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Just because they say you're too this or too that, doesn't mean you are those things. Just because they're unwavering in their opinions of you, doesn't make their words fact. They can think and say whatever feels true for them... ...AND you can think and say whatever feels true for you. Stop giving away your self-awareness, perceptions, and experiences to their observations, judgments, and accusations. It's ok to be open-minded...while still honoring yourself and your truth. ❤️ #s...
Overfunctioning wreaks havoc on your mind AND your body. 😵‍💫 It's not just an emotionally stressful experience, but also a physically stressful experience. ⚡️ Chronic overfunctioning can lead to physical issues, such as: 🩶 Heart problems 🩶 Metabolic syndrome 🩶 Weakened immune system 🩶 Chronic inflammation 🩶 GI issues 🩶 Chronic pain 🩶 Headaches 🩶 Anxiety 🩶 Depression 🩶 Memory problems Self-Restoration is a beautiful invitation to heal your mind and your body. ✨ To restore your em...
You can no longer be the shock absorber for their unhealed shame that they barf all over you every time they feel triggered. 🙅‍♀️ Self-Restoration invites you to clearly see this psychological pattern, stop playing small so that they can feel comfortable, and start requiring emotional maturity in the relationship. 💁‍♀️ And then watch what they do. 💆‍♀️ Remember, you can't change them. And you can't heal them. You can only decide if what THEY choose to offer you is acceptable to you. ...
Yes, they really can be THAT entitled and selfish. 😵‍💫🤯🫠 #overfunctioning #underfunctioningpartner #selfishpartner #cognitivedissonance #internalizedgaslighting #relationshipadvice #selfworth #womensupportingwomen #codependency #narcissisticabuse #emotionalabuse #relationshipproblems #healingjourney #selfhelp #womenswellness #empoweredwomen #mentalhealthawareness #boundaries #healthyrelationships #psychology #relationshiptips #selfcare #selflove #toxicrelationships #emotionalwellbeing #women...
Their 👏 response 👏 is 👏 their 👏 responsibility 👏 It is NOT your responsibility to regulate and manage their emotions. 🙅‍♀️ It IS your responsibility to regulate and manage your own emotions. 💁‍♀️ Keep your focus on you. You are a Self-Restoring Woman now, who will no longer carry another adult's emotional responsibilities. 👑 >>> Tired of feeling guilty, resentful, confused, and exhausted in your love relationship? My on-demand Foundational Masterclass for The Overfunctioning Woman is ...