ke pakke hote hai... Unhe dar nahi Tufaano ka Bekhauf udti hai patang unki, Hausle liye aasmano ka

So this year – Production, Admin, HR and Engg. have pledged their support for zero Complaints, zero NCIP`s, Hazardous Waste Reduction​, NPWC reduction, TRACC Implementation, Batch Cost reduction and even Approval time reduction. Similarly, the QA and Environment Departments have pledged their support in achievement of SPC Reduction, Cycle Time Reduction, OEE improvement, RP reduction, Declaration Defect reduction, TAT for Leave Approval, Capability building etc.


As stated earlier, this year TRACC​has also been launched at QA with a vision to enhance Speed, Accuracy and Efficiency of the team. Expectations from the QA team






V$ud_u A`¡npAp¡ OZu KQu R>¡ A_¡ Ad_¡ rhíhpk R>¡ L¡$ Ad¡ Q3 ky^udp„ sb½$p 2 _u rkqÙ d¡mhuiy„.

PATANGO KI DOR : QA & Environment



Å, A¡L$ A¡hu v$p¡fu S>¡ `fõ`f L©$sosp kp\¡ Ap`Zu `s„N_¡ ANph¡ R>¡. A¡L$ A¡hu v$p¡fu S>¡ ìe[¼s_u ndsp _¡ blpf gph¡ R>¡ A_¡ s¡ kdN° A„L$g¡íhf àgpÞV$dp„ DÐkpl, Myiu A_¡ õ`^p®ÐdL$ hpsphfZ Dcy„ L$f¡ R>¡....L$pB `p¡ R>¡... NyZhÑp A_¡ `ep®hfZ rhcpN àgpÞV$_u `s„N_¡ ApL$pidp„ JQ¡ JQ¡ [õ\f fpM¡ R>¡. s¡d_u k„ey¼s i[¼s, k„hpqv$sp, A_¡ klL$pf kdN° k„õ\p_¡ A¡L$ dS>bys dp„Å_u S>¡d A¡L$ kp\¡ S>L$X$u fpM¡ R>¡. Ap b„_¡ rhcpNp¡ Admsp, A_¡ kp_yLy$msp kp\ ¡A¡L$buÅ_p kyM A_¡ vy$:M dp„ kp\ Ap`u_¡ kdõepAp¡_y„ kdp^p_ L$f¡ R>¡. Ap hj£ Ad¡ Adpfp gÿep„L$ kps¡_p Ýe¡ep¡ k¡V$ L$ep® `R>u Ad¡ ky^pfZp dpV¡$ rhQpfp¡ A_¡ Örô$L$p¡Z_p¡ rhr_de L$fu füp R>uA¡. Ap hj® Adpfu dy¿e AN°sp Ýe¡ep¡ A_¡ A¡L$buÅ_¡ Myiu i¡f L$fhp_u R>¡. Ap hj® dpV¡$ Adpfu L$pe® ep¡S>_pdp„ dpÓ k„L$rgs N¡d àgp__p¡ S> kdph¡i \sp¡ _\u S>¡dp„ sdpd rhcpNp¡_u klcprNsp kpd¡g R>¡; `f„sy v$f¡L$ rhcpN_p s¡d_p k„b„r^s gÿep¡_p¡ ¿epg Ap`hp_p¡ fp¡X$ d¡` `Z kpd¡g L$ep£ Q¡.

Ad¡ Ap hj£ ndsp_y„ r_dp®Z L$fhp `f Ýep_ L¡$[ÞÖs L$fhp_y„ `Z gÿe fpMuA¡ R>uA¡. Ap \°¡X$_¡ dS>b|s b_phu_¡ Ap`ZA¡ gp„bp A_¡ V²„$L$p Npmp_p Ýe¡ep¡_¡ rkÙ L$fu iL$uA¡ R>uA¡. hs®dp_ 43% \u Ad¡ Ap hj£ 62% ky^u `lp¢Qhp_p¡ gÿe fpMuA¡ R>uA¡. R>¡‰p hj®\u Ad¡ õdpV®$ V¡$õV$ `f DÃQsf rhíhpk kp\¡ L$pd L$fu füp R>uA¡ S>¡ `funZ_p bp¡S>_¡ OÏ„ Ap¡Ry>„ L$fi¡. `ep®hfZ_p dp¡fQ¡, \°¡X$_¡ dS>bys fpMhp dpV¡$ hd} bpQp¡ qaëV$f, õdpV®$ duV$k®, DgV$p R>psp, A¡ÞV$u õV$uL$ L$p¡qV„$Ák S>¡hu V$L$pD sL$_uL$p¡ `phX$f Ágpk S>¡hu R>¡. sdpds rhcpNp¡_u ârsbÙsp A_¡ kd`®Z `f cpf dyL$u_¡, Ad¡ `pZu_p h`fpi A_¡ Å¡Mdu h¡õV$ S>_f¡i_ dpV¡$ rhõs©s gÿep¡ rhQpep® R>¡. v$f¡L$ v$f¡L$ A„L$g¡íhf_p gp¡L$p¡_p V¡$L$p\u Adpfu dp„Å_u spL$psdp„ h^pfp¡ \i¡ A_¡ Adpfu ky„v$f `s„N ApL$pidp„ JQ¡ DX$i¡... lº„ v$f¡L$_¡ S>m k„fnZ, L$efp¡ OV$pX$hp A_¡ N„v$p âhplu_p OV$pX$p dpV¡$_p k|Q_p¡ L$fhp dpV¡$ `Z â¡fZp Ap`y„ Ry>. sd¡ àgpÞV$ -- V$ud_¡ s¡ Ap`u iL$p¡ R>p¡. Å¡ L$fpv$¡ L¡$ `¡L¡$L$ p¡l¡s l¥ DÞl¢ X$f _l] syap_p¡ L$p b¡Mp¥a DX$su l¥ `s„N D_L$u lp¥kg¡ rge¡ Apkdp_p¡ L$p.


S>¡Z¡ `Z g¿ey„ R>¡ blº Å¡fv$pf g¿ey„ R>¡..... v$y:M dp„ sdpfu..... A¡L$ Ap„Nmu Ap„ky g|R>¡ R>¡ A_¡., kyM dp„ v$k¡ Ap„NmuAp¡ spmu hNpX¡$ R>¡..! Äepf¡ `p¡sp_y„ ifuf S> Aphy„ L$f¡ R>¡., sp¡ v$yr_ep \u A`¡npAp¡ L¡$d.....??? rdÓp¡ 2 âL$pf _p lp¡e R>¡. 1. byV$ S>¡hp 2. õgu`f S>¡hp

\p¡X$p¡L$ â¡d_p¡e õ`i® Ap`u Å¡Å¡, dpZkdp„ `Z V$Q õ¾$u_ R>¡ S>...

byV$ S>¡hp b^u S> F>sy dp„ Å¡X¡$ lp¡e .. Äepf¡ õgu`f S>¡hp D_pmpdp„ sp¡ kp\ r_cph¡ A_¡, Qp¡dpkpdp„ `pR>m \u R>p„V$p `Z DX$pX¡$..! cpÁe dp„ li¡ sp¡ L$p¡B g|„V$u _l] iL¡$., cpÁe hNf_y„ L$p¡C cp¡Nhu _l] iL¡$..!

s¡\u Ap hj£ - DÐ`pv$_, k„Qpg_, HR A_¡ A¡ÞÆ_uef bOpA¡ kp\ ¡dmu_¡ aqfepv$p¡ OV$pX$hu, Tufp¡ NCIPs, Å¡Mdu h¡õV$dp„ OV$pX$p¡, NPWC OV$pX$p¡, TRACC _y„ A¡dguL$fZ, b¡Q_p¡ MQ® OV$pX$hp A_¡ dS|>fu_p¡ kde OV$pX$hp dpV¡$ A¡L$buÅ_¡ klpe L$fhp dpV¡$_u i`\ gu^u R>¡.

bpL$u A¡V$gy„ L$lui. Åe A¡V$gy„ Åhp v$p¡.. fl¡ A¡dp„ S> fpS> L$fp¡.. ¼ep„ kp\¡ gC Åhy„ R>¡ ìlpgp.,

A¡ S> fus¡. QA A_¡ `ep®hfZ rhcpNp¡A¡ SPC OV$pX$p¡, eL$ kdedp„ OV$pX$p¡, OEE ky^pfZp, RP OV$pX$p¡, Op¡jZp_u Mpdu OV$pX$hp, fÅ_u d„S|>fu dpV¡$ TAT, ndsp r_dp®Z hN¡f¡ rkÙ L$fhp A¡L$buÅ_¡ klpe L$fhp k`\ gu^p R>¡.

Æhp¡ A_¡ S>gkp L$fp¡..!! k„b„^ lp¡e, L¡$ kdõep bk, d_ dp¡Vy$„ fpMÅ¡.....

ANpD S>Zpìey s¡ dyS>b, Ap hj£ V$ud_u Nrs, kep¡V$sp A_¡ L$pe®ndsp h^pfhp dpV¡$_p Örô$L$p¡Z kp\¡ QA Mps¡ TRACC `Z gp¡ÞQ L$fhpdp„ Aphu R>¡. QA

bpL$u -v$yr_ep sp¡ blº _p_u S> R>¡....! lº„ _dy„ Ry>„ b^p_u kpd¡ L¡$d L¡$, dpf¡ hV$ _lu k„b^ fpMhp¡ R>¡.! S>¡_u âus dmu R>¡ A¡_¡ `pdu g¡Å¡ Æ„v$Nu dp \p¡Xy„$ S>sy„ L$fu_¡ lksp„-lpfsp iuMu g¡Å¡., dmi¡ v$y_uep dp„ L¡$V$gpe A`fuQus gp¡L$p¡ `Z S>¡ sdpfp b_u Åe A¡d_¡ kpQhu g¡Å¡....!






isdom can be found in the unlikeliest places if we keep looking for it. Here is a collection of books, carefully chosen from the vast stretch of literature available on all aspects of team building and team management. Let’s move on to the list of wisdom: On Teamwork: Panchatantra gave us one of the sweetest stories of teamwork. The tale of Hiranyaka (the rat), Laghupatanaka (the crow), Chitranga (the deer) and Mandharaka (the turtle). Every time one of them got trapped in the hunter’s net, the others came to their rescue with ingenious plans. That’s teamwork! On Interpersonal communication: Eric Berne brings forth in his classic book ‘Games People Play’ the basic tenets of interpersonal conversation. The secret to a strong team is transparent communication and amiable relationships among teammates.


great. When the four cows were tricked by the fox to live separately, the tiger ate them one by one. Similarly, in his story ‘The Bats’, as the birds and animals fought severely with each other, the bats shifted allegiance to whichever side was winning. Seeing this, the two warring teams united after realizing the blunders of war and scared the bats into a dark cave. On Understanding: A great team thrives on flexibility of each team member despite being less in number. Tintin just had his dog, Snowy along with the illusive, drunk Captain Haddock. Together they climbed mountains, sailed seas, defeated villains like the Rastapopoulos, Red Rackham and General Tapioca. Tintin and Snowy understood each other as if they belonged to the same species. They teach us how the understanding among teammates should be! We highly encourage the practice of reading, as reading enhances our understanding of each other and the world in general. Develop this great habit with us, visit the library at the Admin Building.




Å¡ Ap`Z¡ ip¡^uA¡ sp¡ rhÜsp AÅZsp„ õ\mp¡dp„ `Z dmu iL¡$

R>¡. Al] A¡hp `yõsL$p¡_p¡ k„N°l R>¡, S>¡ V$ud_u fQ_p A_¡ V$ud d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$_p sdpd `pkpAp¡ `f D`gå^ kprlÐe_p rhipm MÅ_pdp„\u L$pmÆ`|h®L$ `k„v$ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g R>¡. Qpgp¡ rhÜsp_u k|rQ `f ApNm h^uA¡: V$udhL®$ rhi¡. `„Qs„Ó A¡ Ad_¡ V$udhL®$ rhi¡ kp¥\u ky„v$f L$\pAp¡ Ap`u lsu. rlfpr_L$p (Jv$f) _u hpsp®, gOy`V$p_L$ (L$pNX$p¡), rQÓp„N (lfZ) A_¡ d„v$pfL$p (L$pQbp¡). v$f¡L$ hMs¡ s¡Ap¡ A¡L$ riL$pfu_u Åmdp„ akpC Åe R>¡, Ðepf¡ AÞe kp\uAp¡ s¡d_u Ly$im ep¡S>_pAp¡\u s¡d_¡ bQphhpdp„ kam füp lsp. s¡ V$udhL®$ R>¡! Ap„sfìer¼sÐh k„Qpf. A¡qfL$ b_® `p¡sp_p ¼gprkL$ `yõsL$ ‘N¡çk `u`g àg¡’ dp„ Ap„sfìer¼sÐh k„Qpf_p d|mc|s rkÙp„sp¡_¡ fS|> L$f¡ R>¡. dS>b|s V$ud_y„ flõe `pfv$i®L$ k„Qpf A_¡ klL$pe®L$fp¡ hÃQ¡_p kp_yL|$m k„b„^p¡dp„ fl¡gy„ R>¡.

On Conflict Management: We get into conflicts every day, with our parents, our co-workers, our best teammates, with people higher in the hierarchy. ‘The Art of Managing Everyday Conflict’ delves deep into the powerhouse of conflict: emotions. A comprehensive study of human emotions and how to resolve conflicts and maintain harmony in our workspace is the crux of this book.

rhfp¡^pcpk d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$. Ad¡ v$ffp¡S> L$p¡C_¡ L$p¡C rhhpv$dp„ AphuA¡ R>uA¡, Adpfp dpsp-r`sp kp\¡, Adpfp klL$pe®L$fp¡, Adpfu î¡›$ V$ud kp\uAp¡, A_¡ Ap`Zp kNpìlpgpAp¡ kp\¡. ‘^ ApV$® Ap¡a d¡_¡tS>N A¡hfuX¡$ L$[Þãg¼V$’ `yõsL$dp„ k„Oj®_p KX$pZdp„ hps L$fhpdp„ Aphu R>¡.: S>¡d L¡$ gpNZuAp¡. dp_ hue gpNZuAp¡_p¡ A¡L$ ìep`L$ Aæepk A_¡ Adpfp L$pe®õ\mdp„ Aphsp rhhpv$p¡_¡ DL¡$ghp A_¡ k„hpqv$sp Åmhu fpMhp dpV$¡ Ap `yõsL$ dlÒh_y„ R>¡.

