Health & Wellness

How to be healthy
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From Broken to Awoken: A Lost Person's Guide to Happiness in 21 Days
Do you wake up feeling stuck, and like life is against you? You're not alone! I was in your shoes once and would love to share with you how I went from being depressed and suicidal to happy, successful and fulfilled so you can too! Sign up below to get on the list for From Broken to Awoken: A 21-Day Guide to Personal Success, Happiness and Fulfillment, an 11-chapter eBook that helps people just like you find personal happiness and success!
Spirituality: 7 Life-Changing Ways You Can Connect With Your Spirit Guides - CAJ Spirituality
Did you know you were born with spirit guides who are always here to help you as you navigate life? And connecting with them is as natural as breathing, but the trouble is most of us aren't aware they're around because we weren't taught about their prese
Mindful Living: 5 Signs From The Universe You're On The Right Track - CAJ Spirituality
"Am I on the right path?" "Should I be doing (insert thing)?" "How do I know if this decision is right for me?" At one point or another we all ask ourselves these questions, and struggle to answer them. Fortunately, we all always have access to the infinite guidance of The Universe (God, Source Energy etc.) and can tap into that guidance whenever we want. If you’re in the midst of questioning your life and choices right now then take this as a nudge from The Universe to read on....
Spirituality: 7 Life-Changing Ways You Can Connect With Your Spirit Guides -
Spirituality: 7 Life-Changing Ways You Can Connect With Your Spirit Guides - CAJ Spirituality
Self-love: How This Mama Gave Up The Status Quo To Embrace Her Body and Her 5 Tips for How You Can Do the Same -
5 Ways to Turn Your 'Shoulds' Into 'Musts' (And Why Doing So Matters For Your Happiness And Wellbein
Starting right now you can take action, and change your life so you don’t end up living with regret. Here are 5 ways to turn your ‘shoulds’ into ‘musts’ and why doing so matters for your personal success and happiness
Wellness: The 5-Step Healing Process That Will Actually Help You Recover From Toxic Relationships (So You Don't End Up in Another One) -
Toxic Relationships
7 Ways to Turn Possibilities Into Opportunities (And Stop Procrastinating!) - CAJ Spirituality
Ready to stop dreaming, and start turning your dreams into action? Then this article is for YOU! Here are 7 simple ways to turn your possibilities into opportunities now!
Sometimes things get hard, but you have to always remember that even during challenging times you need to keep going. #motivationmondays
How to Create a Vision Board that Actually Works
Imagine a world where you have complete clarity on what you want, why you want it, AND you have a fool-proof plan to bring those desires to fruition. Would you feel happy? Free? Purposeful? That world you've imagined is possible, and it starts right here. In this step-by-step course, you'll learn how to make a vision board that ACTUALLY works instead of one that collects dust under your bed. #visionboard #loa #lawofattracton #DIYvisionboard
Are you helping or hindering your soul? Is your life full of joy and fulfillment or fear and dis-ease? Here are 5 ways to heal your soul and live a joyful life! Includes FREE 7-day mindset coaching journal. #joy #happiness #manifestation #spirituality
Self-Help: 17 Ways You Can Take Responsibility for Your Life and Start Living the Life You Want Now
All of us were born with a unique purpose in life, and it's our job to figure out what that purpose is and live it to our fullest potential. But, in order to do this, we have to first help ourselves by taking responsibility for where our lives are versus where we want them to be. Are you ready to help yourself take responsibility for your life? If you are, here are 17 ways you can do just that
How to Uncover The Secret Parts Of Yourself You're Unconsciously Denying (And Why Doing So Will Help You Piece Yourself Back Together) -
Inspired Living: How to Uncover The Secret Parts Of Yourself You're Unconsciously Denying (And Why Doing So Will Help You Piece Yourself Back Together)
3 Signs You're Engaging in Toxic Spirituality (And What to Do if you Are) -
Are you engaging in toxic spirituality? Here are 3 signs you are, and what to do to overcome this limiting behavior.