
First Kalma (Tayyab) Of Islam in English – 9 Benefits of 1st Kalima

Out of the six Kalimas, Kalime Tayyab is the first kalima of Islam, which means word of purity. In this article, we will go through the 9 benefits of the first Kalima.

The Arabic word Kalimah means “An Islamic oath/statement/declaration of allegiance with the Almighty Allah.” Out of the six Kalimas, Kalime Tayyab is the first kalima. These kalimas are extensively taught by Muslims to their children all around the world.

The 1st Kalima Tayyab means the word of purity. The second kalima means shahadah. Third, fourth kalima, and fifth kalima are the remembrance or Azkaar of Almighty Allah (SWT).

The first kalima has two parts that teach us Tauheed and the Oneness of Allah SWT, that we should worship no one but Allah SWT alone.

The second part teaches us to believe that Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is the last and the final messenger of Allah SWT. Believing in both parts is important for us both for our Dunya and Akhirah.

First Kalma Tayyab in Arabic:

In Arabic, the 1st kalima is written:

لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ‎

Transliteration of 1st kalma: La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah

English Translation of Kalima Tayyab

The meaning of La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah is,

“There is none worthy of worship except God (Allah) and Muhammad is the messenger of God.”

Grammatically La is the LA nafi jins and ilaah is its ism and the khabr of La is mahzoof.

Related: Know the 4th Kalima of Islam in English

First Kalma (Tayyab) Of Islam

Benefits of Kalima Tayyab:

1. Tauheed:

Tauheed is the Rooh or Soul of Islam. Allah has created this universe for Tauheed.

“I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.” – Surah Zarriyat Ayah 56

2. Purpose of Life:

The Purpose of our creation is to worship Allah SWT. Ibadat in this worldly life applies to all areas of our life. Most of us just limit this to the external ibadat alone. Whereas the deeper meaning of it is to make every single action the ibadat of Allah. Surrendering to Allah SWT and doing each and every act according to the Shariah of Allah SWT. This is true Ibadat. Now the purpose of the creation of Humans boils down to this one thing. The angels were questioning the creation of another being. They were worried that humans would create fitna on earth and that angels are enough to do Allah’s ibadah.

But wanted to create Humans for His ibadat. He created humans different from angels. Human beings were given the power or free will to choose their actions. And now the real test began. We have the choice to recite and implement this Kalima in our lives. And unfortunately, the other choice is also given to us. So it is a big deal for us.

3. Powerful Zikr or Remembrance of Allah:

The immense benefit of this kalima can be understood by the following hadith

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri quoted Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as saying that Musa (Alayhi salam) said: “O Lord! Teach me something that I can remember You with and I can supplicate You with. Allah said: “Say ‘La ilaha ill Allah’, O Musa.” He (Musa) said: All of your servants say this. He (Allah) said: “If the seven Heavens and those who dwell in them other than Me and the seven Earths are put into one pan (of the scale) and ‘La ilaha ill Allah’ is put into the other; ‘La ilaha ill Allah’ would be heavier.” (narrated by Jabir bin `Abdullah)

It is quoted in the Quran, “So know (O Mohammad) that La Ilaha IllAllah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah).” (47:19)

Related: Know the importance of La Ilaha illallah.

4. Marker of Faith:

It also marks a clear difference between the believers and the disbelievers. Those who invoke anyone else than Allah will be severely punished in the hereafter.

“And those whom they invoke instead of Him have no power of intercession; except those who bear witness to the truth (i.e. believed in the Oneness of Allah, and obeyed His Orders), and they know (the facts about the Oneness of Allah).” Quran (43:86)

5. Completion of Deen:

The following hadith explains that shahada is a prerequisite for the completion of our Deen or Faith.

Islam was started by Hazrat Adam (A.S) and completed by Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) who is the last Messenger of Allah SWT. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah Almighty says: Oh, Muhammad (SAWS), “This day have I perfected and fulfilled your religion for you, completed my favor upon you and I have chosen for you Islam as your one and Only Religion.” (Quran, 5:3)

 “If anyone wishes to have a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted by him.” – (Quran, 3:85).

6. Introduction to Unseen Creator:

This Kalima makes us testify to the existence of an unseen creator. It introduces us to the Alam of Gaib. Believing in His Unseen powerful existence and submitting to Him is possible only by testifying this Kalima through tongue and heart.

7. Self-Deception and Success:

Self-deception is a topic that is been extensively taught in leadership skills these days. Self-realization is what is a rarely quality. It is found in only 1% of people, and only 1% of people are highly successful in the world according to success researchers.

Unfortunately, we Muslims have separated the success of Dunya from the success of Akhirah. The Muslim Coache Faiz H Seyal says that by imbibing the basic principles of Deen we can become highly successful in Dunya as well inshaAllah. So this kalima to us should also be a part of our success regime for the Dunya as well. If our actions in day-to-day life don’t match with the message of this kalima then we can not achieve the success of Dunya as well.

Related: Know the Dua For Success

8. Tawakkal on Allah SWT:

The 1st Kalima gives us the confidence and strong belief that we can achieve anything if we comply with its standards. Whatever we do should only be for the Sake of Allah SWT. There is nothing more powerful than Him. Whatever we achieve is only from Him and whatever losses we bear are due to our own shortcomings.

It makes us free of blaming and Complaining about our failures. It opens the doors of Self-check or Muhaseba. Non-judgemental analysis of our actions will only help us progress in our daily goals inshaAllah. 

9. Heavy on Scale:

There are so many benefits of its recitation. This Kalima is very heavy on the scale. The scale where our actions will be weighed soon. On the Day of Judgement where our focus will be only on the appraisal from Allah. The severe punishments will be in front of the eyes. The horrifying realities will be disclosed and every single action will matter for our success on that day.

Allah SWT emphasizes doing Zikr in Abundance (Zikran Kaseerah). So we should not miss the opportunity to keep our tongues wet with His Zikr.

Related: Know the benefits of Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi


So doing zikr with kalima is highly recommended. Janab Sadath Ullah Khan editor of Islamic Voice, Banglore tells in his 3 days workshops that We are changing moment to moment from the state of iman to the state of shirk. It is that close! So we need to check every single action that we do. Indulging in anything which is against the essence of this kalima might be counted as the Shirk e Khafi.

Our Beloved Prophet RasoolAllah (SAWS) feared for Shirk e Khafi for his ummah. We all Alhamdulillah try our best to stay away from Kabeerah Gunah or Zahir Shirk. But the real tricky trap lies in the tiny actions we do in our daily lives. So keeping a check of our actions and seeing that they align with the standards of the first kalima is mandatory to save us from the Sins and Shirk e Khafi, insha’Allah.

Written by Asma Rubab

Asma is a Home Maker and Holistic Nutritionist. She Mastered Pharmacology. She also did a diploma in Early Childhood Education to become a better mom. She is an ardent reader who enjoys reading self-help genre books and loves helping young women in finding their purpose in life. She is currently associated with JIH and participates in their Islamic Study Circles. Her hobbies are crocheting and Mehendi designing.

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