On Team building: Aesop’s Fables have always harped on the necessity of team building to achieve something

V$ud_p r_dp®Z rhi¡. A¡kp¡` a¡bëk l„d¡ip L„$CL$ dlp_ lp„kg L$fhp dpV$¡ V$ud r_dp®Z_u S>~qfeps `f cpf dyL¡$ R>¡. A¡L$ riepm Üpfp v$NpbpÆ\u Qpf


Npe_¡ AgN AgN fl¡hp dpV$¡ L$l¡hpdp„ Apìey„ Ðepf¡, hpO¡ s¡d_¡ A¡L$ `R>u A¡L$ L$fu_¡ `p¡sp_y„ cp¡S>_ b_phu Nep¡ lsp¡. s¡hu S> fus¡, s¡d_u hpsp® ‘^ b¡V¹$k’ dp„, `nuAp¡ A_¡ âpZuAp¡ A¡L$buÅ kp\¡ N„cuf`Z¡ gX$ép lsp, s¡d R>sp„ A¡L$ QpdprQqX$ey„ S>¡ `Z Æssy„ lsy„ s¡_u sfa \B S>sp¡ lsp¡ Ap Å¡C_¡, Ap gX$u fl¡gu b¡ V$udp¡A¡ eyÙ L$fhp_u c|g kdÅC lsu A_¡ s¡Ap¡ A¡L$sp kp\¡ fl¡hp gpÁep A_¡ QpdpQuqX$ep _¡ A„^L$pf Nyapdp„ _pMu v$u^p¡ lsp¡. kdS|>su rhi¡. k„¿ep Ap¡R>u lp¡hp R>sp„ v$f¡L$ V$ud_p kæep¡_u kyNdsp lp¡e sp¡ A¡L$ dlp_ V$ud TX$`\u rhL$pk `pd¡ R>¡ V$u_qV$_ `pk¡ dpÓ s¡_p¡ L|$sfp¡ õ_p¡hu lsp¡. s¡Ap¡ _ipdp„ fl¡sp L¡$àV$_ l¡X$p¡L$ kp\¡ dmu_¡ `h®sp¡ `f QX$ép, v$qfepdp„ Nep, fpõsp`p¡`p¡gp¡k, f¡X$ f¡L$lpd A_¡ S>_fg V$¡`p¡kuL$p S>¡hp Mg_peL$p¡_¡ lfpìep. V$u_V$u_ A_¡ õ_p¡hu A¡L$buÅ_¡ kdS>¡ R>¡ L¡$ ÅZ¡ s¡Ap¡ A¡L$ S> Års_p R>¡. s¡Ap¡ Ad_¡ iuMh¡ R>¡ L¡$ kp\u M¡gpX$uAp¡ hÃQ¡_u kdS> L¡$hu fus¡ lp¡hu Å¡CA¡! Ad¡ hp„Qhp_u â\p_¡ M|b S> âp¡Ðkprls L$fuA¡ R>uA¡, hp„Q_ L$fu_¡ Ap`Z¡ A¡L$buÅ_¡ kdS>hp_u A_¡ kpdpÞe fus¡ rhíh rhi¡ h^y kdS> h^pfuA¡ R>uA¡. Adpfu kp\¡ Ap dlp_ Apv$s rhL$rks L$fp¡, A_¡ A¡X$rd_ rb[ëX„$Ndp„ gpBb°¡fu_u dygpL$ps gp¡.




aking a film with locals who knew nothing about film making: Thithi. Back in 2016, the people of Mandya district knew nothing about acting or filmmaking. Five months of intense workshop and extensive cooperation with the director, Raam Reddy, led to a beautiful film of international acclaim. We have grown up reading success stories and teamwork practice model of Google or Chevron. But we learn much about teamwork not only from business magnates, but also from the society around us. So, today we shall talk about instances of vigorous team work which have strengthened India politically and culturally. So, let’s begin with a famous dance form, Bihu. If you want to witness a mesmerising and soothing product of teamwork, watch the Bihu dance of Assam. Rhythm and coordination steal the show and glue your eyes to its form. Next, we turn to India’s staple sportsman diet: Cricket. Remember the giant wall of runs created by VVS Laxman and Rahul Dravid in a test match against Australia? Braving the sweltering summer heat, coordinating against all the odds, they won the hearts of the crowd at Eden Gardens. A city surviving on extensive teamwork: Mumbai and her dubbawalas. Back in the days of wired telephones, braving climate and a large confusing structure of roads, Mumbai’s dubbawalas never for once failed in reaching the lunch boxes to their destined hands. This



business has been standing strong for 125 years built solely on cooperation and solidarity. An organisation with a goal: Empowerment of women. The story of Lijjat Papad. On 15th March, 1959, 7 Gujarati women from Mumbai built an organisation based on the only skill they possessed: cooking. The seven women were Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat, Parvatiben Ramdas Thodani, Ujamben Narandas Kundalia, Banuben. N. Tanna, Laguben Amritlar Gokani, Jayaben V. Vithalani, and one more lady whose name is not known., these women took it upon themselves to make papads. We make connections when we decide on something to do with our lives. Connections which inspire us to create something beautiful. “No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team.” – Reid Hoffman (Entrepreneur. Product Strategist. Investor)



A gN AgN ApL$pfdp„\u kdp_ lp¡X$u sfa: L$pe® k„b„^p¡ S>¡ Ap`Z_¡ â¡fZp Ap`¡ R>¡ A_¡ bp„^¡ R>¡

õ\p_uL$ gp¡L$p¡ kp\¡ qaëd b_phhu L¡$ g¡Ap¡¡ qaëd b_phhp rhj¡ L„$B ÅZsp S> _ lsp. rs\u 2016 dp„ dp„X$hp Æëgp_p gp¡L$p¡ Arc_e L¡$ qaëd b_phhp rhj¡ L„$B ÅZsp _ lsp `p„e drl_p_p DÐL$V$ L$pe®ipmp A_¡ qv$Áv$i®L$ fpd f¡Í$u_p ìep`L$ klL$pf_p `qfZpd¡ A„sffpô²$ue ârs›$p_u A¡L$ ky„v$f qaëd b_u. Ap`Z¡ âNsu_u hpsp®Ap¡ A_¡ A¡L$ S|>\ _u hpsp®Ap¡ hpQu_¡ A¡L$rÓs \ep R>¡. `f„sy Ap`Z¡ S|>\ L$pe® rhj¡ dpÓ ârkÙ h¡`pfu ìe[¼sAp¡dp„\u S> _rl, `Z Ap`Zu Apk `pk _p kdpS> dp„\u `Z OÏ iuMuA¡ R>uA¡. sp¡, ApS>¡ Ap`Z¡ DÐkplu S|>\_p L$pe® rhj¡ hps L$fuiy„, S>¡Z¡ fpS>L$ue A_¡ kp„õL©$rsL$ fus¡ cpfs_¡ dS>b|s b_pìey„ R>¡. s¡\u, Qpgp¡ A¡L$ ârkÙ _©Ðe õhê$`, rbl\u iê$ L$fuA¡. Å¡ sd¡ S|>\ L$pe®_p A¡L$ v$dv$pf A_¡ kp¥çe DÐ`pv$__p kpnu b_hp dp„Nsp lp¡, sp¡ Apkpd_y„ rblº _©Ðe Sy>Ap¡. kQ A_¡ k„L$g_ L$pe®¾$ddp„ Ýep_ M¢Qu A_¡ sdpfu Ap„M¡ Qp¡V$u fl¡ R>¡ Ðepfbpv$, Ap`ZA¡ cpfs_p dy¿e M¡gpX$u_p M¡g `fkphuA¡: q¾$L¡$V$, Ap¡k¡V²¡$rgep kpd¡, V¡$õV$ d¡Qdp„ huhuA¡k gÿdZ A_¡ fplºg ÖrhX$ Üpfp b_ phhpdp„ Aph¡gu f__u rhipm qv$hk epv$ R>¡? D_pmpdp„ Nfdudp„ sp`dp„, sdpd Ahfp¡^u kps¡ k„L$g_ L$fu, s¡Ap¡ BX$_ NpX®$Þk Mps¡ cuX$_p ùv$e Æsu Nep. ìep`L$ S|>\ L$pe®`fV$L$sy„ A¡L$ il¡f: dy„bB A_¡ s¡_p X$åbphpmp hp`f V¡$rgap¡Þk_p kdedp„ Aphp¡ `L$X$pf ê$` Apbp¡lhp A_¡ dp¡V$pf õsp_p N|„QhZ ceu dpN®_u fQ_pAp¡, dy„bB_p X$åbphpmpAp¡ ¼epf¡e A¡L$ hMs`Z r_


eslp\ ky^u g„Q bp¡¼k `lp¢QpX$hpdp„ r_óam _\u \ep. Ap ìehkpe 125 hjp£\u klL$pf A_¡ A¡L$sp`f r_c®f R>¡. Ýe¡e Ofphsu A¡L$ k„õ\p: ÷uAp¡_y„ ki[¼sL$fZ. guˆ>s `p`X$hu hpsp®. 15 dp dpQ®, 1959_p fp¡S>, dyb„B_u 7 NyS>fpsu drlgpAp¡A¡ A¡L$dpÓ L$p¥iëe fkp¡B_p Ap^pf¡ k„õ\p b_phu. kps drlgpAp¡ S>kh„sub¡_ S>d_pv$pk `p¡`V$, `ph®sub¡_ fpdv$pk \p¡cpZu, DS>db¡_ _pfZv$pk Ly„$X$guep, b_yb¡_ A¡_ sßp, gpNyb¡_ Ad©sgpg Np¡L$pZu, Äepb¡_ hu. rhW$gpZu, A_¡ hvy$ A¡L$ drlgp S>¡_y„ _pd ÅZusy„ _\u, Ap ÷uAp¡A¡ `p`X$ b_phhp_y„ `p¡sp_p `f gu^y„. Äepf¡ Ap`Z¡ Ap`Zp Æh_dp„ L„$BL$ L$fhp_y„ _½$u L$fuA¡ Ðepf¡ Ap`Z¡ Å¡X$pZp¡ L$fuA¡ R>uA¡. Å¡X$pZp¡ S>¡ Ap`Z_¡ ky„v$f b_phhp dpV¡$ â¡fZp Ap`¡ R>¡. ""sdpfy„dNS> L¡$ ìe|lfQ_p L¡$V$gu `Z byqØipmu lp¡e, L„$BS> aL®$ _\u `X$sp¡, Å¡ sd¡ A¡L$g fds fdsp L$ip¡. sp¡ sd¡ ld¡ip V$udp„ lpfu S>ip¡.'' - f¡X$ lp¡ad¡_ (rgÞ¼X$B_ _p kl-õ\p`L$ A_¡ g¡ML$)




Organisational growth also helps reduce anxiety. Good team spirit assures organisational growth of a team. We have people to watch our backs, people whom we can trust. Trust makes us less anxious. Our colleagues handle things at our end at times, and in other times we return the favour. Amid this trusting exchange of work, anxiety slowly leaves our minds.




omeone put it perfectly: ‘Tough times are temporary. Tough teams aren’t.’ Perhaps, very few people get to experience being part of a good team. A good team makes us feel at home. It is a space where we share our minds as much as we share our workload with others. Closely knit people in a well-spirited group care for each other, their compulsions. A good team caters to our health, psychological and physical well being. Here are some of the health benefits of good team spirit. A good team is synonymous with warmth. This is the best part of a good team. More than positivity, good team spirit provides us with warmth. Warmth is extremely important to our psychological well-being. Brainstorming leads to increase in concentration. Team work implies brainstorming of ideas, challenging each other’s plans and strategies, addressing from where the other person left off. Working in a team therefore increases our concentration. Concentration is a prerequisite for sound physical and mental health. Job satisfaction leads to lesser health problems. Research has found that greater job satisfaction leads to lesser stress related problems. With less stress, common health problems like rising blood pressure, psychological disorders like claustrophobia can be prevented.

In cases of emergency, a good team comes to rescue. Our fates aren’t always in our hands. In times of emergency, our fellow team members would come to our rescue. The most common of all emergencies is the medical one. A good team soothes our heart, calms our mind and stays by our side. Happiness is the key to our health. Working in a team whose members are also our friends, is one of the best things of work life. For them we have an identity beyond our job designation. When we are satisfied and peaceful in our minds, it automatically reflects on our health. Working in a team forces us to shape our ideas with proper use of language. It clears our minds and helps us shed all our doubts on any particular issue. With articulation comes confidence in our own selves and faith in the team. That is what leads the team to success. Let’s end with what Henry Ford (American Industrialist) had to say about team building: “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”


kpdpÞe õhpõÕe kdõepAp¡, ¼gp¡õV²$p¡ap¡buep S>¡hu d_p¡h¥opr_L$ rhL©$rsAp¡ fp¡L$u iL$pe R>¡.


THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF WORKING WITH A TEAM OF HIGH SPIRITS L$p¡ BA¡ blº kpfu hps L$fu R>¡: "L$qW$_ kde L$pdQgpD lp¡e R>¡. `f„sy L$qW$_ V$udp¡ A¡hu lp¡su _\u.' L$v$pQ, blº Ap¡R>p gp¡L$p¡_¡ kpfu V$ud_p¡ A_ych lp¡e R>¡. A¡L$ kpfu V$ud Ad_¡ Of S>¡hu gpN¡ R>¡. s¡ A¡L$ A¡hu S>Áep R>¡ Äep„ Ap`Z¡ A¡L$ buÅ kp\¡ Adpfp L$pe®cpfZ_¡ hl¢QuA¡ R>uA¡ A_¡ Ap`Z¡ Ap`Zp d__u hps L$fu iL$uA¡ R>uA¡. A¡L$buÅ dpV$¡ kpfu fus¡ Å¡X$pe¡g gp¡L$p¡ A_¡ A¡L$ Sy>õkpv$pf V$ud Ap`Zu L$pmÆ fpM¡ R>¡ A_¡ Ap`Zu Ar_hpe®spdp„ L$pd Aph¡ R>¡. A¡L$ kpfu V$ud Adpfp Apfp¡Áe_y„ Ýep_ fpM¡ R>¡, A_¡ d_p¡h¥opr_L$ A_¡ cp¥rsL$ kyMpL$pfu dpV$¡ dv$v$ L$f¡ R>¡ Al] A¡L$ kpfu V$ud cph_p_p õhpõÕe gpcp¡ Ap`hpdp„ Apìep R>¡. kpfu V$ud lŸ„a_u kdp_p\} R>¡. Ap A¡L$ kpfu V$ud_p¡ î¡›$ cpN R>¡. lL$pfpÐdL$sp L$fsp„ `Z h^y, kpfu V$ud cph_p Ad_¡ lŸ„a Ap`¡ R>¡. A_¡ lº„a A¡ Ap`Zp d_p¡h¥opr_L$ kyMpL$pfu dpV$¡ AÐe„s dlÐh`|Z® R>¡. byrÙiugsp \u A¡L$pN°spdp„ h^pfp¡ \pe R>¡. L$p¡B`Z V$ud_y„ L$pd byrÙiugsp\u L$p¡C`Z bpbs_u rhQpfZp L$fhp_y„ R>¡, Alu A¡L$buÅ_u ep¡S>_pAp¡ A_¡ ìe|l_¡ `X$L$pfu_¡, AÞe ìer¼sA¡ Äep„\u R>p¡X$u v$u^y„ R>¡ Ðep„\u s¡_¡ k„bp¡^_ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. Apd V$uddp„ L$pd L$fhy„ A¡ Adpfu A¡L$pN°sp_¡ h^pf¡ R>¡. A_¡ Ap`Zp cp¥rsL$ A_¡ dp_rkL$ õhpõÕe dpV$¡ A¡L$pN°sp `|h®ifs R>¡. `p¡sp_p L$pe®\u k„sp¡j lp¡e sp¡ õhpõÕe kdõepAp¡ Ap¡R>u \pe R>¡. qfkQ®dp„ ÅZhp dþey„ R>¡ L¡$ `p¡sp_u _p¡L$fu\u k„sp¡j lp¡e s¡hp ìer¼sAp¡_¡ s_ph k„b„^u kdõepAp¡ Ap¡R>u \pe R>¡. Ap¡R>u spZ lp¡e sp¡, ågX$ â¡if S>¡hu

k„õ\pL$ue h©rÙ `Z tQsp OV$pX$hpdp„ dv$v$ L$f¡ R>¡. L$p¡C`Z V$ud_u kpfu V$ud cph_p k„õ\pL$ue h©rÙ kyr_[íQs L$f¡ R>¡ gp¡L$p¡ Ap`Zu `uW$ `pR>m hps L$fsp lp¡e R>¡, S>¡_p `f Ad¡ rhíhpk L$fu iL$uA¡ R>uA¡ A¡hp dpZkp¡ Ap¡R>p lp¡e R>¡. A_¡ Ap rhíhpk Ap`Zu tQsp_¡ Ap¡R>u L$f¡ R>¡ Adpfp klL$pe®L$fp¡ L$p¡C`Z kde¡ Adpfp dpV$¡ hõsyAp¡_¡ r_e„rÓs L$f¡ R>¡, A_¡ AÞe kde¡ Ad¡ s¡d_u sfa¡Zdp„ L$pd L$fuA¡ R>uA¡. L$pe®õ\m_p Ap rhíhpk rhr_de hÃQ¡, Ap`Zu tQsp ^ud¡ ^ud¡ Ap¡R>u \su Åe R>¡. L$V$p¡L$V$u_p qL$õkpdp„, A¡L$ kpfu V$ud dv$v$ L$f¡ R>¡. Adp~ _kub l„d¡ip Adpfp lp\dp„ lp¡sy„ _\u. L$V$p¡L$V$u_p kdedp„, Adpfp kp\u V$ud_p kæep¡ Adpfp dpV$¡ bQphdp„ Aphi¡. sdpd L$V$p¡L$V$uAp¡dp„ kp¥\u kpdpÞe A¡ sbubu L$V$p¡L$V$u R>¡. A¡L$ kpfu V$ud Ap`Zp ùv$e_¡ Apíhpk_ Ap`¡ R>¡, Ap`Zp d__¡ ip„s L$f¡ R>¡ A_¡ Adpfu `X$M¡ Dcp fl¡ R>¡. kyM A_¡ Ap_„v$ Adpfp Apfp¡Áe dpV$¡_u Qphu R>¡. A¡L$ A¡hu V$uddp„ L$pd L$fhy„ L¡$ S>¡_p kæep¡ Adpfp rdÓp¡ `Z R>¡, sp¡ s¡ L$pd Æh__u î¡›$ hõsyAp¡ `¥L$u A¡L$ R>¡. s¡d_p dpV$¡ Adpfu _p¡L$fu_p¡ lp¡Øp¡ D`fp„s Adpfu A¡L$ AgN Ap¡mM lp¡e R>¡. Äepf¡ Ap`Z¡ d_\u k„syô A_¡ ip„rs`|Z® lp¡CA¡ R>uA¡, Ðepf¡ Ap`d¡m¡ Adpfp õhpõÕe `f s¡_u lL$pfpÐdL$ Akf `X¡$ R>¡. A¡L$ V$uddp„ L$pd L$fhy„ Ad_¡ cpjp_p ep¡Áe D`ep¡N\u Adpfp rhQpfp¡_¡ ApL$pf Ap`hpdp„ dv$v$ dm¡ R>¡. s¡ Ap`Zp d__¡ õ`ô L$f¡ R>¡ A_¡ L$p¡C Qp¡½$k dyØp `f Adpfu i„L$p_¡ v$|f L$fhpdp„ dv$v$ L$f¡ R>¡. õ`ô hps Adpfu `p¡sp_u Åsdp„ rhíhpk Dcy„ L$f¡ R>¡ s¡\u Ap`Zu V$uddp„ `Z rhíhpk Aph¡ R>¡. A_¡ s¡ S> V$ud_¡ kamsp sfa v$p¡fu Åe R>¡. rh¿eps ap¡X®$ dp¡V$f L„$`_u_p õ\p`L$, l¡_fu ap¡X®$, V$ud_u fQ_p rhi¡ S>¡ L$l¡ R>¡, s¡d_p hp¼e kp\¡ Ap g¡M_p¡ A„s L$fuA¡: “”A¡L$ kp\¡ Aphhy„ A¡ A¡L$ i~Aps R>¡; A¡L$kp\¡ fl¡hy„ A¡ âNrs R>¡; A¡L$ kp\¡ L$pd L$fhy„ A¡ kamsp R>¡.”




after temporary roadblocks. Here are some of the courses which every ambitious student likes to aspire. What are their prospects? Let’s take a look:

WAY AHEAD! MAKING THE BEST CHOICES AFTER SCHOOL D eciding on career options right after the

board exams is a really difficult task. At a tender age of 16 or 17, children are not mature enough to handle such decisions on their own. More often than not, parents too get confused about what is best for their children. “He opted for commerce as he could not score well in his boards.” “He could not opt for science in graduation, since his boards performance wasn’t upto the mark.” Comments such as these swarm our minds and are also prevalent in the society, among friends and family members. But in today’s world, its hardly true. Nowadays we have many career options to choose from. Thus, under no circumstances is it advisable to choose something forcefully due to the fear of lack of job prospects. Rather we should focus on things about which our children are really passionate. Let’s start with the most nascent stage of career building: Class 10. Seeking career guidance right after class 10 is an important determining factor in a student’s life. Careers are streamlined through the choices made after passing the 10th standard board exams. Students choose between arts, science and commerce once they pass out their first board exam. The courses of study after 10th class may be more generalized, but if those two years are spent correctly, it can contribute significantly to the nascent careers of our children. However, the 12th standard results are not the final yardsticks of success. With increasing flexibility in education system and job opportunities, there is always chance to take our careers back to track

Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA):​For those who studied commerce, having a bachelor degree in business administration is the perfect start to your management career. Some of the top colleges that teach BBA are L. D. Arts College (Gujarat) , University of Mumbai, Christ University of Pune. Understanding business in an ever-changing world scenario isn’t easy. But these colleges provide an indepth understanding and hands on practical experience with workshops and fellowship programmes. Bachelor in Arts.​Arts is too diversified to discuss. Yet, unlike popular thinking, there is a lot of scope in this field. Having a BA degree in history shall help you work with archeological departments across India, while geography makes you ready for the geological departments. In the field of creative arts, India is flourishing. Famous art colleges like the C.U Shah Arts College (Ahmedabad), National Institute of Design (Ahmedabad) produces vehement talents each year. Bachelor in Science.​A hardcore science student shall settle for nothing less than a genius science college. Christ University (Pune), Christ College Campus (Rajkot), Dr. D. Y. Patil University (Mumbai) are some of the premiere institutes with nominal fees. Studying in such institutions is a good score for those who want to conduct research in the field. B-tech.​Out of the innumerable colleges opening Btech courses it is difficult to choose the right one. Pandit Deendayal University (Gandhinagar) ranks at par with the other premiere institutions of the country. The second tier of the best engineering colleges that provide 100% placements to students are Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Don Bosco Institute of Technology (Mumbai) and IIT-Roorkee. These institutes cater to the overall growth and development of students, training them professionally for MNCs.



X®$_u `funpAp¡ `R>u S> L$pfqav$}_p rhL$ë`p¡ _½$u L$fhp_y„ bfpbf dyíL¡$g L$pe® R>¡. 16 A\hp 17_u Ly$dmu hj£ bpmL$p¡ `p¡sp_p r_Z®ep¡_¡ `p¡sp_u fus¡ g¡hp dpV¡$ `|fsp `qf`¼h _\u. Aphy„ l„d¡ip _ b_sy„ lp¡hp\u, bpmL$p¡ dpV¡$ î¡›$ iy„ A¡ rhj¡ hpguAp¡ `Z dy„Åe R>¡. ""s¡dZ¡ L$p¡dk® `k„v$ L$ep® lsp¡ L$pfZ L¡$ s¡_¡ bp¡X®$dp„ kpfp NyZ gphu i¼ep¡ _ lsp¡'' ""s¡ N°¡ÄeyA¡i_dp„ rhop__p¡ rhL$ë` `k„v$ L$fu i¼ep¡ _\u, L$pfZ L¡$ s¡_p bp¡X®$dp„ v$¡Mph dpL®$ ky^u _p¡ _ lsp¡.'' Aphu V$uà`ZuAp¡ Ap`Zp qv$dpNdp„ fl¡ R>¡ A_¡ kdpS>dp„ rdÓp¡ A_¡ `qfhpf_p kæep¡ hÃQ¡ âQrgs R>¡. `f„sy ApS>_u vy$r_epdp„, s¡ cpÁe¡ S> kpQy„ lp¡e. ApS>L$pg Ap`Zu `pk¡ `k„v$Nu dpV¡$ OZp L$pfqL$v$} rhL$ë`p¡ R>¡, Apd, L$p¡B `Z k„Å¡Np¡dp„ _p¡L$fu_p Acph_p L$pfpN¡ L$pfZ¡ L„$BL$ `k„v$Nu L$fhy„ iy„ kgpl_ue R>¡. s¡_p L$fsp„ Ap`Z¡ s¡_p `f Ýep_ v$¡hy„ Å¡BA¡ Ap`Zp bpmL$p¡_¡ Mf¡Mf iy„ ip¡M R>¡. Qpgp¡ L$pfqL$v$} r_dp®Z_p kp¥\u ArhL$kus L$v$\u iêy$ L$fuA¡: Op¡fZ 10 `R>u sfs S> L$pfqL$v$} dpN®v$i®_ d¡mhhy„ A¡ rhÛp\}_p Æh_dp„ A¡L$ dlÐh_y„ `qfbm R>¡. ^p¡fZ 10_u bp¡X®$ `funp `pk L$ep® bpv$ L$pfqL$v$}_¡ s¡_u `k„v$Nu Üpfp kyìehõ\us L$fu iL$pe R>¡. rhÛp\}Ap¡A¡ s¡d_u â\d bp¡X®$_u `funp `pk L$hp® `R>u L$gp, rhop_ A_¡ hprZÄe hÃQ¡ `k„v$Nu L$f¡ R>¡. 10dp„ Op¡f¡Z `R>u AæepkL$dp¡ h^y kpdpÞe b_u iL¡$ R>¡, `f„sy Å¡ s¡ b¡ hj® ep¡Áe fus¡ Npmhpdp„ Aph¡, sp¡ s¡ Ap`Zp bpmL$p¡_u âpf„rcL$ L$pfqL$v$}dp„ _p¢^`pÓ fus¡ apmp¡ Ap`u iL¡$ R>¡. Å¡ L¡$ 12 dp ^p¡fZ_p„ `qfZpdp¡ k`msp_p A„rsd dp`v$„X$ _\u. rinZ âZpgu A_¡ fp¡S>Npfu_u sL$p¡dp„ h^su S>su ghQuL$sp kp\¡, fõspAp¡_p lpg `|fsp Ahfp¡^u `R>u Ap`Zu L$pfqL$v$}_ `pV$p `f `pR>p g¡hp_u sL$ l„d¡ip dm¡ R>¡. Alu A¡hp L¡$V$gpL$ AæepkL$dp¡ R>¡ L¡$ S>¡ v$f¡L$ dlÐhpL$p„nu rhÛp\} s¡_u Arcgpjp_¡ `|fu L$fhp `k„v$ L$f¡ R>¡, s¡Ap¡_u k„cph_pAp¡ iy„ R>¡? Qpgp¡ A¡L$ _S>f L$fuA¡: b¡Qgf B_ buT_¡k A¡X$du_uõV²¡$i_ cbubuA¡): S>¡Ap¡A¡ L$pdk® Aæepk L$f¡g R>¡, s¡Ap¡ dpV¡$ k„Qpg__u L$pfqL$v$}_¡ iê$ L$fhp_u î¡›$ iê$Aps R>¡ L¡$ buT_¡k A¡X$du_ uõV²¡$i_dp„ õ_psL$ `v$hu d¡mhhu. bubuA¡ cZphsu AdyL$ V$p¡Q_u L$p¡g¡Å¡ R>¡ A¡g. X$u. ApV®$k L$p¡g¡S> (NyS>fps), dy„bB ey_uhk}V$u, `yZ¡_u L$pBõV$ ey_uhk}V$u. bv$gsp rhíh_p eyNdp„ h¡`pf kdS>hp¡ kfm _\u. `f„sy Ap L$p¡g¡Å¡ hL®$ipµàk A_¡ a¡gp¡ri` L$pe®¾$d kp\¡ Nl_ kdS> A_¡ âpep¡rNL$ A_ych âv$p_ L$f¡ R>¡. b¡Qgf B_ ApV®$k, ApV®$k QQp® L$fhp dpV¡$ blº h¥rhÝe`|Z® R>¡ s¡d R>sp„, gp¡L$râe rhQpfkfZu\u rh`fus, Ap n¡Ódp„ OZu sL$ R>¡. Brslpkdp„ bu.A¡. _u qX$N°u d¡mhsp sd_¡ kdN° cpfs_p `yfpsÐhue rhcpNp¡ kp\¡ L$pd L$fhpdp„ dv$v$ dmi¡, Äepf¡ c|Np¡m sd_¡ cp¥Np¡rgL$ rhcpNp¡ dpV¡$ s¥epf L$f¡ R>¡. kS>®_pÐdL$ ApV®$k_p n¡Ódp„, cpfs kd©Ù R>¡. ku.ey. ipl ApV®$k L$p¡g¡S> (Adv$phpv$), _¡i_g BÞõV$uV$éyV$ Ap¡a qX$TpB_ ( Adv$phpv$) S>¡hp â¿eps ApV®$ L$p¡g¡S> v$f hj® Th¡fps S>¡hu ârscp `¡v$p L$f¡ R>¡. b¡Qgf B_ kpBÞk, A¡L$ L$Ë$f rhop__p¡ rhÛp\} A¡L$ ârscpk„`ß rhop_ L$p¡g¡S> L$fsp„ Ap¡R>p L„$BL$ dpV¡$ r_^p®qfs \i¡. L$pBõV$ eyr_hrk®V$u (`yZ¡), L$pBõV$ L$p¡g¡S> L¡$ç`k (fpS>L$p¡V$), X$p¡ X$u. hpe `pqV$g eyr_hrk®V$u (dy„bB) A¡ b^u L¡$V$guL$ Ap¡R>u auhpmu rârdef k„õ\pAp¡ R>¡. Aphu k„õ\pAp¡dp„ Aæepk L$fhy„ A¡ gp¡L$p¡ dpV¡$ kpfp NyZ R>¡


