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Red Ginseng
Ginseng Rubra Radix
Medicinal Group Qi-tonifying medicinal

Dried steamed and dried root of cultivar of Panax ginseng C.A. Mey. (Fam. Araliaceae)

Nature and Flavors slightly bitter, sweet; warm
Meridian Affinity Heart, Spleen, Lung

To greatly tonify the original qi, rescue collapse and restore the normal pulse, reinforce qi and stop bleeding



Part used

Root and Rhizome


Fainting in debilitated patients, cool limbs and weak pulse, abnormal uterine bleeding due to failure of qi to control blood, cardiac failure and cardiogenic shock

Research Findings

  • The major anticancer mechanisms of red ginseng compounds include cell cycle arrest, induction of apoptosis/paraptosis, and inhibition of angiogenesis.[1]
  • Ginsenoside Rg3-enriched Korean red ginseng extract acutely lowers central and peripheral arterial pressures in healthy adults.[2]
  • Korean red ginseng acutely improved endothelial function in healthy individuals. [3]
  • Korean red ginseng is efficient for protection for female quality of life  and bisphenol A- exposure and - related oxidative stress.[4]
  • Korean Red Ginseng is efficacious as an adjuvant treatment for patients experiencing residual symptoms of major depression.[5]
  • Korean red ginseng may improve arterial stiffness as measured by augmentation index.[6]
  • Daily supplementation with fermented red ginseng lowered postprandial glucose levels in subjects with impaired fasting glucose or type 2 diabetes. [7]
  • Administration of red ginseng extract powder for 3 years exerted significant preventive effects on the incidence of non-organ-specific human cancers in males. [8]
  • Peripheral vasodilation by Korean red ginseng may alleviate cold hypersensitivity in the hands and feet. [9]
  • Red ginseng extract intake would improve the quality of sleep. [10]
  • Red ginseng relieves the symptoms of alcohol hangover, including reduction of plasma alcohol levels, expiratory concentrations, and hangover severity. [11]
  • Red ginseng may reduce oxidative stress by increasing antioxidant enzyme activity in postmenopausal women.[12]
  • Red ginseng  supplementation could reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and inflammatory responses, resulting in improvements in insulin sensitivity.[13]
  • Korean Red Ginseng may be effective in protecting subjects from contracting acute respiratory illness. [14]
  • Korean Red Ginseng extract may be an effective and safe alternative treatment for children with inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms.[15]
  • Oral administration of Korean Red Ginseng extract extracts improved sexual arousal in menopausal women.[16]
  • Red Ginseng had a favorable effect on mitochondrial function and hormones in men with metabolic syndrome.[17]
  • Rg3, Rg5 and Rh2 are active components in red ginseng, and they prevent cancer either singularly or synergistically.[18]
  • Korean Red Ginseng supplementation may attenuate lymphocyte DNA damage and low-density lipoprotein oxidation by upregulating antioxidant enzyme activity.[19]
  • Red Ginseng could be an attractive herbal dietary supplement for relieving menopausal symptoms and conferring favorable effects on markers of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women.[20]


Incompatible with Rhizoma et Radix Veratri

Report on adverse effect

Stomach abdominal discomfort, pain, palpitation [21]



