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Used for interacting with requests.

Get a request

GET /api/requests/{request_id}


Name Type Location Description
request_id string path The request's public identifier.
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)


GET /api/requests/{request_id} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
  "created_by": {"user": "1"},
  "expires_at": null,
  "id": "{request_id}",
  "is_closed": False,
  "is_expired": False,
  "is_open": False,
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}",
    "actions": {
      "accept": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/accept",
      "cancel": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/cancel",
      "decline": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/decline",
      "submit": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/submit"
  "number": "1",
  "receiver": {"user": "2"},
  "revision_id": 1,
  "status": "draft",
  "title": "Foo bar",
  "topic": {"record": {record_id}},
  "type": "default-request",
  "updated": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.969244",

Update a request

Updating a request is not supported yet.

Because only some properties of a request can be updated manually, updating a request is disabled until it can be handled properly.

PUT /api/requests/{request_id}


Name Type Location Description
request_id string path The request's public identifier.
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)


PUT /api/requests/{request_id} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "expires_at": null,
  "id": "{request_id}",
  "number": "{request_number}",
  "revision_id": 1,
  "status": "draft",
  "title": "A new title",
  "type": "default-request"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
  "created_by": {"user": "1"},
  "expires_at": null,
  "id": "{request_id}",
  "is_closed": False,
  "is_expired": False,
  "is_open": False,
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}",
    "actions": {
      "accept": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/accept",
      "cancel": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/cancel",
      "decline": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/decline",
      "submit": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/submit"
  "number": "{request_number}",
  "receiver": {"user": "2"},
  "revision_id": 2,
  "status": "draft",
  "title": "A new title",
  "topic": {"record": "abcd-1234"},
  "type": "default-request",
  "updated": "2020-11-28 10:52:23.969244",

Search requests

Used for listing all requests you can interact with.

GET /api/requests


Name Type Location Description
q string query Search query used to filter results based on ElasticSearch's query string syntax.
sort string query Sort search results. Built-in options are "bestmatch", "name", "newest", "oldest" (default: "bestmatch" or "newest").
size integer query Specify number of items in the results page (default: 10).
page integer query Specify the page of results.
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json

Note that "bestmatch" is only available as a sort option on requests that provide a query string as a q parameter, in which case it is the default sort type. If no query string is provided in the request, the default sort type is "newest". In this case a "bestmatch" value is ignored and the default "newest" sort is used.


GET /api/requests HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "hits": {
    "hits": [
        "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
        "created_by": {"user": "1"},
        "expires_at": null,
        "id": "{request_id}",
        "is_closed": False,
        "is_expired": False,
        "is_open": False,
        "links": {
          "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}",
          "actions": {
            "accept": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/accept",
            "cancel": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/cancel",
            "decline": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/decline",
            "submit": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/submit"
        "number": "{request_number}",
        "receiver": {"user": "2"},
        "revision_id": 2,
        "status": "draft",
        "title": "A new title",
        "topic": {"record": "abcd-1234"},
        "type": "default-request",
        "updated": "2020-11-28 10:52:23.969244",
    "total": 2
  "sortBy": "newest",
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests?page=1&size=25&sort=newest"

Request Actions

Used for interacting with a request's lifecyle.

Request submission

A request is submitted via the draft and record APIs.

Accept a request


Only a request's reviewer can accept it.

POST /api/requests/{request_id}/actions/accept


Name Type Location Description
request_id   string path The request's public identifier.
payload object body The data associated with the comment. See Comment Payload.
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)


POST /api/requests/{request_id}/actions/accept HTTP/1.1
  "payload": {"content": "You are in!", "format": "html"}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
  "created_by": {"user": "1"},
  "expires_at": null,
  "id": "{request_id}",
  "is_closed": True,
  "is_expired": False,
  "is_open": False,
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}",
    "actions": {
      "accept": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/accept",
      "cancel": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/cancel",
      "decline": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/decline",
      "submit": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/submit"
  "number": "{request_number}",
  "receiver": {"user": "2"},
  "revision_id": 2,
  "status": "accepted",
  "title": "A new title",
  "topic": {"record": "abcd-1234"},
  "type": "default-request",
  "updated": "2020-11-28 10:52:23.969244",

Cancel a request


Only a request's creator can cancel it. A request's reviewer can decline though.

POST /api/requests/{request_id}/actions/cancel


Name Type Location Description
request_id string path The request's public identifier.
payload object body The data associated with the comment. See Comment Payload.
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)


POST /api/requests/{request_id}/actions/cancel HTTP/1.1
  "payload": {"content": "Didn't mean to do that!", "format": "html"}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
  "created_by": {"user": "1"},
  "expires_at": null,
  "id": "{request_id}",
  "is_closed": True,
  "is_expired": False,
  "is_open": False,
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}",
    "actions": {
      "accept": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/accept",
      "cancel": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/cancel",
      "decline": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/decline",
      "submit": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/submit"
  "number": "{request_number}",
  "receiver": {"user": "2"},
  "revision_id": 2,
  "status": "cancelled",
  "title": "A new title",
  "topic": {"record": "abcd-1234"},
  "type": "default-request",
  "updated": "2020-11-28 10:52:23.969244",

Decline a request


Only a request's reviewer can decline it. A request's creator can cancel it though.

