%0 Conference Proceedings %T Strategies for Sensor-fault Compensation on UAVs: Review, Discussions & Additions %+ Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux, et Systèmes de Sophia-Antipolis (I3S) / Equipe SYSTEMES %+ Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) %A Ducard, Guillaume %A Konrad, Rudin %A Sammy, Omari %A Siegwart, Roland, Y. %< avec comité de lecture %( Proceedings of the IEEE European Control Conference %B IEEE European Control Conference %C Strasbourg, France %P 1963 - 1968 %8 2014-06-24 %D 2014 %Z Engineering Sciences [physics]Conference papers %X This paper provides a review of different possiblestrategies to compute meaningful states of an unmanned aerialvehicle (UAV) in the presence of sensor faults. The paperreviews some strategies that enable to compute useful outputsand to reconstruct sensor data when some sensor(s) become(s)deficient. In addition to a classical sensor suite for UAVs (IMU,GPS, barometer and airspeed sensor), the paper introduces thebenefits of using visual aids for sensor-fault tolerance. Finally,the paper provides the reader with an overview schematic -discussed throughout the paper- in order to summarize somepossible sensor fault-tolerant systems in UAVs. %G English %L hal-01301772 %U https://hal.science/hal-01301772 %~ UNICE %~ CNRS %~ I3S %~ UNIV-COTEDAZUR