
70 Pins
The Best Homemade Butter Slime Recipe
Soft and smooth texture while being stretchy, butter slime is the perfect kids craft. This homemade butter slime is one of my kids favorite slimes to make. As self proclaimed slime experts, my kids say that this smooth stretchy slime is the best type of slime to make and play with.
Engaging Geometry Lessons
If you are searching for a Geometry Curriculum with a lot of activities and hands-on material, then you are in luck! This curriculum took me over a year to write. I use it myself and I love it. I will be using this in the coming year to teach my online and hybrid classes. High School students need collaboration and engaging activities and that is exactly what I had in mind when I created this. To take a closer look, go check out my blogpost on why I wrote this curriculum.
What to know before 9th Grade - Thrifty Homeschoolers
Whether you're starting your 8th grade year or getting ready for ninth, this free poster is a great guide to what your child should know going in to their high school years! :: www.thriftyhomeschoolers.com
1 Million FREE Worksheets for Kids
BEST places to find everything you need for school at home with Prek-8th grade! FREE Printable worksheets to practice math, literacy, science, & history.
Middle School: How to Prepare for High School 🎒
During 6th, 7th and 8th grade, parents should be learning how to homeschool high school and building confidence. With preparation, the transition from middle school to high school can be blessedly smooth. #homescholar #middleschool #howtoprepareforhighschool #prepareforhighschool #homeschoolhighschool #homeschoolmiddleschool #homeschoollife #homeschoolfamily #howtohomeschool #homeschooltips #happyhome #homeschoolresources #raisingteens #homeschoolingteens #homeschoolplanning