Daily routines/schedules

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Tips to Keep Kids Engaged During Remote Learning
👷🏽 Among the many hats that I wear, I’ve been a Math and Science Tutor for a little over 10 years now. 🤓 Tutoring students this year has been very interesting to say the least – many kudos to them for making it through this tough academic year and my hat goes off to the parents for helping as much as they can in the remote learning experience. 👏🏽👏🏽 💻 After months and months of remote learning, your child is probably feeling a little burned out. While you can’t blame them if they’re over it, you can help keep them motivated as they head into the second half of the virtual school year. 👪 When it comes to the role parents can play in student engagement with distance learning, it is mostly of education management and adult supervision. Here are some tips for parents about keepi