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CLI reference


The following document is a reference guide to the commands provided by the Invenio-CLI tool.

Intended audience

This guide is intended for system administrators and developers of InvenioRDM.


Following is an overview of the root-level commands in Invenio-CLI:

Command Description Supported
assets Statics and assets management commands. v0.19.0
check-requirements Checks the system fulfills the pre-requirements. v0.19.0
containers Containers management commands. v0.19.0
destroy Removes all associated resources (containers, images, virtual environment, etc.) v0.19.0
init Initializes the application according to the chosen flavour (Currently only RDM is available) v0.19.0
install Installs the project locally. v0.19.0
packages Commands for package management. v0.19.0
pyshell Python shell command. v0.19.0
run Starts the local development server. v0.19.0
services Commands for services management. v0.19.0
shell Shell command. v0.19.0
translations Extracts, initializes and compile message catalogs (i18n) v1.0.12
upgrade Upgrades the current application to the specified InvenioRDM version -

Shell completion

Invenio-CLI provides support for tab completion of commands and options for Bash, Zsh and Fish shells. You can install the shell completion

For Bash, add this to ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(_INVENIO_CLI_COMPLETE=source_bash invenio-cli)"

For Zsh, add this to ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(_INVENIO_CLI_COMPLETE=source_zsh invenio-cli)"

For Fish, add this to ~/.config/fish/completions/

eval (env _INVENIO_CLI_COMPLETE=source_fish invenio-cli)

The above eval commands will invoke your application every time a shell is started. This may slow down shell startup time.

Alternatively, create an activation script:

For Bash:

_INVENIO_CLI_COMPLETE=source_bash invenio-cli >

For Zsh:

_INVENIO_CLI_COMPLETE=source_zsh invenio-cli >

In .bashrc or .zshrc, source the script instead of the eval command:

. /path/to/

For Fish, add the file to the completions directory:

_INVENIO_CLI_COMPLETE=source_fish invenio-cli > ~/.config/fish/completions/

General commands


Checks the minimal system requirements are met.


  • -d, --development Check also development requirements (defaults to not checking development requirements).


Removes all associated resources (containers, images, volumes, Python virtual environment).

All data in services are lost.


Initializes the application skeleton for the chosen flavour. Currently only rdm flavour is supported and it is the default value.


  • -t, --template TEXT Path or git URL to the Cookiecutter template.
  • -c, --checkout TEXT Branch, tag or commit to checkout if --template is a git URL.
  • --config .invenio, Auto pre-filling of initialization questions from the .invenio file. Refer to .invenio for file structure within your instance for more info.


Installs the project locally.

Installs Python dependencies, creates an instance directory, symlinks the invenio.cfg, templates, static files, assets, and finally builds front-end assets.

A python virtual environment is created if it does not already exist.


  • --pre If specified, allows the installation of alpha releases
  • -p, --production / -d, --development Production mode copies statics/assets. Development mode symlinks statics/assets (default).


Starts the local development server.


  • -h, --host TEXT The interface to bind to.
  • -p, --port INTEGER The port to bind to.
  • -d, --debug / --no-debug Debug mode enables Flask development mode, auto-reloading and more (default: enabled).
  • -s, --services / -n, --no-services Run dockerized services along with the instance or not.

Assets commands

Statics files and assets management commands.

Command Description Supported
install Install and link a React module. v0.19.0
build Build the current application static/assets files. v0.19.0
watch Statics and assets watch commands. v0.19.0
watch-module Watch a JavaScript/React module. v0.19.0

assets install

Install and link the JavaScript/React package specified by the path. For example:

invenio-cli assets install ~/src/react-invenio-awesome/

assets build

Build the current application's static/assets files.

The default behavior of the command is to:

  • Remove any existing
  • Static files
  • Webpack project
  • Installed Node modules
  • Collect
    1. Static files
    2. Assets for the Webpack project
    3. InvenioRDM's instance statics and assets.
  • Install all Node modules specified by the Webpack project's package.json.
  • Build the Webpack project.

The command by default symlinks the static files and assets. This enables you to run the watch. If you build with --production, no symlinks are created, and the watch will not detect changes to your local development files.


  • -n, --no-wipe Do not remove existing assets.
  • -p, --production / -d, --development Production mode copies files. Development mode creates symbolic links, this allows to have real-time changes of the files. Defaults to --development.

assets watch

Watches InvenioRDM's Webpack project for changes, and automatically rebuild the project if a file is changed.

This command is useful for instance if you're editing the LESS or JavaScript files in your InvenioRDM instance.

Note, if you run assets build with the --production option, then your local development files are not symlinked, and the assets watch command will not detect edits of your local development files.

assets watch-module

Watch a JavaScript/React package for changes, and automatically rebuild the package.

This command is useful if you are developing a React package (e.g. React-Searchkit).

Before watching a React package, it must be installed and linked. This can be done with the assets install command. If the package is not already installed and linked you can use the -l/--link option.


  • -l/--link Install and link the JavaScript/React package before watching for changes.


The command assets watch-module only rebuilds the JavaScript/React package into InvenioRDM's Webpack project. However, before you can see the changes, you must also rebuild InvenioRDM's Webpack project. Hence, you normally always use assets watch-module and assets watch in together:

    invenio-cli assets watch-module --link ~/src/react-invenio-deposit
    invenio-cli assets watch

Container commands

Containers management commands.

The container management commands intends to bring up a full infrastructure environment for development purposes that looks similar to your production environment.

Command Description Supported
build Build application and service images. v0.19.0
destroy Destroy containerized services and application. v0.19.0
setup Setup containerized services. v0.19.0
start Start containerized services and application. v0.19.0
status Checks if the services are up and running. v0.19.0
stop Stop containerized services and application. v0.19.0

The container management commands uses Docker-Compose behind the scenes, and specifically relies on the docker-compose.full.yml file.

containers build

Build the application and service images.


  • --pull / --no-pull Download newer versions of the image. Defaults to pull.
  • --cache / --no-cache Use or do not use the cache when building images. Defaults to using the cache.

containers destroy

Destroy the containerized services and application.

containers setup

Setup containerized services.

By default this command will build and boot all the containerized services (see --stop-services and --no-services options below to control this behaviour).

This command:

  • Initialize and create the database, Elasticsearch indexes, cache and message queue.
  • Create an admin role.
  • Create a default location for files.

Error (psycopg2.OperationalError) FATAL: role "xxx" does not exist

To avoid misleading error messages like this, make sure Postgres is not installed locally (and using port 5432) when setting up the database container.


  • -f, --force Force recreation of database tables, Elasticsearch indexes and queues.
  • -n, --no-demo-data Disable the creation of demo data.
  • --stop-services Stop containers after setup.
  • -s, --services / -n, --no-services Boot up or not the containerized services. Defaults to boot them up.

containers start

Start the containerized services and application.


  • --lock / --skip-lock Lock Python dependencies (defaults to --skip-lock).
  • --build / --no-build Build images (defaults to --no-build).
  • --setup / --no-setup Setup services (defaults to --no-setup).
  • --demo-data / --no-demo-data Create demo records if --setup is specified. (default=True).
  • -s, --services / -n, --no-services Boot up or not the containerized services. Defaults to booting them up.

This command is intended to only start the containers needed to run a full containerised instance, for example:

invenio-cli containers start

However, for demo/preview purposes it allows to perform a full build and setup. For instance, if you have a freshly initialized instance you can build and boot it with:

invenio-cli containers start --lock --build --setup

Note, that --lock is done locally on your machine, and not inside the containers.

containers status

Checks if the services are up and running.

Supported services

currently only ES, DB (postgresql/mysql) and redis are supported.


  • -v, --verbose Verbose mode will show all logs in the console.

containers stop

Stop containerized services and application.

Packages commands

Commands for Python package management.