S>¡Ap¡ n¡Ódp„ k„ip¡^_ L$fhp dp„Nsp lp¡e. bu-V¡$L$, buV¡$L$ L$p¡k® Mp¡gsu Ak„¿e L$p¡g¡S>dp„\u ep¡Áe_u `k„v$Nu L$fhu AOfu R>¡. `„qX$s v$u_v$epg eyr_hrk®V$u (Np„^u_Nf) v$¡i_p AÞe rârdef k„õ\pAp¡ kp\¡ kdp_ L$d¡ R>¡. î¡›$ A¡[ÞS>r_eqf„N L$pµg¡Å¡_p buÅ õsfdp„ rhÛp\}Ap¡ dpV¡$ 100% àg¡kd¡ÞV$ `yfy„ `pX¡$ R>¡ rbfgp B_[õV$V$éyV$ Ap¡a V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ A¡ÞX$ kpeÞk, X$p¡_ bp¡õL$p¡ B_[õV$V$é|V$ Ap¡a V¡$¼_p¡gp¡Æ (dy„bB) A_¡ ApBApBV$u-ê$fL$u. Ap k„õ\pAp¡ rhÛpfA\uAp¡_p A¡L„$X$f rhL$pk kp\¡ s¡d_¡ blºfpô²$ue L„$`_uAp¡ dpV¡$ ìehkpreL$ spgud `|fu `pX¡$ R>¡. A¡dbubuA¡k Ap cpfs_p kp¥\u h^y A_yL|$m ìephkpreL$ AæepkL$dp¡dp„_y„ A¡L$ R>¡. Ap A¡L$ A¡hp¡ Aæepk¾$d R>¡ L¡$ S>¡dp„ gp„bp Npmp_u s¥epfu_u S>ê$f R>¡ L$pfZ L¡$ âh¡i dpV¡$ âh¡i `funp R>¡. cpfsdp„ DÑd d¡qX$L$g L$p¡g¡Å¡_u L$p¡B AR>s _\u. dp¡Ou Mp_ Nu L$p¡g¡Å¡ L$fsp„ kfL$pfu c„X$p¡m ^fphsu d¡qX$L$g L$p¡g¡S>, S>¡d L¡$ A¡.ApB.A¡d.A¡k. (dy„bB), bu. S>¡. d¡qX$L$g L$p¡g¡S> (Adv$phpv$), ApçX®$ L$p¡rk®k d¡qX$L$g L$p¡g¡S>_¡ `k„v$ L$fhp_u kgpl Ap`hpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. Ap k„õ\pAp¡ rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ sdpd âL$pf_u `qf[õ\ rsAp¡ dpV¡$, kMs Aæepk, r_›$p A_¡ kd`®Z kps¡ s¥epf L$f¡ R>¡. Ap`Zp v$¡i_p sdpd î¡›$ X$p¡¼V$fp¡ A_¡ kS>®_p¡A¡ Ap L$p¡g¡S>dp„\u õ_psL$ \ep R>¡ s¡_¡ iyc¡ÃR>p. S>¡ rhÛp\}Ap¡ A¡L$ n¡Ódp„\u buÅ n¡Ódp„ bv$gu L$f¡hp dp„Nsp lp¡e s¡Ap¡ dpV¡$, Alu AdyL$ L$p¡k® Ap`¡g R>¡, S>¡dp„ v$f¡L$ ApfÆ L$fu iL¡$ R>¡: Alu sdpd âhpl_p rhÛp\}Ap¡ dpV¡$ AdyL$ L$pfqL$v$} rhL$ë`p¡ D`gå^ R>¡: S>_p®guTd A¡ duqX$ep rhop_ Ap A¡L$ A¡hp¡ âhpl R>¡ L¡$ v$f¡L$ rhje_y„ op_ dp„Nu g¡ R>¡. A¡hu dpÞesp R>¡ L¡$ S>¡_¡ gMpZ_u Mpk ê$Qu lp¡e s¡ S> S>_p®guTd_u `k„v$Nu L$fu iL¡$ R>¡. ìep`pf A_¡ _pZpL$ue ìehõ\p, fpS>L$pfZ, rhop_ A_¡ s¡¼_p¡guÆ, fdsp¡ dpV¡$ rhrh^ A_¡ h¥rhÝe`|Z® op_ dp„N¡ R>¡. duqX$ep rhop_ `„kv$ L$fhp_p¡ DÑd L$pfqL$v$} rhL$ë` R>¡ S>¡dp„ v$f¡L$ ApfÆ L$fu iL¡$ R>¡. hudprhop_. Alu rhop_ A_¡ L$p¡d®k c¡Np \pe R>¡. NprZsuL$ kduL$fZAp¡ A_¡ Ap„L$X$pAp¡_u dv$v$\u h¡`pf, _pZp„„L$ue, l¡ë\L¡$f A_¡ hudp L„$`_uAp¡dp„ Å¡Md_y„ rhíg¡jZ kps¡ hudprhop_ L$pe® L$f¡ R>¡. Apd, b„_¡ n¡Ó_y„ op_ A¡ A¡L$v$d S>ê$fu R>¡. A¡hu k„õ\pAp¡ R>¡ S>¡ rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ A¡kuCV$u (A¡¼Ãey„fuT L$p¡d_ A¡ÞV²$Þk V¡$õV$) dpV¡$ s¥epf L$f¡ R>¡. Ly$g 15 dp„\u 4-5 V¡$õV$ `pk L$pe® bpv$, s¡Ap¡ Æh_ hudp, kpdpÞe hudp, A¡¼Ãeyfu L$ÞkëV$uN ap¡d, qfõL$ d¡_¡S>d¡ÞV$ hN¡f¡dp„ L$pe® L$fhp dpV¡$ s¥epf \pe R>¡. A¡_ud¡i_ S|>_u rhQpfp¡_p N°pqaL$ qX$ÅB_fp¡ A_¡ h¡b`¡S> X¡$hg`k® ApS>¡ BS>_¡fp¡_u kp\¡ kdp_ fus¡ rhL$pk L$f¡ R>¡. Ap âhpldp„ ip¡M A_¡ fQ_pÐdL$sp_u S>ê$f R>¡. sdpfp bpmL$p¡_u Ly$imsp A_¡ fQ_pÐdL$sp L„$X$pfhp dpV¡$ Ak„¿e k„õ\pAp¡ R>¡. A¡_ ud¡i__p rhÛp\}Ap¡ dpV¡$ Ak„¿e k„õ\pAp¡ R>¡. A¡_u d¡i__p rhÛp\}Ap¡ dpV¡$ _p¡L$fu_u k„cph_p OZu DQu R>¡ A_¡ S>¡dp„ Aæepk_p¡ ANpD_p âhpl L$p¡B `Z lp¡e iL¡$. V$uQuN v$f¡L$ qhje_p rhÛp\}Ap¡ dpV¡$ Ap rhL$ë` l„d¡ip D`gå^ lp¡e R>¡. b¡Qgf Ap¡a A¡ÄeyL¡$i__u `v$hu L$p¡B âhpl_p L$p¡B `Z dpV¡$ gB iL$pe R>¡. 1 \u 8 ^p¡fZ cZphhp dpV¡$, rhÛp\}Ap¡A¡ TATA (V$uek® A¡guÆåguV$u V¡$õV$) `pk L$fhu S>ê$fu R>¡. Å¡ L$p¡B L$p¡dk® Aæepk L$f¡g lp¡e sp¡ `Z, s¡ AgN rhje_p rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ cZphu iL¡$ R>¡. DÃQ õsf dpV¡$ _¡V$_u `funp `pk L$fhu S>ê$fu R>¡. Å¡ rhÛp\}Ap¡A¡ A¡ÞÆÞefuN L¡$ d¡X$uL$g L¡$ QpV®$X$ A¡L$pDÞV$ku S>¡hp âhpl dpV¡$_u `k„v$Nu L$f¡g lp¡e, sp¡ 10dp„ ^p¡fZ_u `funp bpv$ sfs S> s¥epfu L$fhp_u iê$ L$fhu kpfu. OZu âurdef k„õ\pAp¡ 11dp ^p¡fZ_u A¡L$v$d iê$Aps\u S> Ap bOu `funpAp¡ dpV¡$ rhÛp\}Ap¡_¡ s¥epf L$f¡ R>¡. A¡L$v$d iê$Aps\u S> s¥epfu Ap`Zp bpmL$p¡_¡ `p¡sp_pdp„ A¡L$ ApÐdrhíhpk A_¡ îÙp Ap`¡ R>¡. s¡ dlÐh_y„ A_¡ i¥nrZL$ kamsp dpV¡$_y„ L¡$ÞÖ R>¡. D`f v$kp®h¡g n¡Óp¡ rihpe, Ak„¿e sL$ A_¡ L$pfqL$v$} `k„v$ L$fhp_p rhrh^ dpNp® R>¡. L$pfqL$v$}dp„ Nrsium õ\p_p„sf dpV¡$, Ap`Zu `pk¡ GRE TOFEL _u `funZp_p rhL$ë`p¡ R>¡, s¡Ap¡ rhv$¡iu eyr_hrk®V$uAp¡_p âh¡iÜpf R>¡ Äep„ rinZ ìehõ\pdp„ h^y rhrh^sp A_¡ bpfuL$ c¡v$hpmu R>¡. ìe[¼s_¡ ip¡M lp¡e A¡ L$pfqL$v$} `k„v$ L$fhp dpV¡$ âp¡Ðkprls `qfbm R>¡. ip¡M A ¡ dl¡_s l„d¡ip am Ap`¡ R>¡. Ap`Z_¡ S>¡_p¡ ip¡M lp¡e s¡_p dpV¡$ Ap`Z¡ bf¡bf kMs dl¡_s L$fu iL$uA¡ R>uA¡. ip¡M k`msp sfa v$p¡f¡ R>¡ buÆ L$p¡B fus¡ _rl.












âL©$su _u `pW$ipgp


Jyoti R Rana


bpS>:- gL$ TX$`u g¡i¡ L$p¡eg:- hpZ] duW$pi fpMp¡ L$b|sf:- Æh_dp„ ip„rs d¡mhip¡ kpfk:- Æh_kp\u_¡ hapv$pf flp¡ l„k:- rhh¡L$ rh_p tS>v$Nu A^yfu R>¡ hplm:- `fp¡`L$pfu b_d¡, c¡v$cph c|gu Å¡ L$uX$u:- kMs `fuîd_p¡ L$p¡B S> rhL$ë` _\u ApL$pi:- kp¥_u kdph¡i \pe s¡hy„ L$fuA¡ d¡O^_yj:- Æh_dp„ rhrh^sp fpMÅ¡. `©Õhu:- ndphp_ b_p¡, kl_ lfsp„ iuMp¡ Q„â:- `p¡sp_y„ l¥ey L$f¡ A_¡ buÅ_y„ b^y L$f¡ A¡hy ÆhÅ¡ k|e®:- op_ a¡gphÅ¡, Aop__y„ A„^pfy„ v|$f L$fÅ¡ hfkpv$:- àepk hfkphÅ¡, kp¥ âe¡ Adu v$pMhÅ¡. `h_:- ApNm h^p¡, AV$L$u _ S>ip¡ `h®s:- AX$N b_p¡, [õ\sâo flp¡ `yó`p¡:- kpfp k„õL$pfp¡_u kyhpk a¡gpe s¡hp L$pe® L$fÅ¡. h©np¡:- cgp \ph A_¡ cgy„ L$fp¡, L$p¡B_¡ Ap`sp iuMp¡. Q„v$_:- v$pgpB_¡ DS>mp \B_¡.

