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“From the highs of motherhood to the struggles and uncertainties, having a supportive network of mom friends is nothing short of invaluable” 🤍 We thank @gracemihalich for sharing her special experience with mom friendships! #friendship #motherhood Check out our blog “Navigating Mom Friendships: A Journey of Support, Understanding, and Connection” for more ✨
moms need friends too
Thanks to the Peanut app, I’ve found a huge source of support and friendship. It's basically a dating app for mom-friends where you'll find opportunities to connect with women all on different journeys: some new mamas, some TTC, some seasoned mamas and some mamas-to-be. If you're interested, come chat or find your own community.
Finding new mom friends is one thing. Keeping your old ones is another. Friendly reminder that friendships ebb and flow, especially when big life events come into play. If the person is important in your life, you'll find a way to keep that friendship flame alive - but don't worry if it dims down for awhile as you get your feet wet in motherhood, we've been there! #ottawamoms #ottawamama #yow #613 #motherhoodunfiltered #honestmotherhood #fourthtrimester #newmama #mamalife #ftm #digitalguide ...
📌First, send this to a Mama who needs to hear this and SAVE it for yourself when you need a reminder. A friendly reminder to all MAMAs - you doing great!, you are amazing, you are ENOUGH! 💜 Moms need other moms. We need mom friends. We need women who ve been there and made it. We need moms who say “Me, too,” and actually get it. We need moms in the trenches with us. Praying for us. And crying with us. And bringing us coffee (or margaritas) and tissues and company. We need mom...