POST /api/requests/{request_id}/actions/decline


Name Type Location Description
request_id string path The request's public identifier.
payload object body The data associated with the comment. See Comment Payload.
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)


POST /api/requests/{request_id}/actions/decline HTTP/1.1
  "payload": {"content": "You are not in!", "format": "html"}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
  "created_by": {"user": "1"},
  "expires_at": null,
  "id": "{request_id}",
  "is_closed": True,
  "is_expired": False,
  "is_open": False,
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}",
    "actions": {
      "accept": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/accept",
      "cancel": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/cancel",
      "decline": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/decline",
      "submit": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/actions/submit"
  "number": "{request_number}",
  "receiver": {"user": "2"},
  "revision_id": 2,
  "status": "declined",
  "title": "A new title",
  "topic": {"record": "abcd-1234"},
  "type": "default-request",
  "updated": "2020-11-28 10:52:23.969244",

Request Events

Used for interacting with request events.

Submit a comment on a request

POST /api/requests/{request_id}/comments


Name Type Location Description
request_id string path The request's public identifier.
payload object body The data associated with the comment. See Comment Payload.
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)

Comment Payload

Name Type Location Description
content string body The comment's textual content.
format string body The format of the textual content. Only "html" accepted for now.


POST /api/requests/{request_id}/comments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "payload": {
    "content": "I would use these subject terms to align the record with others in the community.",
    "format": "html"


Content-Type: application/json

  "created_by": {"user": "1"},
  "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
  "id": "{comment_id}",
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{rquest_id}/comments/{comment_id}"
  "payload": {
    "content": "I would use these subject terms to align the record with others in the community.",
    "format": "html"
  "revision_id": 1,
  "type": "C",
  "updated": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.969244",

The event type

Comments are a kind of event related to a request. All events follow the same pattern: they have a type field identifying their type and a payload field with their specific data.

Get a comment

GET /api/requests/{request_id}/comments/{comment_id}


Name Type Location Description
request_id string path The request's public identifier.
comment_id string path The comment's public identifier
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)


GET /api/requests/{request_id}/comments/{comment_id} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
  "created_by": {"user": "1"},
  "id": "{comment_id}",
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{rquest_id}/comments/{comment_id}"
  "payload": {
    "content": "I would use these subject terms to align the record with others in the community.",
    "format": "html"
  "revision_id": 1,
  "type": "C",
  "updated": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.969244",

Update a comment

PUT /api/requests/{request_id}/comments/{comment_id}


Name Type Location Description
request_id string path The request's public identifier.
comment_id string path The comment's public identifier
payload object body The data associated with the comment. See above.
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)


PUT /api/requests/{request_id}/comments/{comment_id} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "payload": {
    "content": "I would use these subject terms to align this record and the other one with others in the community.",
    "format": "html"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
  "created_by": {"user": "1"},
  "id": "{comment_id}",
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{rquest_id}/comments/{comment_id}"
  "payload": {
    "content": "I would use these subject terms to align this record and the other one with others in the community.",
    "format": "html"
  "revision_id": 2,
  "type": "C",
  "updated": "2020-11-27 10:55:23.969244",

Delete a comment

DELETE /api/requests/{request_id}/comments/{comment_id}

Deleting a comment will clear its content and mark it as a "deleted comment event". You can only delete your own comments unless you are a request's reviewer or admin.


Name Type Location Description
request_id string path The request's public identifier.
comment_id string path The comment's public identifier
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)


DELETE /api/requests/{request_id}/comments/{comment_id} HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Get a request's timeline

GET /api/requests/{request_id}/timeline


Name Type Location Description
request_id   string path The request's public identifier.
q string query Search query used to filter results based on ElasticSearch's query string syntax.
sort string query Sort search results.
size integer query Specify number of items in the results page (default: 10).
page integer query Specify the page of results.
accept string header - application/json (default)
- application/vnd.inveniordm.v1+json (not yet)


GET /api/requests/{request_id}/timeline HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "hits": {
    "hits": [
        "created": "2020-11-27 10:52:23.945755",
        "created_by": {"user": "1"},
        "id": "{comment_id}",
        "links": {
          "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{rquest_id}/comments/{comment_id}"
        "payload": {
          "content": "I would use these subject terms to align this record and the other one with others in the community.",
          "format": "html"
        "revision_id": 2,
        "type": "C",
        "updated": "2020-11-27 10:55:23.969244",
    "total": 2
  "links": {
    "self": "{scheme+hostname}/api/requests/{request_id}/timeline?page=1&size=25&sort=oldest"

Advanced timeline search

The timeline endpoint can be searched, sorted, filtered, paginated etc., like any other InvenioRDM search endpoint.