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Parent story:

Child story:
  based on: Parent story

Story inheritance allows you to use parent stories as a template for child stories and:

  • Change the given preconditions.
  • Add new steps.

Code Example


  about: Simple log in.
    username: AzureDiamond
    password: hunter2
    url: /loginurl
      a.txt: a
      b.txt: b
  - Fill form:
      username: (( username ))
      password: (( password ))
  - Click: login

Log in on another url:
  about: Alternate log in URL.
  based on: login
    url: /alternativeloginurl

Log in as president:
  about: For stories that involve Trump.
  based on: login
    username: DonaldTrump
    password: iamsosmrt

from hitchstory import BaseEngine, GivenDefinition, GivenProperty
from strictyaml import Map, Int, Str, MapPattern, Optional

class Engine(BaseEngine):
    given_definition = GivenDefinition(
            schema=MapPattern(Str(), Str()),

    def set_up(self):
        print("visit {0}".format(self.given['url']))

        for filename, content in self.given.get("files", {}).items():
            print("{}: {}".format(filename, content))

    def fill_form(self, **textboxes):
        for name, text in sorted(textboxes.items()):
            print("with {0}".format(name))
            print("enter {0}".format(text))

    def click(self, item):
        print("clicked on {0}".format(item))

With code:

from engine import Engine
from hitchstory import StoryCollection
from pathlib import Path
from ensure import Ensure

collection = StoryCollection(Path(".").glob("*.story"), Engine())

Original story


Will output:

RUNNING Login in /path/to/working/example.story ... visit /loginurl
a.txt: a
b.txt: b
with password
enter (( password ))
with username
enter (( username ))
clicked on login
SUCCESS in 0.1 seconds.

Override given

collection.named("Log in on another url").play()

Will output:

RUNNING Log in on another url in /path/to/working/example.story ... visit /alternativeloginurl
a.txt: a
b.txt: b
with password
enter (( password ))
with username
enter (( username ))
clicked on login
SUCCESS in 0.1 seconds.

Override parameters

collection.named("Log in as president").play()

Will output:

RUNNING Log in as president in /path/to/working/example.story ... visit /loginurl
a.txt: a
b.txt: b
with password
enter (( password ))
with username
enter (( username ))
clicked on login
SUCCESS in 0.1 seconds.

Only children

print('\n'.join([ for story in collection.only_uninherited().ordered_by_file()

Will output:

Log in on another url
Log in as president

Executable specification

Documentation automatically generated from simple-inheritance.story storytests.