Adirene Duarte on Instagram: "Este treino para as costas queima gordura, tonifica os músculos e elimina aquela teimosa gordurinha nas costas que pula do sutiã, tudo no conforto de casa. Ter costas fortes melhora a postura, reduz dores e aumenta a confiança, facilitando os movimentos do dia a dia. Além disso, trabalhar grandes grupos musculares acelera o metabolismo, ajudando você a queimar mais calorias mesmo em repouso. Apenas alguns minutos por dia podem fazer uma grande diferença na sua força e aparência, sem academia, sem equipamentos caros, só resultados. Pronta para se sentir mais forte e confiante? Vamos lá! #womenworkout #fitover40 #backworkout #workoutathome"
Marie | Personal Trainer for Moms | Fitness Coach🎀 on Instagram: "POV: Your Pilates instructor told you to start doing this exercise for 1 min daily & now your waist is snatched, hip mobility has improved and your core is stronger than ever. This move strengthens the core while improving hip mobility. Your inner thighs (adductor muscles) are engaged by squeezing the foam roller which in turn puts the deep core to work! ✨Save & Share this one!✨ Comment “Pilates” to get a direct link to my go-to foam roller for deep core workouts and muscle recovery! #strengthtrainingforwomen #matpilates #homepilates #pilates #wellness #pilatesgirl #strengthtraining #workoutroutine #thatgirl #thatgirlaesthetic #healthylifestyle #gymgirl #gymmotivation #gymlife #homeworkout #fitmom #core"
NadjaPiatka - your guide to ageless living on Instagram: "“Why work your triceps & shoulders? Because strong arms = a strong body! 💪 Here’s why you should add arm dips to your routine: ✅ Builds upper body strength ✅ Improves posture & stability ✅ Prevents injuries ✅ Tones & defines arms #triceps #tonedarms #strengthtraining #upperbodyworkout #strongerwithage #activeaging #fitover70 #healthyliving #strongwomen #ageisjustanumber #fit #pilates #barre #pilatesartstudio #algaecal #strongbody #strongbones"
Michael Lee | Mobility, Flexibility and Mindset Coach on Instagram: "Strong abs without doing sit-ups🔥 This is a great exercise if you’re seated in a chair. Sit in a figure 4 position and be sure to keep your back straight. 10 times per leg while holding for 2-3 seconds. 👍🏻Follow @master.mikelee for more tips to build a stronger and mobile body. . . #fitover50women #fitover40women #fitover40mom #bodyweightworkout"
Megan Dahlman on Instagram: "Type the word CORE in the comments ⬇️ and I’ll send you the link to my FREE 5-Day Core Tune Up program! 💥 Losing muscle mass in your core is VERY SERIOUS! It can lead to severe back pain, lumbar spine osteoporosis, and severe instability with everyday movements. 😩 If you want to prevent this or even if you’re already experiencing some of these issues, these CORE EXERCISES will help!! 1) Forearm bear crawls + exhale (try the full plank if you feel ready!) - Do 5-10 lift & exhales. 2) Modified side plank (do a full side plank if it’s easy) - Hold steady for 5-10 deep breaths 3) Bridges - Do 10-15 reps ✅ Be sure to save this video and be working on these moves! Want a structured core strengthening program to follow? Type CORE in the comments below a
9.1K views · 1.9K reactions | ⬇️Right here✨ 🌮 Comment “PLAN” if you want a free guide on how much to eat and an example meal plan with high protein meals! 🍔 1️⃣ Chicken salad with Greek yogurt - 🥣 4 oz. Cooked shredded chicken with 40G 0% Greek yogurt, 30G celery and green onion - 145 calories and 29G protein (Optional to add cranberries and sliced grapes) 2️⃣ Turkey roll - 3 oz turkey with pickle and mustard 🥪 - 95 calories and 21G protein 3️⃣ Shrimp cocktail 🍤 - 3 oz shrimp with 1 tbsp cocktail sauce will be 110 calories and 15G protein. 4️⃣ Egg white bacon burrito 🌯 - 97% fat free Canadian bacon pieces (3), 150G egg whites, low carb tortilla. 35G protein and 227 calories 5️⃣ Tuna (4 oz) with lettuce and pickles - 77 calories and 16G protein 🐟 6️⃣ Greek yogurt and berries - 150G 0% Greek yogurt with a couple berries sprinkled on top. 16G protein and 95 calories 🫐 🌮 Comment “PLAN” if you want a free guide on how much to eat and an example meal plan with high protein meals! 🍔 | Caitlin Wilson
9.1K views · 1.9K reactions | ⬇️Right here✨ 🌮 Comment “PLAN” if you want a free guide on how much to eat and an example meal plan with high protein meals! 🍔 1️⃣ Chicken salad with Greek yogurt - 🥣 4 oz. Cooked shredded chicken with 40G 0% Greek yogurt, 30G celery and green onion - 145 calories and 29G protein (Optional to add cranberries and sliced grapes) 2️⃣ Turkey roll - 3 oz turkey with pickle and mustard 🥪 - 95 calories and 21G protein 3️⃣ Shrimp cocktail 🍤 - 3 oz shrimp with 1 tbsp cocktail sauce will be 110 calories and 15G protein. 4️⃣ Egg white bacon burrito 🌯 - 97% fat free Canadian bacon pieces (3), 150G egg whites, low carb tortilla. 35G protein and 227 calories 5️⃣ Tuna (4 oz) with lettuce and pickles - 77 calories and 16G protein 🐟 6️⃣ Greek yogurt and berri
MadamLiu.official on Instagram: "THE SECRET TO STAYING YOUNG 3 EXERCISES KEEP YOU FLEXIBLE UNTIL 80 | 👉 Follow @taichiwithmadamliu for daily updates on Tai Chi, Qigong, and a healthy lifestyle! Start every morning with 10 minutes of practice and feel the transformation in your body! If you love this practice, drop a ❤️ and share your thoughts! Tai Chi and Qigong are not just exercises; they are an art form that harmonizes physical and mental well-being. Let your body flow with each breath and gentle movement to enhance: - Muscle strength and flexibility - Reduce stress and anxiety, bringing peace of mind - Boost blood circulation and support heart health - Strengthen immunity and promote longevity Join us to experience these benefits! #taichi #qigong #healing #health #exercises #home
Anna 🙉 on Instagram: "Perfect set to target your belly fat 😍😍😍 No equipment needed 👍 Mix this set with full body workouts with weights,add good nutrition (belly we make in the kitchen) and by summer your belly will look amazingly good 👌😍🥰 Are you in??? #fitbusymum #workouttips #bodygoals #woman #womenover40 #workoutmotivation #weightlosss #busywomen #fitness #burnfat #bellyfatburner #bellyfat #abs #absworkout #tips #motivation #homeworkouts #mother #losefat #lowimpactmovement"