DIY Perfume

How To Make Pheromone Perfume Blends! | A Green Beauty Blog
Attract love and passion to you with sensual pheromone perfume blends at! Pheromones are the mysterious chemical compounds in our body that draw us together, and you can mimic the effect of these scents with essential oils! Experiment with these DIY blend recipes, to attract all your desires! Click for more information and get some DIY blend recipes using these exotic sensual scents!
Sparkle & Shine Essential Oil Perfume
This perfume spray smells sooo amazing, try it and let us know what you think!
Essential Oil Perfume Blends
Essential oils work by masking your natural scent with the smell of another fragrance. You can combine several essential oils to create a unique scent that suits your mood or activity. You can use essential oil blends to change a scent on yourself or others.
DIY: PureFume - Perfume without The Toxic Fragrances & Nasties
DIY: Pure-Fume - Perfume without The Toxic Fragrances Do you love smelling amazing? In today's world, where chemicals seem to be lurking in every product, it's important to take control of what we expose our bodies to. One area where this is particularly relevant is perfume. Many store-bought perfumes contain synthetic ingredients that can be harmful to our health. These essential oil pure-fumes are the perfect solution.