Æ„v$Nu A¡ A¡L$ My‰p„ ApL$pi kdu R>¡. S>¡dp„ DX$hy„ kl¡gy _\u, `Z Ai¼ `p_ _\u Æ„v$Nu_p Ap ApL$pidp„ `s„N dpaL$ DX$hp dpV¡$ A¡L$ dS>bys dp„Å _u S>ê$f Å¡e R>¡. S>¡d `s„N ApL$pidp„ DX¡$ R>¡. sp¡ A¡_¡ `Z OZp rhÂ_p¡ _X¡$ R>¡. `f„sy A¡ `s„N kp\¡ A¡L dS>bys dp„Å A¡Q su s¡ v$f¡L$ rhÂu _¡ L$p`u_¡ ApNm ApL$pidp„ DQ¡ DX$u iL¡$ R>¡. A¡hu S> fus¡ Ap`_p Æh_ ê$`u Ap ApL$pi dp„ DX$hp dpV¡$ Ap`Zp_¡¡ â¡fL$ Ap`¡ R>¡. Ap`Zp¡ `qfhpf A_¡ S>¡ Ap^pf Ap`¡ R>¡ l¡ Ap`Zu L„$`_u (A¡iue_ `¡BÞV$k). e¡ Ap ^pfv$pf dp„S>¡ Ap`_u `s„N kp\¡ Å¡X$pe¡gu Q¡fu—. sp¡ Æh_ ê$`u ApL$pidp„ A_¡L$p¡ gn\u kf L$fu iL$uiy„...

Äep¡rs Apf. fpZp âp. rinL




BE THE PERSON... Mr. Nishith Pota Be the person of Truth, And Almighty will protect you. Be the person of Wisdom, And World will Adore you. Be the person of Courage, And Trouble will not distress you. Be the person of Skills And Obstacles will not Displease you. Be the person of Attitude, And Character will define you. Be the person of Risk, And Experience will Teach you. Be the person of Mercy , And Emotions will Salute you. Be the person of Trust, And your Work will Sparkle you. Be the person of Happiness, And people will be of Fond you.







Article on Songs



ongs breathe life in our souls, giving us renewed energy to tackle all odds. Music was born from men and women toiling hard together. ‘Haiya-maaro...haishhya!’ The air screamed with the synchrony and harmony of nature, men, labour and love. Here is a list of songs which talk about life, work relationships and the harmony that ensues while working in unison. To all those times of great friendship, in difficult times when we lose track, and days of peace, prosperity and happiness:

SONGS Manjha, Kai Po Che Inspiring words on tackling the various problems of life, solving them together while keeping our unity intact.

Chak de, Chak de India This song is about getting up against all obstacles, striving to achieve our dreams, maintaining grace and harmony with everyone around.

Soyi taqdeere jaga denge Kal ko ambar jhuka denge Haa haa, hai jazba Ho ho, hai jazba Suljha lenge uljhe rishton ka manjha Hmm manjha…

Reton Ke Daano Mein, Filmon Ke Gaano Mein Sadko Ke Gaddhon Mein, Baaton Ke Addo Mein Humkara Aaj Bhar Le, Das Baara Baar Kar Le Rehna Na Yaar Pichhe Kitna Bhi Koi Khinche Tas Hai Na Mas Hai Ji, Jid Hai Toh Jid Hai Ji

Jeena Isi ka naam hai, Anari To live alongside others, to ask for someone’s smile and care to look back at your friends. Raj Kapoor says this is life. An evergreen tune of friendship, happiness and laughter despite odds. Kisi ki muskurahaton pe ho nisar Kisi ka dard mil sake to le udhaar Kisi ke waaste ho tere dil mein pyaar Jeena isi ka naam hai


Saathi Haat Badhana Saathi Re, Naya Daur The song which sums up the entirety of our work lives. We grow up together, share each other’s burdens and find our way staying by each other’s side. Saathi Haath Badhna Saathi Haath Badhna Ek Akelaa Thak Jaae To Milakar Bojh Uthana Ek Akelaa Thak Jaae To Milakar Bojh Uthana Ham Mehanat Walo Ne Jab Bhi Milakar Kadam Badhaaya Saagar Ne Rastaa Chhoda Parabat Ne Shish Jhukaaya These songs are there to stay with us. The most precious part of our lives is the series of relationships we build. These threads make us who we are, binding us with love, trust and solidarity. Our workstation playlist has all the greatest melodies on team building, harmony and friendship. Evergreen tunes of Yeh Dosti or Dharti kahe pukar ke; or the greatest compositions of A.R. Rahman like Ghanan Ghanan and Mitwa to cheer you up on your bad days. Tune in soon!




Article on Songs


âeÐ_ L$f_pfp v$f¡L$_¡ s¡_u [õ\fsp_p FZu R>¡. lº„ V$uApfA¡kuku `l¡gdp„ k„L$mpe¡gp sdpd gp¡L$p¡_p¡ Apcpf dp_y„ Ry>„ A_¡ ApNm `X$L$pfp¡_p¡ kpd_p¡ L$fhp dpV$¡ s¡d_p kd\®__u dpNZu L${„ Ry>„. Nusp¡ S>¡ Ap`Zu ApÐdpAp¡dp„ Æh__p¡ ðpk R>¡, Ap`Z_¡ sdpd Ahfp¡^p¡_p¡ DL¡$g gphhp dpV$¡ _h¡kf_u EÅ® Ap`¡ R>¡. k„Nus `yfyjp¡ A_¡ ÷uAp¡dp„\u kp\¡ dmu_¡ kMs dl¡_s\u S>Þçey„ lsy„. l¥ep-dpfp¡...l¥ip! lhp, âL©$rs_u kyd¡m A_¡ k„hpqv$sp, `y{jp¡, dS|>f A_¡ â¡d kp\¡_p¡ ggL$pf Alu Nusp¡_u epv$u R>¡ S>¡ Æh_, L$pe® k„b„^p¡ A_¡ kyd¡m rhj¡ S>Zph¡ R>¡ S>¡ A¡L$spdp„ L$pd L$fsu hMs¡ kpdkpd¡ Aph¡ R>¡. dlp_ rdÓsp_u v$f¡L$ `m¡, S>epf¡ Ap`Z¡ fpl Nydphu v$CA¡ A¡hp L$W$Z kde¡, A_¡ ip„rs_p, kd©Ùsp A_¡ Myiu_p qv$hkp¡dp„ SONGS dp„Å, L$pC `p¡ R>¡

QL$ v$¡, QL$ v$¡ CÞX$uep

Æh__u rhrh^ kdõepAp¡dp„ â¡fZp Ap`sp iåv$p¡, Ap`Zu A¡L$sp_¡ AM„X$ fpMu A¡L$kp\¡ DL¡$ghp.

Ap Nus b^p Ahfp¡^p¡ kpd¡ DW$phhp_y„ R>¡, Ap`Zp k`_pAp¡_¡ lp„kg L$fhp dpV$¡ âeÐ_iug fl¡hp_y„ R>¡, Apk`pk_p v$f¡L$ gp¡L$p¡ kp\¡ L©$`p A_¡ k„hpqv$sp Åmhhp_y„ R>¡.

kp¡eu sL$v$uf S>Np v$¢N¡ L$g L$p¡ A„bf Sy>L$p v$¢N¡ lp lp, l¥ S>Tbp lp¡ lp¡, l¥ S>Tbp kyëÄlp g¢N¡ DëS>¡ fuísp¡ L$p dp„Å ldd dp„Å...

fpsp¡ L¡$ v$p_p¡ d¢ , qaëdp¡ L¡$ Np_p¡ d¢ kX$L$p¡ L¡$ NÍ$p¡ d¢, bpsp¢ L¡$ AÍ$p¡ d¢ l„L$pfp ApS> cf g¡, v$k bpf bpf L$f g¡ fl¡_p _p epf `uR>¡ qL$s_p cu L$p¡C M]Q¡ V$k l¥ _p dk l¥ Æ, Æv$ l¥ sp¡ Æv$ l¥ Æ ldd dp„Å...

Æ_p Bku L$p _pd l¥, A_pX$u buÅ_u kp\¡ fl¡hp dpV$¡, L$p¡C_p [õds A_¡ L$pmÆ dpV$¡ sdpfp rdÓp¡_u k„cpm gp¡.. fpS> L$`|f L$l¡ R>¡ Ap Æh_ R>¡. dyíL¡$guAp¡ lp¡hp R>sp„ rdÓsp, kyM A_¡ lpõe_p¡ kv$pblpf k|f. qL$ku L$u dyõLy$fplV$p¡ `¡ lp¡ r_kpf qL$ku L$p v$v$® rdg kL¡$ sp¡ g¡ D^pf qL$ku L¡$ hpõs¡ lp¡ s¡f¡ qv$g d¢ àepf Æ_p Bku L$p _pd l¥, A_pX$u


kp\u lp\ b^p_p kp\u f¡, _ep v$p¥f Ap Nus S>¡ Ap`Zp L$pd_p kdN° Æh__y„ hZ®_ L$f¡ R>¡. Ap`Z¡ A¡L$ kp\¡ dp¡V$p \CA¡ R>uA¡, A¡L$buÅ_p bp¡S>_¡ hl¢QuA¡ R>uA¡ A_¡ A¡L$buÅ_u `pk¡ fluA¡ R>uA¡. kp\u lp\ bY$p_p kp\u lp\ bY$p_p A¡L$ AL¡$gp \pL$ ÅA¡ sp¡ rdgL$f bp¡S> DW$p_p A¡L$ AL¡$gp \pL$ ÅA¡ sp¡ rdgL$f bp¡S> DW$p_p ld dl¡_shpgp¡_¡ S>b cu rdgL$f L$v$d bY$pep kpNf _¡ fpõsp R>p¡X$p `fhs _¡ iui Sy>L$pep Ap Nusp¡ Ap`Zu kp\¡ fl¡ R>¡. Ap`Zp Æh__p¡ kp¥\u d|ëehp_ cpN A¡ R>¡ L¡$ Ap`Z¡ S>¡ k„b„^p¡ b_phuA¡ R>uA¡. spf S>¡ Ap`Z_¡ S>¡ Ap`Z¡ R>uA¡ s¡ b_ph¡ R>¡, Ap`Z_¡ â¡d, rhíhpk A_¡ A¡L$sp kp\¡ Å¡X¡$ R>¡. Ap`Zp hL®$õV$¡i_ àg¡rgõV$dp„ S|>\ r_dp®Z, krlóÏsp A_¡ rdÓsp `f_p sdpd dlp_ Nusp¡ R>¡. e¡ v$p¡õsu A\hp ^fsu L$l¡ `yL$pf L¡$ _u kv$pL$pm_u ^|_; A\hp A¡.Apf.. fl¡dp__u dlp_ fQ_pAp¡ S>¡hu L¡$ O__ O__ A_¡ rdsphp S>¡ sdpfp Mfpb qv$hkp¡ `f sd_¡ Ap_„v$ Ap`¡ R>¡. Vy$„L$ kdedp„ V$ey_ L$fp¡!






PEHLI UDAAN 2017-2018

Meet Mr. Himanshu Shekhar our new Enviornment Manager from Meerut, UP, completed post grads in Industrial Safety & Environmental Management, He takes interest in movies and music, and shares his dose of positivity,

“Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.”

Meet Mr. Shantanu Paul our new Executive Personnel from West Bengal, graduated in M.B.A from Xavier Institute of Managment, Bhubaneshwar. He likes music and football and feels that,,

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.

Meet Mr. Partha Pratim Sardar our new Officer Production from Kolkata, West Bengal graduated in M.Sc .Chemistry. He loves music and reading books and swears by the quote,,

“Old ways won’t open new doors”.

Meet Ms. Sneha Rao our new Officer Purchase from Vadodara, Gujrat, post graduated in M.Com - E Business. She likes reading books and traveling and swears by the quote,

“Embrace Change”.

Meet Mr. Nikhanj Ratan our new Senior Officer Engineering from Odisha, graduated in B.Tech- Mechanical Engineering from C.E.T Bhubaneshwar. He loves playing football and swears by the quote,

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud”.

Meet Mr. Apurva Shrey pursued PGDIE from NITIE Mumbai & B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) from MIT Manipal, Karnataka He likes reading non fiction and writing poems, and lives by the quote,

“It Ain’t How Hard You Hit. It’s How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward. It's About How Much You Can Take And Keep Moving Forward"

Meet Mr. Ayush Nawal our new Senior officer engineering from Indore. completed Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from SGSITS, Indore He likes playing football and music and feels that

"Life is like a coin, it's over to you, how you use it."

Meet Mr. Prakhar Saxena our new Trainee Engineer from Bhopal. He completed BE (Electrical Engineering) from SGSITS, Indore. He likes singing and playing instruments and thinks,

“You have to fail thousand times to win your biggest goal. "






Disha Meet is when our routes meet. A day in the year, when we gather to discuss our goals, and decide on the direction that our work will take for the year and help each other understand the best way to achieve that. This year we are going to explore the boundless #JoyOfGiving – we will work towards building an appreciative culture in the plant, where we make it a point to actively encourage, recognize and acknowledge each other!



Glimpsess of

Plant Day 2018

O n 4th February, 2018, Ankleshwar Plant celebrated its annual Plant Day. Theme for this year was #magicalmoments. From departments to every individual, we collected 305 testimonies and memoirs speaking of all that goes into making magical moments. Plant Day also marked with the gracious presence of Shri Chhatrasinh Mori (Union President & MLA), Shri Ashish Kshetry (Vice President –Supply Chain), Shri Rajesh Menon (General ManagerManufacturing), Shri Nishad Divekar (Chief Manager-Industrial Relations) and Mr. Vipul Desai (General Works Manager – Ankleshwar Plant) along with Senior Managers and Union colleagues.