  1. Wang CZ, Anderson S, DU W, He TC, Yuan CS. (2016). Red ginseng and cancer treatment. Chin J Nat Med , 14(1):7-16. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1009.2016.00007.
  2. Jovanovski E, Bateman EA, Bhardwaj J, Fairgrieve C, Mucalo I, Jenkins AL, Vuksan V. ( 2014). Effect of Rg3-enriched Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) on arterial stiffness and blood pressure in healthy individuals: a randomized controlled trial. J Am Soc Hypertens. , 8(8):537-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jash.2014.04.004. Epub 2014 Apr 16.
  3. Jovanovski E, Peeva V, Sievenpiper JL, Jenkins AL, Desouza L, Rahelic D, Sung MK, Vuksan V. ( 2014). Modulation of endothelial function by Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) and its components in healthy individuals: a randomized controlled trial. Cardiovasc Ther. , 32(4):163-9. doi: 10.1111/1755-5922.12077.
  4. Yang M, Lee HS, Hwang MW, Jin M. (2014). Effects of Korean red ginseng (Panax Ginseng Meyer) on bisphenol A exposure and gynecologic complaints: single blind, randomized clinical trial of efficacy and safety. BMC Complement Altern Med. , 14:265. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-265.
  5. Jeong HG, Ko YH, Oh SY, Han C, Kim T, Joe SH. ( 2015). Effect of Korean Red Ginseng as an adjuvant treatment for women with residual symptoms of major depression. Asia Pac Psychiatry. , 7(3):330-6. doi: 10.1111/appy.12169. Epub 2014 Dec 12.
  6. Jovanovski E, Jenkins A, Dias AG, Peeva V, Sievenpiper J, Arnason JT, Rahelic D, Josse RG, Vuksan V. (2010). Effects of Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Mayer) and its isolated ginsenosides and polysaccharides on arterial stiffness in healthy individuals. Am J Hypertens. , 23(5):469-72. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2010.5. Epub 2010 Feb 4.
  7. Oh MR, Park SH, Kim SY, Back HI, Kim MG, Jeon JY, Ha KC, Na WT, Cha YS, Park BH, Park TS, Chae SW. (2014). Postprandial glucose-lowering effects of fermented red ginseng in subjects with impaired fasting glucose or type 2 diabetes: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. , 14:237. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-237.
  8. Yun TK, Zheng S, Choi SY, Cai SR, Lee YS, Liu XY, Cho KJ, Park KY. (2010). Non-organ-specific preventive effect of long-term administration of Korean red ginseng extract on incidence of human cancers. J Med Food. , 13(3):489-94. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2009.1275.
  9. Park KS, Park KI, Kim JW, Yun YJ, Kim SH, Lee CH, Park JW, Lee JM. (2014). Efficacy and safety of Korean red ginseng for cold hypersensitivity in the hands and feet: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Ethnopharmacol. , 158 Pt A:25-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2014.09.028. Epub 2014 Oct 8.
  10. Han HJ, Kim HY, Choi JJ, Ahn SY, Lee SH, Oh KW, Kim SY. ( 2013). Effects of red ginseng extract on sleeping behaviors in human volunteers. J Ethnopharmacol. , 149(2):597-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2013.07.005. Epub 2013 Jul 16.
  11. Lee MH, Kwak JH, Jeon G, Lee JW, Seo JH, Lee HS, Lee JH. (2014). Red ginseng relieves the effects of alcohol consumption and hangover symptoms in healthy men: a randomized crossover study. Food Funct. , 5(3):528-34. doi: 10.1039/c3fo60481k.
  12. Seo SK, Hong Y, Yun BH, Chon SJ, Jung YS, Park JH, Cho S, Choi YS, Lee BS. (2014). Antioxidative effects of Korean red ginseng in postmenopausal women: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. J Ethnopharmacol. , 154(3):753-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2014.04.051. Epub 2014 May 9.
  13. Jung HL, Kwak HE, Kim SS, Kim YC, Lee CD, Byurn HK, Kang HY. (2011). Effects of Panax ginseng supplementation on muscle damage and inflammation after uphill treadmill running in humans. Am J Chin Med. , 39(3):441-50.
  14. Lee CS, Lee JH, Oh M, Choi KM, Jeong MR, Park JD, Kwon DY, Ha KC, Park EO, Lee N, Kim SY, Choi EK, Kim MG, Chae SW. (2012). Preventive effect of Korean red ginseng for acute respiratory illness: a randomized and double-blind clinical trial. J Korean Med Sci. , 27(12):1472-8. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2012.27.12.1472. Epub 2012 Dec 7.
  15. Ko HJ, Kim I, Kim JB, Moon Y, Whang MC, Lee KM, Jung SP. ( 2014). Effects of Korean red ginseng extract on behavior in children with symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. , 24(9):501-8. doi: 10.1089/cap.2014.0013. Epub 2014 Nov 4.
  16. Oh KJ, Chae MJ, Lee HS, Hong HD, Park K. (2010). Effects of Korean red ginseng on sexual arousal in menopausal women: placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover clinical study. J Sex Med. , 7(4 Pt 1):1469-77. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01700.x. Epub 2010 Feb 5.
  17. Jung DH, Lee YJ, Kim CB, Kim JY, Shin SH, Park JK. (2016). Effects of ginseng on peripheral blood mitochondrial DNA copy number and hormones in men with metabolic syndrome: A randomized clinical and pilot study. Complement Ther Med. , ;24:40-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2015.12.001. Epub 2015 Dec 4.
  18. Yun TK, Lee YS, Lee YH, Kim SI, Yun HY. (2001). Anticarcinogenic effect of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer and identification of active compounds. J Korean Med Sci. , 16 Suppl:S6-18.
  19. Kim JY, Park JY, Kang HJ, Kim OY, Lee JH. (2012). Beneficial effects of Korean red ginseng on lymphocyte DNA damage, antioxidant enzyme activity, and LDL oxidation in healthy participants: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Nutr J. , 11:47. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-11-47.
  20. Kim SY, Seo SK, Choi YM, Jeon YE, Lim KJ, Cho S, Choi YS, Lee BS. (2012). Effects of red ginseng supplementation on menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Menopause. , 19(4):461-6. doi: 10.1097/gme.0b013e3182325e4b.
  21. 劉雲芳、陳華 (2000)。<服用紅參致胃脘疼痛1例>。中草藥,2。

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