Command Description Supported
install Install one or a list of Python packages in the local environment. v0.19.0
lock Lock Python dependencies. v0.19.0
outdated Show outdated Python dependencies. -
update Update a single Python python package. -

packages install

Install one or more Python packages as editable packages in the local Python virtual environment.

The primary intended purpose of this command is for developers to install a development version of an Invenio module they are working on.

Don't skip assets rebuild

The command by default rebuilds the assets afterwards (same as running assets build). If you skip rebuilding the assets, you will likely have outdated files in InvenioRDM's Webpack project, and you are very likely going to have problems.


  • -s, --skip-build Do not rebuild the assets.

packages lock

Lock Python dependencies.

This creates a Pipfile.lock in your instance with hashes and versions of all Python packages. This ensures you have reproducible builds, and that you don't risk having new patch-level versions of third-party Python packages break your build.


  • --pre Allows the installation of alpha releases.
  • --dev Include development devepencies.

packages outdated

Not yet supported

packages update

Not yet supported

Services commands

Commands for services management.

The services management commands intends to bring up a minimal infrastructure environment for development purposes.

Command Description Supported
destroy Destroy development services. v0.19.0
setup Setup local services. v0.19.0
start Start local services. v0.19.0
status Checks if the services are up and running. v0.19.0
stop Stop local services. v0.19.0

The services management commands uses Docker-Compose behind the scenes, and specifically relies on the docker-compose.yml file. The containers commands instead relies on the docker-compose.full.yml file.

services destroy

Destroy development services and any data in them.

services setup

Setup containerized services.

By default this command will build and boot all the containerized services (see --stop-services and --no-services options below to control this behaviour).


  • -f, --force Force recreation of database tables, Elasticsearch indices and queues.
  • -n, --no-demo-data Disable the creation of demo data.
  • --stop-services Stop containers after setup.
  • -s, --services / -n, --no-services Boot up or not the containerized services. Defaults to boot them up.

services start

Start the containerized services.

services status

Checks if the services are up and running.

Supported services

Currently only Elasticsearch, databases (PostgreSQL/MySQL) and Redis are supported.


  • -v, --verbose Verbose mode will show all logs in the console.

services stop

Stop containerized services.

The command does not destroy any data in the services.

Shell commands


Starts a new shell (bash/zsh/...) and activates the Python virtual environment.


Starts an interactive Python interpreter with the InvenioRDM application loaded.


-d, --debug / --no-debug Debug mode enables Flask development mode (default: disabled).

Translations commands

Translations (i18n) message catalogs management.

Command Description Supported
extract Extract strings from code and config v1.0.12
init Initialize a specific locale catalog v1.0.12
update Update message catalogs v1.0.12
compile Compile message catalogs v1.0.12

translations extract

Extract strings from code (generate .pot files).


  • -b, --babel-ini Relative path to babel.ini (including filename).

translations init

Initialize a specific locale catalog (generate .po files).


  • -l, --locale Locale to initialize.

translations update

Update message catalogs.

translations compile

Compile message catalogs (generate .mo files).


  • -f, --fuzzy Allow fuzzy translations (not revised).

Upgrade command


Not yet supported

Invenio RDM commands


Invenio app rdm commands.

rdm pages

see Static pages.

rdm pages create


  • -f, --force Creates static pages.

rdm fixtures

Create the fixtures.

rdm rebuild-all-indices

Reindex all services with optional selecting and ordering.


  • -o, --order Comma-separated list of services to reindex in the specified order. If not provided, all services will be reindexed. e.g.:
invenio rdm rebuild-all-indices -o users,communities,records,requests,request_events

if you don't specify services, The following services will be reindexed:

users, groups, domains, communities, members, records, record-media-files, affiliations, awards, funders, names, subjects, vocabularies, requests, request_events, oaipmh-server

Note that the users, groups, and members use bulk indexing and rely on celery running. They will not be reindexed if celery is not running.

This command does not impact usage statistics indexes. You need to manually restore statistics indexes from a backup.