Theme #Magicalmoments










Long Service Awards







he last 6 months have been a fascinating experience introducing the TRACC in our Ankleshwar plant. To sum up in a few words, it is “Calibration, Transition and paving the TRACC towards Excellence”. On the calibration front, we have focused on streamlining and sustaining the practices and initiatives by Solvent Paint Block (SPB). Each practice has made a sustained progress in SPB. Through the dedicated support and assistance of the SPB team we have eliminated multiple SoC’s. Thus, we have shown considerable progress in the 5S front. It is the SPB team who has taken up the responsibility of the daily improvements, serving on an area-wise basis. Similarly, on the visual management side we have been able to provide information at the point of usage. We worked on the SBT MDT front to ensure meeting of more than 90% of the compliances in terms of processing and packing.

On the “transition front”, we have introduced TRACC implementation in Resin House and QA departments. The SBTs and MDTs in both the blocks have started and a high compliance percentage has already been achieved. The Asset Care launch in PED is also right around the corner. We aim to develop and enhance the idea of TRACC further. For the coming quarter, we have set up certain primary targets. The effective implementation of foundation practices in the new blocks tops our priority list. In SPB, we will look at sustenance of the foundation practices and with increased focus on 5S, we shall take up more profit improvement projects. That would in turn strengthen the structural problem-solving capability of the plant.

The TW team has worked extensively on improving the effectiveness through regular interventions and addressing the “What’s in it for me?” through the RAG and Green Feet Initiatives. The “Voice of Employee” sessions have helped us gauge the progress perfectly. The target oriented paradigm of improvement has further gained traction. It is also evident from the increased number of Why-Why’s and PIPs taken up by the team. Some highlights from the progress report are as follows:  4 RAG-Shopfloor Celebrations, 1 RAG-Team Dinner, 60 Green Feet  SBT Improvement sessions conducted to improve the SBT effectiveness  62 problems solved through Why-Why Analysis  2 PIPs completed. 4 PIPs launched in the last quarter  Elimination of around 60% sources of contamination in SPB

In the end I would like to emphasize that none of the improvements in SPB and launch in the new areas could have been possible without the immense support and dedication of the people right from Team Members to the SSC. Our progress owes its sustainability to everyone who believed in our vision and strived for it. I would like to thank all the people involved in the TRACC initiative and seek their support to overcome the challenges ahead.






“TRACC” LEADS TO EXCELLENCE! R>¡ ‰p 6 drl_p\u Ap`Zp A„L$g¡íhf àgpÞV$dp„ TRACC _u fS|>Aps fkâv$ A_ych Ap`u füy„ R>¡. V|$„L$dp„ L$luA¡ sp¡, Ap dp`p„L$_, k„¾$dZ A_¡ î¡›$sp sfa TRACC afk b_ph¡ R>¡. dp`p„L$__p dp¡fQ¡, Ad¡ kp¡ghÞV$ `¡BÞV$ ågp¡L$ (SPB) Üpfp `ÙrsAp¡ A_¡ `l¡g_¡ kyìeh[õ\s L$fhp A_¡ s¡_¡ V$L$phu fpMhp `f Ýep_ L¡$[ÞÖs L$ey¯ R>¡. v$f¡L$ âZpguA¡ SPB dp„ kss âNrs L$fu R>¡. SPB V$ud_u kdr`®s klpe A_¡ klpesp Üpfp Ad¡ rhrh^ TRACC _¡ _pb|v$ L$ep® R>¡. Apd, Ad¡ àgpÞV$ dp¡Mf¡ _p¢^`pÓ âNrs v$ip®hu R>¡. s¡ SPB V$ud R>¡, S>¡ rhõspfhpf ^p¡fZ¡ k¡hp Ap`u v$¥r_L$ ky^pfpAp¡_u S>hpbv$pfu A`_phu R>¡. s¡hu S> fus¡, Öíe k„Qpg__u sfa Ad¡ h`fpi_p kde¡ dprlsu `|fu `pX$hp knd R>uA¡. âp¡k¡tkN A_¡ `¡qL»$N_u bpbsdp„ 90% \u h^y dpÞesp_¡ `lp¢Qu hm¡ s¡hu Mpsfu L$fhp Ad¡ SBT MDT dp¡fQ¡ L$pd L$ey¯ R>¡.

k„¾$p„rs_p dp¡fQ¡,Ad¡ f¡ku_ lpDk A_¡ QA rhcpNp¡dp„ TRACC AdguL$fZ_u fS|>Aps L$fu R>¡. bß¡ ågp¡¼kdp„ SBT A_¡ MDT's i~ \C Nep R>¡ A_¡ dpÞesp_u DÃQ V$L$phpfu `l¡g¡\u S> âpá \B NC R>¡. `uCX$udp„ k„`su ÅmhZu_u i~Aps `Z MyZp_u Apk`pk ep¡Áe R>¡. Adpfp¡ l¡sy TRACC_p rhQpf_p¡ h^y rhL$pk L$fu s¡_¡ h^pfhp_p¡ R>¡. Aph_pfp ÓZ drl_pdp„, Ad¡ AdyL$ Qp¡½$k gÿep„L$ õ\pàep„ R>¡. _hp ågp¡L$dp„ k„õ\p`__u âZpgu_p¡ AkfL$pfL$ Adg Adpfu AN°sp epv$udp„ V$p¡Q `f R>¡. SPBdp„, Ad¡ 5s `f h^y Ýep_ L¡$[ÞÖs L$fhp kp\¡ Ad¡ k„õ\p`_ âZpgu_¡ V$L$php `f `Z _S>f L$fuiy„, Ad¡ h^y _ap ky^pf âp¡S>¡¼V$p¡ L$fuiy„. Ap_p\u àgpÞV$_u dpmMpL$ue kdõep_y„ r_fpL$fZ ndsp dS>b|s b_i¡. A„sdp„ lº„ cpf dyL$u L$l¡hp dp„Ny Ry>„ L¡$ SSC_u V$ud_p kæep¡_u A`pf klpe A_¡ gp¡L$p¡_p kd`®Z hNf SPBdp„ L$p¡C `Z ky^pfp¡ A_¡ _hp n¡Óp¡_u i~Aps i¼e _ b_¡g lp¡s. Adpfu âNrs Adpfu Örôdp„ dp__pfp A_¡ s¡_p dpV$¡

TW V$udA¡ r_erds lõsn¡` Üpfp AkfL$pfL$sp ky^pfhp A_¡ N°u_ auV$ `l¡g Üpfp ""dpfp dpV$¡ iy„ R>¡?"" k„bp¡^_ L$fu ìep`L$`Z¡ L$pd L$ey¯ R>¡. ""L$d®QpfuAp¡_p¡ kyf b¡W$L¡$ Ad_¡ âNrs_¡ k„`|Z®`Z¡ dp`hp dpV$¡ dv$v$ L$fu R>¡. ky^pfZp gnu _dy_pA¡ rhõs©s L$j®Z d¡mìey„ R>¡. A¡ V$ud Üpfp `yR>psp ip dpV$¡-ip dpV$¡ A_¡ PIP_u h^su k„¿ep_p âí_p¡ Üpfp õ`ô R>¡. âNsu `ÓL$_u AdyL$ rhriôsp Ap dyS>b R>¡:  4 RAG- ip¡` ãgp¡f DS>hZuAp¡, 1 RAG - V$ud X$u_f, 60 N°u_ auV$  SBT AkfL$pfL$sp ky^pfhp dpV$¡ SBT ky^pfZp b¡W$L$p¡ L$fhpdp„ Aphu.  ip dpV$¡ ip dpV$¡ rhíg¡jZ Üpfp 62 kdõepAp¡ DL¡$ghpdp„ Aphu.  2 PIP `|Z® \ey„. R>¡‰p ÓZ drl_pdp„ 4 PIP i{ \ep.  SPB dp„ gNcN 60% v$|jZp¡ _pi `pçep







Mr. Neelkamal Sharma

Manager - Plant Engineering

former Executive Plant Engineering

Mr. Bharat Sojitra Officer - Level II former Officer - Level I “I would like to sincerely thank you for offering me the position of Officer level 2. I am really happy and excited for this new opportunity. Thanks for having faith in me and my capabilities. I am excited and incredibly keen to work closely with my team. Thank You for the trust you have shown in me.” - Bharat Sojitra

Mr. Keyur Soni

Senior Officer

former Officer Level 1

Mr. Nikunj Faldu Officer - Level II

former Officer - Level I ‘I very much appreciate receiving this promotion, as I feel that my work has grown fruits and I am proud of myself and of belonging to such a prestigious organization. Thank you for this great opportunity to demonstrate my knowledge to a new level’ - Nikunj Faldu

Mr. Aman Kumar

Officer - Level II

former Officer - Level I


RETIREMENT Mr. Maksud Patel



Arvindbhai Valand Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar – 15th Nov 1981 to 31st May, 2018. Thank you for giving 36.6 glorious years to Asian Paints.

Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar - 6th July 1981 to 7th March 2018. Thank you for giving 36.6 glorious years to Asian Paints.

Parsottambhai Parmar Mr. RamAshish Chaurasia Juorney at Asian Paints Ankleshwar - 27th August 1982 to 2nd March, 2018. Thank you for giving 35.6 glorious years to Asian Paints.

Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar – 1st June 1986 to 31st May, 2018. Thank you for giving 32 glorious years to Asian Paints.

40 47


40 48


Khandu Suryavansi

Mukesh Patel

Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar – 24th August 1982 to 31st May, 2018. Thank you for giving 35.9 glorious years to Asian Paints.

Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar – 01st April 1985 to 19th May, 2018. Thank you for giving 33 glorious years to Asian Paints.

Komal Sing Girase Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar – 26th August 1982 to 31st May, 2018. Thank you for giving 35.9 glorious years to Asian Paints.

Shankarsinh Kushwaha Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar – 4th December1981 to 3rd June, 2018. Thank you for giving 36.5 glorious years to Asian Paints.





Subhashchandra Chauhan Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar – 26th January1982 to 9th June, 2018. Thank you for giving 36.4 glorious years to Asian Paints.

Yagnesh Pandya Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar -08th September 1981 to 10th May, 2018. Thank you for giving 36.6 glorious years to Asian Paints.

Gomanbhai Patel Journey at Asian Paints Ankleshwar -20th July 1981 to 28th April, 2018. Thank you for giving 36.7 glorious years to Asian Paints.








Congratulations to Hetvi Rajeshbhai Aahir for excellent performance in Bharatnatyam and Mathematics.

Ms. Nidhi Surve for innovative initiative: Health Talk by gynaecologists on Women's Day

Mr. Maulik Pandya for exemplary implementation of Long Term Settlement 2018

Ms. Riddhi Pundlik for exceptional proactivity & attention to detail that brought #MagicalMoments to life

Mr. Hitesh Raval for proactive approach during artwork change over that helped minimize overall wastage

Mr. Jigar Parmar for commendable efforts during the PC Rule artwork changeover

Mr. Godfrey Coutinho for quick and successful re-packaging

Mr. Jignesh Shah For outstanding contribution in the Pillar Promise achievement



SPORTS & REPUBLIC DAY Sports The sports tournament starts from November where various teams come together in healthy team spirit and brotherhood to compete in various interesting games. Following is the list of winners in the tournament.



Cricket Tournament Winner Team Cricket Tournament Runner-up Team Cricket - Man Of the Match Cricket - Man of the Series Cricket - Best Bowler Cricket - Best Batsman Cricket - Best Catch Cricket - Best Fielder Volley ball - Winners Volley ball - Runners Up Chess Runner Up Chess Winner

WPB Processing - Tournament Winner SPB - Tournament Runner-Up Team Mr. Dharmesh Vadhel Mr. Aakash Rao Mr. Dharmesh Vadhel Mr. Devendra Jariya Mr. Jayveer Yadav Mr. Pragnesh Chauhan IPB- Volley Ball Winners SPB- Volley Ball Runners Up Mr. Pankaj Taparia Mr. Harish Gopal` Mr. Irfan Ali Saiyad

Carrom Runner up Carrom Winner

Mr. Jalay Desai Mr. Parth Katira Mr. Nasir Jhangir








Republic Day

A healthy mind only resides in a healthy body. If one dysfunctions, the other doesn’t quite stand

strong and sound. At our Ankleshwar plant, we organize Health and Wellness Walkthroughs every year, in an attempt to raise awareness about various physical, mental and societal illnesses that plague us and our families. On roll and off roll employees are a part of this walkthrough. Participants across the plant go through TBTs which are discussions focusing on awareness and education of particular diseases, their prevention and

cure. The employees participate with writing their own experiences, how they identify with the diseases, bringing into fore the health of the participants. Till now 16 TBTs have been organized, that has touched around 160 of our employees focusing on the following diseases, their signs, symptoms and causes and cultivating ideas on their prevention: Diabetes. This is perhaps the most common disease across the world which continues to affect normal life vigorously. There are two kinds of diabetes, and both are characterized by symptoms of hunger and fatigue, frequent urination, intense thirst and hunger, weight gain, male sexual dysfunction and so on. The type 1 diabetes involves stopping of insulin production altogether while the type 2 and the more common type is where insulin productions drops to below normal levels. 90% of the people suffer from the second type. Prevention:

The 26th of January witnesses the plant gathering early in the morning to celebrate our country, our diverse republic and our work as men and women that takes the country forward. The day starts with a gallant march past display by the security people; followed in flag hoisting, singing the national anthem and many other activities that rejoice of our national spirit. The day follows into fun activities organized for children of people working at the plant, mainly sports games in which they participate and cheer for!

