Jewelry Inspiration

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Recent Auctions
We like to say selling jewelry is as simple as 1-2-3! And it can be when you do it with Worthy. Check out these recent auctions and learn why so many sellers are choosing Worthy.
Jewelry Inspiration
Worthy is an online marketplace that helps jewelry owners safely and securely sell their pre-owned diamond and gold jewelry at the best price possible. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and watch the offers roll in. Fully insured by Lloyds London, we offer external grading of your jewelry, secure shipping, professional cleaning and photography, and an online auction where you control the price. Finally you get your payment minus Worthy's fees. jewerly,watch,diamond.
Christie's Auction for "The Rock"
“The Rock” is going up for auction soon. And no, we don’t mean a one night romantic date with the action-adventure superstar actor Dwayne Johnson. Learn more about the enormous 228.31 carat white diamond being sold by Christie’s in Geneva this coming May.
Why Consignment Jewelry Will Lose You Time & Money
Selling jewelry on consignment is a popular option, but it might not be the best way to sell that old engagement ring, necklace, or bracelet that’s taking up space in your jewelry box. Find out why! . . . #worthy #wearesoworthy #divorce #divorcedlife #breakup #love #selflove #selfcare #spring #consignment #movingon #letgo #strongwomen #freshstart #happiness #motivation #luxury #singlemom #singlemoms #femaleempowerment #bounceback #springcleaning #positivity #diamond #jewelry
How to Apply the Konmari Method to Your Jewelry Box
Spring cleaning time is here! Even when it comes to valuable items in your jewelry box, the Konmari method works! Kait Schulhof instructs on how to organize your jewelry collection.
5 Things You Should Know Before Buying (Or Selling) A Diamond
You're probably already familiar with the universally accepted 4C’s. However, they only scratch the surface of a diamond’s grading and ultimate market value. Make sure you're familiar with this important info before buying or selling.
Sell Diamonds, Jewelry and Watches for the Best Price
With Worthy, getting more for your diamond jewelry has never been easier. Click to learn more!
Alternative Engagement Rings
A diamond is forever. A pink sapphire or blue topaz can be too! Discover unique, non-traditional, alternative engagement rings.
Could your unworn jewelry be worth more than you think?
Inherited jewelry is a touchy subject, but if it doesn't bring you joy - let it go. Instead of feeling guilty for holding on to something you are never going to wear, use the money you receive to honor your loved one and create memories that will be cherished forever.
Famous Necklaces Worthy of Their Roles
Ever wonder the actual value of the most extravagant jewelry pieces from your favorite movies and tv shows? See how our jewelry experts were able to estimate their worth!
What is a GIA Diamond Grading Report?
Diamond grading reports can vary drastically but the GIA Diamond Report is recognized as an authority by the best diamond buyers. Learn why here.
Top Auctions For 10K and Over
What does a $10K piece of jewelry look like? Let's take a look at a few of our favorite items that have sold for over $10,000.
View Recently Auctioned Jewelry on
Glimmering in gold! Check out these dazzling blossom earrings just sold with Worthy for $1,600. View more on our recent auctions page!