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HACO (2024 Remaster)

by Haco
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Unguarded 03:03
- UNGUARDED - アンガーデッド (無防備) ベクトルを ベクトルを向けて ハーウ、ハーウ ベクッ、 ペクッ・・・ ベクトルを ベクトルを向けて UNGUARDED アンビリーヴァブル 野生界へ UNGUARDED GUARDED UN... 夢うつつのなか、 パープルの扉あらわれ、 光電池みたいにお昼様を待つ。 地球の表面をサーフィン でもどうせなら大気圏外へ 眼を惹かれるはガーデン、 ささやかではあるけれど、 しっかり植え込みもほどこされ、 近未来的。 走りだすは聴神経パルス 脳みそをいっきょに刺激する UNGUARDED GUARDED UNGUARDED! 働くは保護回路が スマイルのキャッチボール 今じゃ取扱注意のラベルが、背中に ベタベタ貼られている。 指先にピリピリ電気がきて UNGUARDED GUARDED UNGUARDED! __________ - UNGUARDED - The vector... Switch the vector Ha-uuh, ha-uuh Vec, vec... The vector... Switch the vector UNGUARDED It's unbelievable... into the untamed world. UNGUARDED GUARDED UN... Half-dreaming, a purple door appears, and I await the sunrise like a solar battery. Surfing on the surface of the earth. But if I really meant it, I'd soar out of this atmosphere. A garden catches my eye. It looks plain, but is planted neatly. Futuristic! The pulse of my auditory nerve starts up, and all at once stimulates my brain. UNGUARDED GUARDED UNGUARDED! The protective circuit is engaged, playing catch with smiles. Now "Handle with Care" labels are stuck on my back. A tingle of electricity goes through my fingertips and... UNGUARDED GUARDED UNGUARDED!
Guarded 01:14
- GUARDED - アンガーデッド (無防備) (インストゥルメンタル) (Instrumental)
- Would You Like Some Mushrooms? - マシュル-ムはいかが? MUSHROOMS Would you like some mushrooms? 条件反射MUSHROOMS イタリア直輸入のパスタはいかが 学習機能-MUSHROOMS 買いしめた缶詰を開けましょう Wow! Oh! That's too much for me ! Expensive ! MUSHROOMS
 無痛分娩-MUSHROOMS 今朝から雨が降り続いて 買い物の帰りに漏れたのよ 自動閉塞-MUSHROOMS 「ちがうよそれはまるで センティメンタル」 MUSHROOMS 『処方は極にしてあります』 帰りみちいそごう。 胃のなかがタプタプだ。 "MUSHROOMS, I'm hooome! (ただいまー!)” MUSHROOMS __________ - Would You Like Some Mushrooms? - MUSHROOMS Would you like some mushrooms? Conditioned reflex-MUSHROOMS How about some pasta imported directly from Italy? Learning functions-MUSHROOMS Let's open the cans we bought! Wow! Oh! That's too much for me! Expensive! MUSHROOMS Painless delivery-MUSHROOMS It's been raining since this morning. I got wet on my way home from shopping. Automatic blockade MUSHROOMS "That's all wrong! It's too sentimental!" MUSHROOMS "The prescription is strictly confidential." I'll hurry home. My stomach feels slushy. "MUSHROOMS, I'm hooome !" MUSHROOMS
- Sunday Virgins - 日曜処女 この執拗な連続行為 (シーケンス) を止めることができません。 若いカップルが要に手をあて向かい合い、 左脚をちょん、 右脚をちょんと出しては踊っています。 アベックの回転が作りだす小さな円周は、 そのバーの中でしっかりとした浮島になり、 カウンターの客の眼線が吸いつけられてはすぐに離れていきました。 まるで火星人のあみだすマカロニウエスタン。 でも神経をゆるやかに撫でするには、 パーフェクトに近い光景ではありませんか。 __________ - Sunday Virgins - There's no end to this recurring chain of events. A young couple dancing with their hands on their hips faces each other, kicking their left feet out, kicking their right feet out. The small circular outline made by the spinning pair turns unmistakably into a floating island in the bar. The customers at the counter glance over, and quickly turn away again. It's like some kind of spaghetti western thought up by Martians. But in the way that it gets on your nerves, isn't it a nearly perfect spectacle?
A Fragment 05:39
- A Fragment - フラグメント 光と影の記念碑 (モニュメント) 足早に石畳の街路 (みち) 時の羽根車を回して··· 熱っぽい顔に掌 (て) をあて 体温計の針 水銀液が昇っていくのを 見詰めていた 断片 (フラグメント) 朝に湿った墓碑銘 (エピタフ) 捧げる真夏の香り 空気がつややかになっていく・・・ ひらりと横向きになり 窓の外 見つめた どちらかと言えば 威嚇射撃でもするように 断片 (フラグメント) 漂流していく部屋で俯せ、 うつぶせる 漂白されていく水の中 断片 (フラグメント) 路上で生き絶えてもかまわない ここ以外の何処でもいいから 漂流していく部屋で俯せ、 断片 (フラグメント) 漂白されていく水の中 __________ - A Fragment - A monument of light and shadow trots along a stone-paved road turning the feather-wheel of time. A hand pressed against her feverish forehead, she stares as the mercury in the thermometer rises from its tip. A fragment. The epitaph, wet with morning dew, offers a midsummer fragrance. The air is becoming lustrous. She reclined lightly on her side, and gazed outside through the windows as if she would have rather been firing warning shots. A fragment. She lies face down in a drifting room immersed in water that is being bleached. A fragment. It wouldn't matter if she breathed her last out on the street. Any place but here would do. She lies face down in a drifting room... A fragment ...immersed in water that is being bleached.