 For people suffering from the Type 1 should follow a healthy diet plan, do adequate exercise, and regularly in take insulin to lead a normal life.  The Type 2 patients are required to eat healthy, be physically active through a large part of the day, and test their blood glucose regularly. Oral medication and insulin intake are necessary at times. Cholesterol. About 39% of the world’s population suffers from this disease and yet so many misconceptions exist about it. Good news is cholesterol is not always bad. There is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein) is essential to producing hormones, vitamin D and enzymes




which help us digest food. Bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) is the harmful kind of cholesterol. When it accumulates along the walls of your blood vessels or arteries, it forms plaque and increases chances of heart attack. Prevention:  Treating and preventing high cholesterol requires the maintenance of a proper healthy diet. Doctors prescribe medicines to lower the LDL and raise the HDL.  Regular exercise is the sure-shot method to keep cholesterol at bay. Drinking water. One of the most vital elements of a healthy life is proper drinking water. The United Nations Development programme, in its Human Index report, argues that 1.1 billion people do not have safe water and 2.6 billion suffer. The risk factors are many, depending on the amount of bacteria present in the contaminated water. In the entire population, the most affected due to consumption of impure water are the children. Contaminated water can cause many types of diarrheal diseases, including Cholera, and other serious illnesses such as Guinea worm disease, Typhoid, and Dysentery. Vitamin B12 and its lack. Vitamin B12 is involved in a lot of important body functions. It helps in making the DNA of our body, also stimulating the construction of red-blood cells and other such vital functions. The lack of this important vitamin in the body leads to serious health complications. The most common effect of the lack of this vitamin is anemia. As it is responsible for creating red blood cells in our bodies, its lack leads to decreased production of the same. Therefore, it increases chances of anemia.

Other effects include nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath and pale skin. Health management in Summer. With increase in global temperatures, health risks have risen considerably. The most challenging part of the year is the scorching heat. Bearing and thriving in this heat requires intake of light foods that digest easily and provide energy for long. Summer demands proper hydration of the body. Dehydration leads to serious complications and issues leading at times to death as well. Cucumber, yogurt, coconut, watermelon, mangoes are must to survive this season. They keep the body cool and hydrated, as well as soothing your taste buds! Light cotton clothes are an important tool to beat the scorching summer. Women’s Day. Observing Women’s day in this walkthrough to recognize and correct the taboos and problems governing the issues of women’s health and sanitation. Despite being one of the fastest growing countries, India still stands behind in relation to women’s issues. This year, we pledge to raise awareness and make better provisions to cater to the health problems of women in our plant. Education on sanitation, of deployment of proper sanitary napkins, their methods of using, as well as eradicating the social taboos surrounding the issues. We aim to combine our workforce and our ideas of a healthy lifestyle and prospering well being. We consider it our prime responsibility to conduct such walkthroughs and workshops, to generate awareness among our employees. For everything depends on sound health and a sound mind, and it is from there the strong threads of harmonious work relationships arise. May we all reside in prospering health and ever-growing minds!



A¡ L$ õhõ\ d_ dpÓ A¡L$ s„v$fyõs ifuf dp„ fl¡ R>¡.

Adpfp A„L$g¡íhf àgpÞV$ Mps¡, Ad¡ v$ffp¡S> Apfp¡Áe A_¡ kyMpL$pfu_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fuA¡ R>uA¡. rhrh^ ipfuqfL$, dp_rkL$ A_¡ kpdprS>L$ budpfuAp¡ rhi¡ ÅN©rs gphhp_p¡ âepk L$fuA¡ R>uA¡, S>¡ Ad_¡ A_¡ Adpfp `qfhpfp¡_¡ dv$v$ L$f¡ R>¡. kdN° àgpÞV$dp„ klcpNuAp¡ TBT Üpfp Åe R>¡, S>¡ ÅN©rs A_¡ Qp¡½$k fp¡Np¡_u rinZ, s¡d_u r_hpfZ A_¡ D`Qpf `f Ýep_ L¡$[ÞÖs L$f¡ R>¡. L$d®QpfuAp¡ `p¡sp_p A_ychp¡ gMu_¡ cpN g¡ R>¡, L¡$hu fus¡ s¡Ap¡ fp¡Np¡_¡ Ap¡mM¡ R>¡, klcpNuAp¡_u õhpõÕe_¡ ApNm gph¡ R>¡.

AÐepf ky^udp„ 16 TBT _y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡, S>¡ Adpfp 160 S>¡V$gp L$d®QpfuAp¡_¡ _uQ¡_p fp¡Np¡, s¡d_p rQŒp¡, gnZp¡ A_¡ L$pfZAp¡ `f Ýep_ L¡$[ÞÖs L$f¡ R>¡ A_¡ s¡d_u r_hpfZ_prhQpfp¡ rhL$kpìep R>¡. X$peprbV$uk kdN° rhíhdp„ Ap L$v$pe kp¥\u kpdpÞe fp¡N R>¡ S>¡ kpdpÞe Æh__¡ kMs fus¡ Akf L$f¡ R>¡. X$peprbV$uk _p b¡ âL$pf lp¡e R>¡, A_¡ b„_¡ c|M A_¡ \ pL$. hpf„hpf `¡ipb. suh° sfk A_¡ c|M, hS>_dp„ h^pfp¡, `yfj Åsue sL$gua A_¡ s¡\u h^y gnZp¡ Ofph¡ R>¡. r_hpfZ:  âL$pf 1: X$peprbV$ukdp„ BÞõeyrg__y„ DÐ`pv$_ A¡L$ kp\¡ AV$L$phhp_p¡ kdph¡k spe R>¡, Äepf¡  âL$pf 2: A_¡ h^y kpdpÞe âL$pf A¡ R>¡ L¡$ Äep„ BÞõeyrg_ âp¡X$¼iÞk kpdpÞe õsf \u _uQy„ Aph¡ R>¡. 90% gp¡L$p¡ buÅ âL$pf\u `uX$pe R>¡. r_hpfZ: âL$pf1 \u `uX$psp gp¡L$p¡A¡ A¡L$ õhõ\ Aplpf ep¡S>_p_¡ A_ykfhu Å¡BA¡, ep¡Áe L$kfs L$fhu Å¡BA¡ A_¡ kpdpÞe Æh_ Æhhp dpV¡$ BÞõeygu_ r_erds `Z¡ g¡hu Å¡BA¡. âL$pf 2 v$v$}Ap¡_¡ s„vy$fõs Mphp dpV¡$, qv$hk_p dp¡V$p cpN_p cpNê$`¡ cp¥rsL$ fus¡ kq¾$e \hy„ S>ê$fu R>¡. A_¡ s¡d_p f¼s ÁgyL$p¡T_y„ r_erds `Z¡ `funZ L$fp¡. Ap¡fg v$hp A_¡ BÞõeyrg__p¡ h`fpi kde¡ S>ê$fu R>¡. L$p¡g¡õV$fp¡g rhíh_u Apif¡ 39$% hõsu Ap fp¡N\u `uX$pe R>¡ A_¡ lSy> ky^u OZp N¡fdpÞespAp¡ s¡_p rhi¡ A[õsÐh Ofph¡ R>¡. kpfp kdpQpf A¡ L$p¡g¡õV²$p¡g l„d¡ip Mfpb _\u. lp¡dp£Þk, rhV$prd_ X$u A_¡ A¡ÞÅBçk DÐ`ß L$fhp dpV¡$ kpfp L$p¡g¡õV²$p¡g AphíeL$ R>¡ S>¡ Ap`Z_¡ Mp¡fpL$_¡ X$peS>¡õV$ L$fhpdp„ dv$v$ L$f¡ R>¡ Mfpb L$p¡g¡õV¡$fp¡g (gp¡ B[ÞkV$u rg`p¡âp¡V$u_) lpr_L$pfL$ âL$pf_u L$p¡g¡õV²$p¡g R>¡. Äepf¡ s¡ sdpfu f¼shprl_uAp¡ A\hp ^d_uAp¡_u qv$hpgp¡ kp\¡ A¡L$W$u L$f¡ R>¡. s¡ sL$suAp¡ b_ph¡ R>¡ A_¡ ùv$efp¡N_p lºdgp_u i¼esp h^pf¡ R>¡.





r_hpfZ: DÃQ L$p¡g¡õV²$p¡g_p¡ D`Qpf L$fhp¡ A_¡ AV$L$phhp dpV¡$ ep¡Áe s„vy$fõs Aplpf_y„ ÅmhZu S>ê$fu R>¡. X$p¸¼V$k® A¡QX$uA¡g_¡ OV$pX$hp A_¡ A¡QX$uA¡g_¡ h^pfhp dpV¡$ v$hpAp¡ gM¡ R>¡. r_erds L$hpes A¡ L$p¡g¡õV²$p¡g_¡ Mpsf fpMhp dpV¡$ Qp¡½$k ipµV$ `Ùrs R>¡. `uhp_y„ `pZu. s„vy$fõs Æ„v$Nu_u kp¥\u dlÐh`|Z® OV$L$p¡dp„_y„ A¡L$ ep¡Áe `uhp_y„ `pZu R>¡. ey_pBV¡$X$ _¡iÞk X¡$hg`d¡ÞV$ âp¡N°pd s¡_p üyd_ BÞX¡$¼k qf`p¡V®$dp„ A¡hu v$gug L$f¡ R>¡ L¡$ 1.1 AbS> gp¡L$p¡dp„ kgpds `pZu _\u A_¡ 2.6 AbS> gp¡L$p¡ cp¡N b_¡ R>¡. v|$rjs `pZudp„ fl¡gp b¡¼V¡$qfep_p S>Õ\p_¡¡ Ap^pf¡ Å¡Md `qfbmp¡ OZp R>¡. kdN° hkrsdp„, AiyÙ `pZu_p h`fpi_¡ L$pfZA¡ kp¥\u hvy$ AkfN°õs bpmL$p¡ R>¡. v|$rjs `pZu e¡sp krls A ¡L$ âL$pf_p TpX$p fp¡Np¡, A_¡ rN_u L©$rd fp¡N, V$peap¡BX$ A_¡ X$pek¡ÞV$fu S>¡hp AÞe N„cuf budpfuAp¡_y„ L$pfZ b_u iL¡$ R>¡. rhV$prd_ bu 12 A_¡ s¡_p Acph rhV$prd_ bu 12 OZp dlÐh`|Z® ifuf L$pep£dp„ kpd¡g R>¡. s¡ Ap`Zp ifuf_u X$uA¡_A¡ b_phhpdp„ dv$v$ L$f¡ R>¡. S>¡ f¡X$-ågX$ L$p¡riL$pAp¡_p r_dp®Z_¡ DÑ¡S>_ Ap`¡ R>¡ A_¡ AÞe AphíeL$ L$pep£ `Z L$f¡ R>¡. ifufdp„ Ap dlÐh`|Z® rhV$prd__p Acph\u N„cuf Apfp¡Áe kdõepAp¡ Aph¡ R>¡.


Ap rhV$prd__u Acph_p¡ kp¥\u kpdpÞe Akf A¡r_rdep R>¡. Ap`Zp ifufdp„ gpg f¼s L$p¡riL$pAp¡ b_phhp dpV¡$ s¡ S>hpbv$pf R>¡. s¡_p Acph_¡ gu^¡ DÐ`pv$_dp„ OV$pX$p¡ \ep¡ R>¡. A¡_p `qfZpd ê$`¡. s¡ A¡r_rdep_u i¼esp h^pf¡ R>¡. AÞe AÞe Akfp¡dp„ EbL$p, \pL$, íhpk A_¡ r_õs¡S> ÐhQp_u sL$guap¡_p¡ kdph¡i \pe R>¡. D_pmpdp„ Apfp¡Áe k„Qpg_ h¥[íhL$ sp`dp_dp„ h^pfp¡ \hp\u, Apfp¡Áe_p Å¡Mdp¡dp„ _p¢^`pÓ h^pfp¡ \ep¡ R>¡. hj®_p¡ kp¥\u `X$L$pfS>_L$ cpN A¡ Dódue Nfdu R>¡. Ap Nfdudp„ kl_ L$fhy„ A_¡ kd©Ù \hy„ A¡ âL$pi Mp¡fpL$_u S>ê$f R>¡ S>¡ kfmsp\u X$peS>¡õV$ L$f¡ R> ¡A_¡ gp„bp kde ky^u EÅ® `|fu `pX¡$ R>¡. kdf ifuf_p ep¡Áe lpBX²¡$i__u dp„N L$f¡ R>¡. qX$lpBX²¡$i_ N„cuf N|„QhZp¡ A_¡ dp¡s sfa v$p¡fu Åe R>¡. Ap rkT_dp„ V$L$u fl¡hp dpV¡$ L$pL$X$u, v$l], _prme¡f, sfb|Q, L¡$fuAp¡ AphíeL$ R>¡. s¡Ap¡ ifuf_¡ W„$X$u A_¡ lpBX²¡$V¡$X$ fpM¡ R>¡. s¡dS> sdpfp õhpv$_p L$muAp¡_¡ `Z- kyjyá L$f¡ R>¡! D_pmp_p D_pmpdp„ lfphsp âL$pi L$`pk_p L$`X$p„ A¡L$ dlÐh`|Z® kp^_ R>¡.

Topics Covered

HIGHLIGHTS APRIL, 2018 Theme for the Month : Heat Management

Summer - Health Management Heat prevention Ill effects of heat on health Drinking water



drlgp qv$hk drlgpAp¡_p Apfp¡Áe A_¡ õhÃR>sp_p dyØpAp¡_p k„Qprgs hluhV$ A_¡ kdõepAp¡_¡ Ap¡mMhp A_¡ ky^pfhp dpV¡$ Ap hp¡¼eydp drlgp_p¡ qv$hk Å¡hp¡. kp¥\u TX$`u rhL$ksp v$¡ ip¡dp„ lp¡hp R>sp„, cpfs lSy> `Z drlgp dyØpAp¡_p k„v$c®dp„ `pR>m R>¡.Ap hj£, Ad¡ ÅNê$L$sp h^pfhp A_¡ Adpfp àgpÞV$dp„ drlgpAp¡_u Apfp¡Áe kdõepAp¡_¡ `lp¢Qu hmhp dpV¡$ h^y kpfu Å¡NhpBAp¡_y„ ârsr_r^Ðh L$fuA¡ R>u¡. õhÃR>sp `f rinZ, ep¡Áe k¡_¡V$fu _¡`qL$Þk_u s¥epfu, D`ep¡N L$fhp_u s¡d_u `ÙrsAp¡, s¡dS> dyØpAp¡_u Apk`pk_p kpdprS>L$ hrS>®r_Ap¡_¡ _pb|v$ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. Adpfp¡ l¡sy Adpfp L$d®QpfuAp¡ A_¡ õhõ\ Æh_i¥gu A_¡ kd©Ù kd©Ùsp_p Adpfp rhQpfp¡_¡ c¡Np L$fhp_p¡ R>¡. Adpfp L$d®QpfuAp¡ hÃQ¡ ÅN©rs `¡v$p L$fhp dpV¡$, Ad¡ Ap âL$pf_u hp¡¼eydp A_¡ hL®$ipµàk L$fhp dpV¡$_u Adpfu dy¿e S>hpbv$pfu_¡ Ýep_dp„ fpMuA¡ R>uA¡. v$f¡L$ hõsy Apfp¡Áe A_¡ Ýhr_ dNS> `f r_c®f L$f¡ R>¡. A ¡ Ðep„\ us¡ r_v$p£j L$pe® k„b„^p¡_p dS>b|s \°¡X$ Ecu L$f¡ R>¡. Ap`Z¡ bOp kd©Ù Apfp¡Áe A_¡ kss rhL$ksp d_dp„ fl¡ R>¡.

