
44 Pins
How to become a writer? Expectations vs Reality. #writing
Do you want to be a writer? Here's what you might expect and what it will really look like. Tips on building a writer's mindset and how to keep yourself motivated when things go wrong. #writing #writingtips #travelwriting #adventure #blogging #bloggingtips #wanderlust #creativewriting #author #literature
How to write a book in 30 days - Writing Challenge
After you start writing a novel you will understand for yourself what works best for you and how to make your work easier. But if this is your first time writing a book, or a short story, I recommend you have an outline. Not a super precise one, because as many writers say, this can make the writing of the story a bit too mechanical and risk spoiling your enjoyment. I personally had already decided a few things before I started writing my book: