Papers by Daniel GAERTNER
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 30, 2022
Fisheries Research, Sep 1, 2022
Ices Journal of Marine Science, Dec 13, 2020
Fisheries Research, Sep 1, 2020
Fisheries Research, Jul 1, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jan 26, 2000
Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 2016
The European Research project " Catch, Effort, and eCOsystem impacts of FAD-fishing " (... more The European Research project " Catch, Effort, and eCOsystem impacts of FAD-fishing " (CECOFAD) set out to improve our understanding of the use of drifting fish-aggregating devices (DFADs) in tropical purse seine tuna fisheries in open ocean ecosystems. Data from unofficial technology information related to FAD-fishing were retrieved and the changes over time in systems used for positioning buoys at-sea (radio, satellite transmitters, echo sounder buoys) were quantified. The total number of DFADs deployed at sea in the Atlantic and Indian oceans over the last ten years was estimated from 2 different approaches, based on information provided by the French tuna association and extrapolated to the other purse seiner fleets. From data collected within the FAD National Management Plan, the relationship between the number of active DFADs and the catch per Spanish purse seiner (with or without the assistance of a supply vessel), was explored. Owing to the difficulty of gathering ...
Aquatic Living Resources
The creation of Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) in 1982 gave coastal countries sovereignty over t... more The creation of Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) in 1982 gave coastal countries sovereignty over their local tuna resources, whereas the migratory nature of tuna calls for regional management. However, as regional tuna management by Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) does not always facilitate optimal management of local resources by coastal countries, there is a need for an approach that ensures both the achievement of regional management objectives and optimisation of local benefits, i.e., “glocalised” management. To promote “glocal” management measures for the local populations of highly migratory species, (1) the spatio-temporal VAST model was used to estimate abundance indices for the adult regional Eastern Atlantic yellowfin tuna population and its local component in Ivorian waters using catch and effort data and (2) convergent cross mapping was used to examine the causal relationship between changes in abundance at these different spatial scales over time. Con...
Comment, depuis plusieurs decennies, la recherche scientifique contribue-t-elle au developpement ... more Comment, depuis plusieurs decennies, la recherche scientifique contribue-t-elle au developpement des pays du Sud ? A travers plus de 100 succes emblematiques de la recherche en partenariat, cet ouvrage nous plonge au coeur des grandes questions de developpement : oeuvrer pour des societes plus justes, lutter contre les maladies, faire face aux risques naturels, mettre en place une agriculture durable garantissant la securite alimentaire, preserver la biodiversite, partager les savoirs... Il montre ainsi comment la recherche contribue a l'amelioration des conditions de vie et a la preservation de l'environnement dans les pays en developpement, en soulignant le role de la science pour repondre aux defis du monde actuel et a venir. Compose de textes courts, didactiques et richement illustres, il s'adresse a tous les publics.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2017
Fisheries Research, Sep 1, 2022
Ices Journal of Marine Science, Dec 13, 2016
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 27, 2023
Papers by Daniel GAERTNER