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The importance of test realism

Test realism is the strangely controversial principle that automated tests should test realistically.

This means, among other things, where it is feasible, automated test builders should aim for:

  • Running the code in environments which closely mimic where it will be run for real.
  • Testing against real code rather than mock code.
  • Where mocks are used, realistic mocks are chosen or built.
  • Prioritizing writing test scenarios that mimic the real life usage of the software.
  • Where possible, using actual data from the production database to write tests with instead of synthesized data.

Isn't this obvious?

While "test realistically" might appear to be very obvious, it does, unfortunately, conflict with certain more fashionable principles, chiefly "FIRST".

Taken to extremes this means you get some people saying "TDD test suites should run in 10 seconds or less" which would mean, except for certain very specific kinds of software means you are guaranteed to be writing and running very unrealistic tests.

FIRST stands for fast, isolated, repeatable, self validating and timely. It was a set of principles developed by Tim Ottinger and Brett Schuchert for describing ideal qualities of "unit tests" - the idea being that these would form the mainstay of your automated test suite. These are all good qualities tests, but they are usually of secondary importance to realism.

It does not stand for realistic. That quality - the quality which determines how many bugs your tests actually catch is isn't even mentioned. I've no doubt they consider it laudable - they apparently just don't consider it necessary.

The inherent trade off between test realism and test speed

While it's trite to say that a test that is fast and catches no bugs is pointless, there's a little more to it than that.

Fast, unrealistic unit tests do usefully catch bugs, which is partly why doing TDD with them can be such a powerful approach. An unrealistic, quick test that provides feedback on some bugs is still useful.

They just don't catch as many bugs, and they "catch" far more false positives.

Realistic tests, however, are usually slower than unrealistic tests. It is possible (although rare) to make automated tests that are incredibly realistic and unmanageably slow that don't actually catch significantly more bugs than tests 1/100th of their speed.

There is, therefore, always a trade off to be made between incredibly realistic and unmanageably slow and ultraquick but unrealistic.

It isn't necessarily a delicate trade off. There are quite frequently sharp diminishing returns on both speed and realism.

If one test takes half a millisecond and another takes 500ms, there isn't really any benefit to the quicker test - both are done in the blink of an eye as far as the developer is concerned.

Where do we draw the line?

Hypothetically speaking, lets say you have two tests testing the same feature - one, a test which hits a real database and interacts with the real UI using selenium. The other mocks out the UI (often dubbed "subcutaneous" and the database).

One takes 25 seconds, the other takes 25 milliseconds - 1000x faster.

The unrealistic test gives instantaneous feedback if written in a test driven style, while the realistic test can take up to 25 seconds to register a failure.

However, the realistic test will catch a lot of bugs which the unrealistic test will not and be less likely to fail when the feature works. In a relatively straightforward web app an enormous proportion (if not most) of the bugs you see will be "integration bugs" - bugs which emerge because of the interaction between two modules or pieces of software - for example:

  • The web page appearing the right way in one browser and the wrong way in another.
  • The database returning the wrong result because it was called in the wrong way.
  • The database performing an incorrect calculation because of how it was called.

None of these bugs will be caught with an unrealistic test that stubs or mocks out the database - worse, you will likely also end up embedding bugs in the tests which mock or stub the UI and the database and then having to undo them once you test the actual app.

Does this mean every test in every project should be an end to end test?

No, although for some projects, it's not necessarily a problem if they are. Every project in hitchdev is tested that way. Even though they resemble unit tests more than end to end tests, they do surround the entire project.

On the one hand, end to end tests that average < 25 seconds are an excellent default approach. On the other hand, there are some tests that can be run just as realistically and just as easily and be much faster and where that is the case, it does indeed make sense to write faster tests at a lower level.

The ideal times to move testing to a lower level are when:

  • There is a single module that has a clean abstraction and is loosely coupled to the module (or modules) around it.
  • A different team is responsible for each module (this is where executable specifications also come in handy).

How do I know if my tests are realistic enough?

Absolute realism is, of course, impossible and the law of diminishing returns applies to test realism just as it applies to speed.