- In A Cold Shower - 冷たいシャワー 地球の裏側まできて 夏も冬も同じじゃない 白鯨 (しろくじら) のようなバスタブに うずくまっている すっかり鳥膚 (とりはだ) のたったヒップを ひんやりとした クリームみたいな朝の底につける シャボンの泡 泡 泡 上と下の歯が ガチンガチン伴奏する __________ - In A Cold Shower - On the other side of the earth, summer and winter are the same, aren't they? I'm crouching down in a bathtub that looks like a white whale. I put my completely goose-bumped bottom down into the depths of a chilly, cream-like morning. Soapy bubbles, bubbles, bubbles accompanied musically by the chattering of my upper and lower teeth.
- Excellent Waves - エクセレント・ウエイプ It's all right Excellent waves Excellent waves What an excellent wave! しばらく遊泳 (Shibarakuyuei) You're an astronautess Step into the wave Get into the flow しばらく遊泳 (Shibarakuyuei) It's all right Excellent waves Excellent waves Tap into the current Ease into the motion Excellent waves Float into the beyond Excellent waves Plug into the wave Float into the flow Ease into the current Tap into the motion Step into the beyond What an excellent wave!
- The Way Things Go (Golden Baby) - 物事はそのように進んでいく 物事はそのように進んでいく Golden Baby 物事はそのように進んでいく Golden Baby ホーホー I'm gonna slow down (ゆっくりいきたいもの) Oh (あぁ) I'm slowing down (のろくなってきちゃった) 「ステーションでの生活にも慣れてくる」 慣れてくる Golden Baby 「ここにはここの流儀がある」 のだろう あるのだろう 物事はそのように進んでいく Golden Baby 物事はそのように進んでいく ステーションでの生活では かたつむりの飼育も盛ん 宙吊り野菜も育ッてる こころの栄養 ここではソンな風にやっていく 「どうも、どうも」 Golden Baby Golden Baby __________ - The Way Things Go (Golden Baby) - That's the way things go: Golden Baby. That's the way things go: Golden Baby. Ho, Ho... I'm gonna slow down Oh I'm slowing down "You'll get used to station life." Get used to it. Golden Baby. "That's the way we do things around here," it seems. So it seems. That's the way things go: Golden Baby. That's the way things go. In station life, raising snails is also prosperous. Vegetables hanging in mid-air are being grown, too. Nourishment for the soul. I guess that's just how things go around here. "Domo, domo." Golden Baby. Golden Baby.
Ice 04:29
- Ice - 氷 一片 (ひとかけ) らの氷が テーブルを滑べるとき 思いだすのは "そこ” にまだ壁があった頃の話し トゥ・ラ・ラ・ラ・・・ ハンスの手首には いつもよく油の差した ボールベアリングが内臓されている スティックのホィール びゅんびゅんす 半透明な身体の証明 ヨゼフは十九歳 東 (イースト) からやって来た 映画の勉強 ついで ヘヴィ・メタルのバンド組んだ 無人地帯 (ノーマンズ・ゾーン) を眺める瞳に 二極の界に沿った 砂鉄の心模様 リリーの皮膚呼吸で 極彩色のりん粉 (ぷん) 散乱 端的に言えば 限りなく胎児に近いヘアースタイル 穴あきタイツ姿で キッチンの壁に逆立ち グレゴールは虹色の 自転車で買いだし ブレックファースト 「サイテイの夏だ、 ここはまるでシベリアのよう」 クフフと笑う したり顔をつくっては ステップする 四人の繰り出す オルゴール 金属の爪弾く 氷のきしむ音を 聞け __________ - Ice - Whenever a sliver of ice glides across the table top, I remember a story from a time when the wall was still there. Tu-ra-ra-ra... Hans' wrists, always well-greased, had ball bearings built into them. Wheels of spinning sticks; the proof for his half-transparent body. Nineteen year-old Josef came over from the east, studied film, and later formed a heavy metal band. In a pupil gazing at no man's land, alongside the poles of a magnetic field, was a heart-shaped pattern made of sand. Lily, with her breathing skin, scattered brilliantly colored butterfly dust; and to be frank, had a hairstyle like a limitless embryo, in her knit tights with holes in them as she stood backwards against the kitchen wall. Gregor on his rainbow bicycle went out to buy breakfast. "No good summer. It's like Siberia," he smirked, made a triumphant expression, and waddled like a clown. Four music boxes pop open and as metal fingers pluck, creaking ice cubes are heard.
A Habitat 04:54
- A Habitat - 棲息地 びっしり活字の埋まったページから すこし焦げた匂いがする。 小さな染みが 「緑の火になり拡がって 火傷 (やけど) 炎天下に身を投げ突然 縞馬の群が走り去り・・・ __________ - A Habitat - From a page filled with tightly printed letters comes a vague smell of smoke. A tiny spot turns into green flame and spreads- burn. Suddenly, a body is thrown out under the burning fire. A herd of zebras run and run....
Oil & Water 05:12
- Oil & Water - 水と油 日中には船が見られる。 夢想のデッサンに引かれた 無遠慮な消しゴムの跡のように、 水の風景を掻き消しながら、 それはのんびりと進んでいくのだ。 互いにもたれ掛かるような 長四角 (ながしかく) い建物が、 二重に映されて、 まるで生きものみたいな 律動 (リズム) を奏でていた。 銀行の窓は すべからくひび割れている。 ハウスボートを泊める鎖は、 浮き世と かろうじて繋がり、 河の藻屑 (もくず) と同居しているけれど、 導火線は引かれている あちらこちらに、 ガラスの蜘蛛の巣。 すでに入り組んだ所に 立ちすくんでいる。 立ちすくんでいる。 __________ - Oil & Water - We can see some pleasure boats in the daytime, like erasers that rudely leave their traces on the sketch of a dream, rubbing the reflections from the surface of the water, while they leisurely drift on. The oblong buildings, which look as if they are leaning against each other, twice-reflected, emit the rhythm of living things. All the banks' windows have cracked. The chains which anchor the houseboats are barely connected with the world and live with the weeds in the river. But the fuses have been laid— from place to place a cobweb of glass. You just stand in the same convoluted spot. Already petrified. Already petrified.


:::::::: Haco - HACO [2024 remaster +1 bonus track] ::::::::

*High-quality digital version
*Incl. lyrics in English and Japanese
*高音質デジタル版 / 歌詞 (日英) データ付

Originally released in 1995
Remastered by Chihei Hatakeyama, 2023
Director: Masashi Tsukahara (MIDI Creative), 2023

"ニュー・ウェイヴから架空の国の民族音楽、雅楽、歌謡曲までがひとつの音楽として多義的に溶けている、崇高で霊幻で、オブスキュアな音楽の源泉。本作がHacoという音楽家がAfter Dinnerでの活動以降、初めて世に出した作品である事は後のキャリアを示唆するように響く。" ー門脇綱生(Meditations) (ライナーノーツより - 2023年11月)

"Japanese singer Haco is a true original ー like a weightless astronautess she floats in her own anti-gravity pop soundworld, shot through with a very female dada/surrealist spirit. Like her compatriot, the drum machine virtuoso Ikue Mori, Haco links clear, light sounds, a lot of space and open-minded quirks of structure." ーClive Bell (The Wire, UK - May 1997)


released January 24, 2024

Haco: vocal, sampler, keyboard, programing, etc.
Tsuneo Imahori: guitars (1, 5, 6, 8)
Christopher Stephens: kitty guitar (1), spoken voices (10)
Hiroshi Nakagawa: bansuri and tabla (3), sopranino (11)
Nobuhisa Shimoda: percussion (3), bass (5, 6, 8, 11), chorus (7)
Samm Bennett (4): percussion, electric percussion, samples, squeezy toys, vocal
Kenichi Yao: percussion (5)
Peter Hollinger: electronic percussion (6)
Tom Cora: cello (9)

Recorded at Xebес, Kobe
Engineered by Yoshihiro Kawasaki except Samm Bennett's composition, which was recorded at Tomandandy Studio, New York City, and engineered by James Mclean; Peter Hollinger's electronic percussion, which was computer engineered by Andreas Loof, Berlin; and Tom Cora's cello, which was self-recorded at Cojaux studio, New York City

All words and music by Haco, except track 4 (words by Haco and music by Samm Bennett)
©1995 Yano Music Publishing Co., Ltd / JASRAC

Photography: Kiyotoshi Takashima
Artwork: Yukio Fujimoto and Perfect Design ©1995
Produced by Haco and Yoshihiro Kawasaki


💿 Deluxe CD edition (incl. 16-page booklet) is available from:
豪華CD版 (16ページ ブックレット+ライナーノーツ) (MIDI Creative CXCA1319):
mescalina で入手可能です



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Haco Japan

HACO - Official Bandcamp Site

Haco - singer, lyricist-composer, and founder of After Dinner and Hoahio. As a musician, she has given performances throughout Japan and the world.

"the Japanese singer/sound artist/pop visionary" (Tiny Mix Tapes)

“A founding member of the legendary band After Dinner, Haco is one of the most versatile vocalists in the Japanese indies scene.” (John Zorn)
... more

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