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Indie Map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset.


Indie Map is a complete crawl of 2300 of the most active IndieWeb sites as of June 2017, sliced and diced and rolled up in a few useful ways:

Indie Map was announced at IndieWeb Summit 2017. Check out the video of the talk and slide deck for an introduction.

Indie Map is free, open source, and placed into the public domain via the CC0 public domain dedication. Crawled content remains the property of each site's owner and author, and subject to their existing copyrights.

The photo above and on the home page is Map Of The World, by Geralt, reused under CC0.

Indie Map was created by Ryan Barrett. Support Indie Map by donating to the IndieWeb!


Social graph

Interactive visualization

Click here for an interactive map of the Indie Web social graph, powered by Kumu. It renders all sites and links, by score, and lets you navigate and filter by connections, type, server, microformats2 classes, protocols supported (e.g. Webmention and Micropub), and more.

social graph


You can fetch each site's data and individual social graph, ie other sites it links to and from, by fetching /DOMAIN.json from this site. For example, my own personal web site is Here's an excerpt:

  "domain": "",
  "urls": [""],
  "names": ["Ryan Barrett"],
  "descriptions": ["Ryan Barrett's blog"],
  "pictures": [""],
  "hcard": {...},
  "rel_mes": ["", ...]
  "crawl_start": "2017-04-25T10:48:37",
  "crawl_end": "2017-04-26T10:56:19",
  "num_pages": 6929,
  "total_html_size": 169794664,
  "servers": ["Apache", "WordPress", "S5"],
  "mf2_classes": ["h-feed", "h-card", "h-entry", "h-event", ...]
  "endpoints": {
    "webmention": [""],
    "micropub": [""],
    "authorization": [""],
    "token": [""],
  "links_out": 102689,
  "links_in": 81519,
  "links": {
    "": {
      "out": {"other": 6750},
      "in": {"other": 46800},
      "score": 1
    "": {
      "out": {"like-of": 267, "in-reply-to": 172, ...},
      "in": {"other": 1041, "invitee": 5, "bookmark-of": 4, ...},
      "score": 0.783
    "": {
      "out": {"in-reply-to": 68, "like-of": 93, "other": 51},
      "in": {"other": 602, "in-reply-to": 218},
      "score": 0.723

The hcard field is the representative h-card from the site's home page, extracted by mf2util 0.5.0's representative_hcard().

The links field is a list of other sites with links to and from this site, ordered by score, a calculated estimate of the connection strength. The formula is ln(links) / ln (max links), where links is the total number of links to and from the site, weighted by type, and max links is the highest link count across all sites in this site's list. The weights are:

Direction: Microformats2 class:

Social network profile URLs are inferred for links to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ profiles and posts. Those links will appear as e.g. separate objects for,, etc. instead of lumped together in a single object. This is best effort only.

The links object is limited to the top 500 linked sites, by score. If there are more, the links_truncated field will be true. You can get the full list of sites by fetching /full/DOMAIN.json. You can also get just the links to/from the sites within this dataset by fetching /indie/DOMAIN.json.

Webmention, Micropub, WebSub, and IndieAuth endpoints are only extracted from the first matching HTML <link> tag, not all, and not from HTTP headers. These bugs may be fixed in the future.


You can download a zip file with the full set of JSON files. You can also look at the individual files in Google Cloud Storage, in the gs:// bucket. You can access them via the web UI and the gsutil CLI utility, e.g. gsutil cp gs://\*.json . You'll need a Google account, but there's no cost.

Statistics and graphs

Here are a few interesting breakdowns of the data, visualized with Metabase:

Data mining

The Indie Map dataset is available in Google's BigQuery data warehouse, which supports Standard SQL queries and integrates with many powerful analytics tools. The dataset is indie-map:indiemap. You'll need a Google account. You can query up to 1TB/month for free, but it costs $5/TB after that.

The dataset consists of two tables, pages and sites, and three views, canonical_pages, links, and links_social_graph. Each page's HTML was parsed for mf2 by mf2py 1.0.5, which was then used to populate many fields. Some fields are JSON encoded strings, which you can query in BiqQuery with JSON_EXTRACT and JSONPath.

Example query

Here's an example BigQuery SQL query that finds the most common rel-me link domains, by number of sites:

FROM indiemap.pages p, p.rels r, r.urls url

And here's a Metabase visualization of that query:

rel-me link domains per site


All HTML pages crawled, from all sites in the dataset.

