Title: Unicorn Pendant Necklace Material: 14k Gold Plate over Brass, gold fill chain.  Timeline:  Ships right away! Size: 40mmx42mm. Choose from 16, 18, or 20-inch 1mm cable chains. Special Options: Choose a chain from my shop to exchange for the cable chain. Message me for a special discount.  Story:  The stories and mythologies of unicorns are countless. This classic unicorn gently lifts its hoof and turns its head. The shining creature is engraved with stars.   Packaging: All items are nicely Unicorn Jewelry, Last Unicorn, Dainty Band, Unicorn Pendant, The Last Unicorn, Unicorn Necklace, Horse Jewelry, The Shining, Brass Gold

The last unicorn pendant necklace in 14k gold plate with gold fill chain.

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Product Details
Title: Unicorn Pendant Necklace Material: 14k Gold Plate over Brass, gold fill chain. Timeline: Ships right away! Size: 40mmx42mm. Choose from 16, 18, or 20-inch 1mm cable chains. Special Options: Choose a chain from my shop to exchange for the cable chain. Message me for a special discount. Story: The stories and mythologies of unicorns are countless. This classic unicorn gently lifts its hoof and turns its head. The shining creature is engraved with stars. Packaging: All items are nicely