Departmental Highlights: 7 Health & Wellness walkthroughs Department On Roll Employees Off Roll Employees Total

EIRS 19 2 21

DC 3 27 30

IRMW 5 1 6

QA 13 13

RHPB 7 7

Glimpses of the Wellness Walk through

Gate 3 1 54 55

Total 48 84 132



Theme for the Month: BMI & Tobacco Prevention

Theme for the Month: Ergonomics

BMI classification & health impact of tobacco

3 key reasons for major health issues & stretches

Employee knowledge check through activity Topics Covered

What is ergonomics?

Topics Covered

Health & Hygiene: Canteen Employees

Why do we need ergonomics?

Forms of tobacco consumption & its effects on different organs of the body

Different types of musculoskeletal disorders

Departmental Highlights: 7 Health & Wellness walkthroughs Department On Roll Employees Off Roll Employees Total

SPB 24 0 24

IPB ETP 23 6 5 1 28 7

QA ENGG 13 12 2 10 15 22



RHPB 7 5 12

Glimpses of the Wellness Walk through

Canteen 1 23 24

Departmental Highlights: 7 Health & Wellness walkthroughs Total 86 46 132

Department On Roll Employees Off Roll Employees Total

IPB 14 14

DC 1 23 24

QA 12 12

RHPB 7 7

IRMW 5 5

Glimpses of the Wellness Walk through

RMPM 18 18

Total 57 23 80






“Think safety – it couldn’t hurt”


wach Ankleshwar Abhiyan is the embodiment of the commitment that each and every person in the plant has towards improving the general cleanliness and 5S of the plant. Every quarter we celebrate the same with much gusto and participation from across the cadres.

Safety is the first and last word at Asian Paints Ankaleshwar Plant.












The World Environment week starts on 5th June and we celebrate it every year to promote the awareness about the environment. We at Ankleshwar plant celebrated the worldwide event like every year and our theme for 2018 was “BEAT PLASTIC POLLUTION”.

After the pledge, the environment stall was inaugurated. This was followed by the stall exhibition, visit, and video sharing

There was a stall visit where various initiatives of Asian Paints Ankleshwar plant and the whole organization were displayed through banners and posters to create awareness. Sustainability and water neutrality are ways to build a relationship between the humankind and nature.

Pledge Time: Folks took the environmental pledge as a symbol of commitment for protecting the Mother Earth.

Message from leader – Our officials put their valuable thoughts on the impacts of the heavy usage of plastic and the ways to reduce the plastic consumption in our day-to-day activities. Some of the key points highlighted during the talk  The efficient use of jute bags  Minimization of plastic carry bags in daily routine activity.  Acknowledging our future generation with figure and facts of plastic pollution.  Safe disposal of plastic litter: to save ocean life and reduce floods in the city.  Health impact of plastic pollution in our life.

"BEAT Plastic Pollution" Video streaming – Video streaming on the song sung by Indian singers on awareness building on "Beating Plastic Pollution".





Plantation time Post stall visit, officials took active participation in the plantation. It was a remarkable moment to plant a new life. New at Plantation – This time cellulose bags were used instead of plastic bags.

Cellulose based bags were used for handling the sapling units. It also demonstrated and saved the environment by reduction in use of plastic bags.

An individual pledge was made to promote plantation, save water and to refuge plastic.

Distribution of prizes to all winners. WED - 2018

1st Prize

Various events like speech, skit, poster, slogan, quiz competition were organized where many employee/contract people from all cadres came together and took part.

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

WED – 2018 – Environment Friendly PRIZE distribution We at Asian Paints always strive for environment protection and pollution abatement. With this we tried a little bit to contribute towards Beating Plastic Use in our daily life. Yes, “the Jute Bags”. The picture depicts the power and impact of use of jute bags. If everyone starts using jute bags for carrying things, it will definitely reduce the consumption of plastic bags to a certain extent.






`ep®hfZ rhi¡ ÅNf|L$sp_¡ âp¡Ðkpl_ Ap`hp dpV¡$ v$f hj£ Ap`Z¡ rhíh `ep®hfZ qv$hk DS>hue¡. `ep®hfZ AW$haey 5 S|>__p fp¡S> ify \ey„. ""buV$ àgp[õV$L$ `p¡gp¡ëeyi_'' hj® 2018 dpV¡$_y„ \ud lsy„ A_¡ Ad¡ A„L$g¡íhf àgpÞV$ Mps¡ Ap fkâv$ rhrh^ OV$_pAp¡ kp\¡ Ap hëX®$ hpBX$ Bh¡ÞV$_u DS>hZu L$fu lsu. ârsop `R>u, `ep®hfZ õV$p¡g_y„ Dv$OpV$_ \ey„. Ap `R>u õV$p¡g âv$i®_, dygpL$ps A_¡ rhqX$Ap¡ i¡qf„N Üpfp A_ykfhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.

Ðep õV$p¡g_u dygpL$ps lsu Äep„ A¡riepB `¡BÞV¹$k A„L$g¡íhf àgpÞV$_u rhrh^ `l¡g A_¡ k„`|Z® k„õ\p sfuL¡$ b¡_fp¡ A_¡ `p¡õV$fp¡ Üpfp âv$ri®s L$fhpdp„ Apìep„ lsp„. Ap `l¡g Üpfp A¡riepB `¡BÞV¹$k_p gp¡L$p¡ k„h¡v$_iug lsp. kõV¡$B_¡rbguV$u A_¡ `pZu sV$õ\ sp âL$ë`p¡ A¡ k„õ\p/gp¡L$p¡ kp\¡ âL©$rs kp\¡ Å¡X$php_p¡ A¡L$ dpN® R>¡, S>¡ õhcph\u dp_h âL$pf_u k„b„^_¡ ku^p¡ ky^pf¡ R>¡. ârsop:âL©$rs dpsp _u kyfnp dpV¡$ ârsop âsuL$ sfuL¡$ gp¡L$p¡ `ep®hfZue ârsop gu^u.

õV$p¡g_u dygpL$ps: "Beat àgpõV$uL$ âv|$jZ'' rhqX$Ap¡ õV²$utdN""Npeb àgpõV$uL$ âv|$jZ'' `f ÅN©rs r_dp®Z `f cpfsue NpeL$p¡ Üpfp Npey„ Nus `f rhqX$Ap¡ õV²$utdN guX$k® sfa\u k„v$¡irkr_ef d¡_¡S>f A_¡ d¡_¡S>f àgp[õV$L$ âv|$jZ_u Akfp¡ `f s¡d_p d|ëehp_ rhQpfp¡ d|L$u, fp¡rS>v$p âh©rÑdp„ àgp[õV$L$_p¡ h`fpi OV$pX$hp_p¡ dpN® bspìep¡ · ÄeyV$ b¡N_p D`ep¡N A„N¡ ÅN©rs · qv$_Qep® âh©rÑdp„ àgp[õV$L$_u b¡Ndp„ OV$pX$p · Adpfp bpmL$p¡_¡ S>¡ Adpfp cprh `¡Y$u S>¡ àgp[õV$L$ âv|$jZ_p Ap„L$X$p A_¡ lL$uL$sp¡ õhuL$pf¡ R>¡ · àgp[õV$L$_u ¼epfp_p kgpds r_L$pg. s¡ kdyÖdp„_y„ Æh_ bQphi¡, il¡fdp„ `|f_¡ OV$pX¡$ R>¡. · Adpfp Æh_dp„ àgp[õV$L$ âv|$jZZu Apfp¡Áe_u Akf.





hph¡sf kdeõV$p¡g dygpL$ps `R>u, hph¡sf L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. b^p L$d®QpfuAp¡_p L¡$X$fp¡A¡ hph¡sfdp„ kq¾$e cpN gu^p¡. àgpÞV$ àgpÞV¹$k dpV¡$ Aphp A¡L$ _p¢^`pÓ nZ lsy„ .

àgpÞV¡$i_ Mps¡ _y„ - Ap hMs¡ àgp[õV$L$ b¡N_u S>ÁepA¡ k¡ëeygp¡T b¡Ák_p¡ D`ep¡N L$fhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡.

ìe[¼sNs ârsop_¡ hph¡sf, `pZu bQphhp A_¡ Apîe àgp[õV$L$_u ×rô$A¡ `Z v$ip®hhpdp„ Apìep lsp.

Distribution of prizes to all winners. WED - 2018

1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

WED-2018 `ep®hfZ ä¡ÞX$gu âpBT rhsfZ

hpZu, [õhV$, `p¡õV$f, k|Ó, [¼hT õ`^p® S>¡hu rhrh^ OV$_pAp¡_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„ Äep„ b^p L$d®QpfuAp¡_p L$d®QpfuAp¡/L$fpf_p gp¡L$p¡ c¡Np \ep lsp A_¡ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡.

Ad¡ A¡rie_ `¡BÞV¹$kdp„ l„d¡ip `ep®hfZ kyfnp A_¡ âv|$jZ OV$pX$p dpV¡$ âeÐ_ L$fuA¡ R>uA¡. Ap kp\¡ Ad¡ Adpfp v$¥r_L$ Æh_ dp„ buV$]N àgp[õV$L$_u D`ep¡Ndp„ apmp¡ Ap`hp dpV¡$ \p¡X$p¡ âepk L$ep£. lp, ""ÄeyV$ b¡Ák'' Ap rQÓdp„ ÄeyV$ b¡N_p D`ep¡N_u i[¼s A_¡ Akf v$ip®h¡ R>¡. Å¡ v$f¡L$ hõsyAp¡_¡ hl_ L$fhp dpV¡$ ÄeyV$ b¡N hp`fhp_y„ iê$ L$f¡ R>¡, sp¡ Qp¡½$k`Z¡ àgp[õV$L$ b¡N_p h`fpi_¡ Qp¡½$k lv$ ky^u OV$pX$i¡.

QUIZ 1. Organisational ________ also helps reduce anxiety. 2. In cases of emergency, a _____ _____comes to rescue. 3. Eric Baner is the author of which book mentioned in Drishti 2018 edition? 4. Panchatantra is the story of team work between which animals? 5. “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is _______” 6. ___________ is the key to health 7. Which Bollywood superstar is mentioned in Drishti 2018 edition? 8. Which famous folk dance is mentioned in this edition of Drishti? 9. Compliance to which rule has been top most priority of Production in the last financial year? 10. Mention one famous hindi song mentioned in the magazine?

1. k„õ\pL$ue...........................tQsp OV$pX$hpdp„ `Z dv$v$ L$f¡ R>¡. 2. L$V$p¡L$V$u lp¡e sp¡, A¡L$...............bQphhp Aph¡ R>¡. 3. A¡qfL$ bµ_f ¼ep `yõsL$_p„ g¡ML$ R>¡. S>¡_p `yõsL$_p¡ D‰¡M ×rô$ 2018_u Aph©rÑdp„ R>¡? 4. `„Q s„Ó ¼ep âpZuAp¡ hÃQ¡_p S|>\ L$pe®_u hpsp® R>¡? 5. “kp\¡ Aphhy„ iê$Aps R>¡; kp\¡ fl¡hy„ rhL$pk R>¡; kp\¡ L$pe®L$fhy„ A¡...........R>¡” 6. ...................õhpõÕe_u Aphu R>¡. 7. ×rô$ 2018 dp„ bp¡guhyX$_p ¼ep„ ky`fõV$pf_p¡ D‰¡M R>¡. 8. V²$ô$u_u ApAph©rÑdp„ ¼ep ârkÙ gp¡L$ _©Ðe_p¡ D‰¡M \ep¡ R>¡? 9. `pR>gp F.Y. dp„. ¼ep r_ed kp¥\u h^y DÐ`v$p__u AN°sp R>¡? 10. dµNœS>u_dp„ D‰¡rMs A¡L$ â¿eps rlÞv$u Nus_p¡ D‰¡M R>¡

NAME : .................................................................................. EMP. CODE .......................... Submit the quiz at personnel department

on or before 25 August 2018. th

_pd: ................................................................................ A¡çàgp¡eu L$p¡X$: .......................... [¼hœS> `k®_¡g qX$`pV®$d¢V$ dp 25 ApµNõV$ 2018 ky^u Ap`u kL$ip¡






PURNA PRATIKRIYA Your feedback is essential to help Ankleshwar plant fly higher. So feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, feedback & comment here

sdpfp¡ ârskpv$ A„L$g¡íhf àgpÞV$ _¡ JQu DX$pZ cfhp dp dv$v$ L$fi¡. s¡\u sdpfp hQpfp¡, k|Q_pAp¡ A_¡ ârscphp¡ _uQ¡ i¡f L$fu iL$ip¡ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ NAME : .......................................................................................................................................... EMP. CODE & DEPT. ..................................................................................................................

_pd: ................................................................................................................................................ Aµç`gpµeu L$p¡X$ A_¡ qX$`pV®$d¢V$: .......................................................................................................... ___________________________________________________________ Editorial Team

Mr. Shashank Rai Manager Personnel

Ms Riddhi Pundlik

Officer Personnel

Mr. Shantanu Paul Executive Personnel


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