Field name Type Description
url string
domain string
fetch_time timestamp
headers array<
 name string,
 value string
All HTTP response headers.
html string
mf2 string Full parsed mf2, JSON encoded.
links array<
 tag string,
 url string,
 classes array<string>,
 rels array<string>,
 inner_html string
All outbound <a> links.
mf2_classes array<string> All mf2 classes present in the page.
rels array<
 value string,
 urls array<string>
All links with rel values.
u_urls array<string> Unique top-level mf2 u-url(s) on the page.


All sites in the dataset. The names, urls, descriptions, and pictures fields are extracted from the site's home page's representative h-card, HTML title, Open Graph tags, and Twitter card tags.

Field name Type Description
domain string
urls array<string> This site's home page URL(s).
names array<string>
descriptions array<string>
pictures array<string>
hcard string Representative h-card for this site's home page, if any. JSON encoded.
rel_mes array<string> All rel-me links on this site's home page.
crawl_start timestamp
crawl_end timestamp
num_pages integer Total number of pages crawled on this site.
links_out integer Total number of <a> links in crawled pages on this site to another domain.
links_in integer Total number of <a> links in crawled pages on other sites to this site.
endpoints array<
 authorization array<string>,
 token array<string>,
 webmention array<string>,
 micropub array<string>,
 generator array<string>
All discovered URL endpoints in this site's pages for these five link rel values.
tags array<string> Curated list of tags that describe this site. Possible values: bridgy community elder founder IRC IWS2017 tool Known WordPress relme
servers array<string> List of possible web servers that serve this site. Inferred from the Server HTTP response header, rel-generator links, and meta generator tags.
total_html_size integer Total size of all crawled pages on this site, in bytes.
mf2_classes array<string> All mf2 classes observed on pages on this site.


A view of pages. Same schema, but only includes canonical pages, ie that don't have a rel-canonical link pointing to a different page.

A view of pages. Every <a> link in a page in the dataset, one row per link.

from_url string
from_domain string
to_url string
to_site string
mf2_class string Possible values: u-in-reply-to u-repost-of u-like-of u-favorite-of u-invitee u-quotation-of u-bookmark-of NULL

A view of pages. Counts of <a> links in pages in the dataset, grouped by source and destination domain and mf2 class (or none).

from_domain string
to_site string
mf2_class string Possible values: u-in-reply-to u-repost-of u-like-of u-favorite-of u-invitee u-quotation-of u-bookmark-of NULL
num integer Number of links with the given mf2 class between these two domains.



The raw crawl data is available as a set of WARC files, one per site, which include full HTTP request and response metadata, headers, and raw response bodies. It's also available as JSON files with the same metadata and parsed mf2.

The files are stored in Google Cloud Storage, in the gs://indie-map bucket. You can access them via the web UI and the gsutil CLI utility, e.g. gsutil cp gs://indie-map/crawl/\*.warc.gz or gsutil cp gs://indie-map/bigquery/\*.json.gz. You'll need a Google account, but there's no cost.

Individual pages and sites are timestamped. Indie Map may be extended and updated in the future with new crawls.


Sites were crawled with with GNU wget v1.19.1, on Mac OS X 10.11.6 on a mid-2014 MacBook Pro, over a Comcast 100Mbps residential account in San Francisco, between April and June 2017. Notable details:

Full invocation details in

Common Crawl (historical)

I originally tried extracting IndieWeb sites from the Common Crawl, but it turned out to be too incomplete and sparse. Each individual monthly crawl (averaging 2-3B pages) only includes a handful of sites, and only a handful of pages from those sites. They deliberately spread out the URL space, so I would have needed to process all of their crawls, and even then I probably wouldn't get all pages on the sites I care about.

I considered ignoring domains in a blacklist that I know aren't IndieWeb, e.g. and Bridgy's blacklist and the Common Crawl's top 500 domains (s3://commoncrawl/crawl-analysis/CC-MAIN-2017-13/stats/part-00000.gz) were good sources. However, in the March 2017 crawl, those top 500 domains comprise just ~505M of the 3B total pages (ie 1/6), which isn't substantial enough to justify the risk of missing anything.


Sites included

Any personal web site is IndieWeb in spirit! And many organization and company web sites too. Especially if the owner uses it as some or all of their primary online identity.

For this dataset, I focused on web sites that have interacted with the IndieWeb community in some meaningful way. I tried to include as many of those as I could. The full list is in crawl/2017/domains.txt, which was compiled from:

Notable missing collections of sites that I'd love to include:

I also propose the modest criteria that a site is IndieWeb in a technical plumbing sense if it has either microformats2, a webmention endpoint, or a micropub endpoint. Indie Map doesn't actually use that criteria anywhere, though.

Notable sites


Sites or parts of sites that were excluded from the dataset.

External listings

Indie Map is listed in a number of dataset directories and catalogs. Here are a few: