How to Paint a WINTER CARDINAL! | A beginner step by step WINTER CARDINAL painting tutorial!😄🎨 Trust the process with this one, especially the bokeh effect and you will do great!... | By Emily Seilhamer Art | Facebook
How to Paint a WINTER CARDINAL! | A beginner step by step WINTER CARDINAL painting tutorial!😄🎨 Trust the process with this one, especially the bokeh effect and you will do great!... | By Emily Seilhamer Art | Facebook
Beginner Nativity Painting | Another top request has been a nativity scene, so here is a beginner basic painting tutorial of the reason for the season! ✨ #paintingtutorial... | By Emily Seilhamer Art | Let's not forget the reason for the season and paint a nativity scene. So I'm going to take my mop brush with some navy blue and white and do a line straight down the middle of my canvas. I'm using stretch canvas today. And then coming off to the right I'm going to start doing lines coming out from that center point but moving them out further and further. So it kind of looks like the sky is radiating. I bet you can guess what we're going to paint. So I'm going to do that all the way to the corner and then on that midpoint again at the top. I'm going to start bringing out the lines at an angle until I reach the corner. Fill it in there. Ooh I dipped into some really dark navy there too. Don't worry too much about the bottom but make sure the rest is filled up and I'm even going to take some more white and do some highlights coming down from that center point. That is our background for this painting. And then I'm going to dry it really really good. Now with the detail brush I'm going to take some white paint and do a cross at the top and then some little lines coming out from those corners to make a star. That is our star of Bethlehem and you can fix it up and make a little bit thicker. I'm even going to add some yellow over top of that white to make it really pop and then with the detail brush, I'm also going to take some white paint and make some lines coming out. Add some yellow and I want this to be kind of a transparent heaven shining down moment So, I'm going to take my medium round brush with a little bit of water and while the paint is still wet, I'm brushing that out. This will blend it, make it look like the star is radiating down to where our nativity scene is going to be and you can fan that out as much as you want. Now, at the bottom of the canvas, I'm going to take my mop brush with some sandy color and some of that yellow from the star and do kind of a wavy line. That's going to be our ground and now with my medium round brush, again, I'm going to start making stable. I'm just going to make the roof that looks like an arrow pointing up at the star and two lines coming down. I'm using burnt amber and then you can fix this up however you want. I'm going to make a little bit wider and I wanted to look like a wood stable. So, I'm going to take some tan and that burnt umber and just do up and down strokes underneath the roof. Don't worry if you mess up the roof because you can go back and fix that up but I'm just using those two colors together. Not blending them. I want em to be kind of mixed together so you see it. Make it look like wood grain. And then fix up the roof in the sides. I'm even going to take my detail brush and add some of that tan color for highlights on the roof and the sides as well. Uh it's for a shadow. I'm going to add some black underneath the roof. There we go. And then fix up the bottom where the sand is. Now these are where our figures are going to be so I'm also going to take a little bit of that brown and add some shading underneath. Just like that. Make it look a little dirty under there. Okay. So now with my medium round brush and some brown and black kind of mixed together I'm going to make a V and connect the top fill that in mix kind of an upside down triangle and then following it from one side down to the ground and the other I'm going to give it some legs this is the feeding trough where the animals ate but it's also where Jesus was laying so we need to make it fluffy let's add some hay in there taking some of my dark yellow with my detail brush pulling out some lines I didn't dry my paint so the browns kind of mix in with the yellow making it look shaded but I kind of like that so it works. With my detailed brush again, I cleaned it and got some white. Let's make baby Jesus. I'm going to do half a circle on there on the left-hand side and then taking some tan, I'm going to give him a head. Just kind of a little oval there. Love it. Okay, let's start Mary and Joseph. I'm going to take a medium pouncer. Round sponge on a stick. Press down and pull up like a stamp. One on one side and one a little shorter on the other side. There's Mary and Joseph. Now, I want Mary to have pink. I don't know why. I always think of light pink and light blue with her. So, I'm going to kind of make a curved line down going from her head and fill that in. Make it look like she has one of those long tunics on. Gonna mix it with some tan so it's not too bright pink and kind of like a dirty pink. There we go. Connect it to the head and let's do a white stripe in the front. There we go. Now, Joseph, I'm going to do something very similar but I'm going to use the dark brown burnt umber Connect it to the head and bring it down to the ground. There we go. And I'm also going to use the blue from the sky and I'm going to blend it in. I'm going to make it look like it's kind of a purplish brown. And then do a stripe of white there as well. Okay. Now I'm also going to add a head covering. So I'm going to give Mary kind of a light blue hat. Do some fabric going down from the back. Just pull this out. You can shape it however you want. Just make sure you leave room with face is and I'm going to give her some hair with my detail brush using the burnt umber as well there we go right along the top edge and even down you can fan it out towards the bottom and let's see let's give her a rope to kind of hold it in place so there's my detail brush I just used some of the colors I was using for the hay there we go let's do the same thing to Joseph give him a little hat and then pull down for some fabric from the back end I'm using my medium round brush there we go you can kind of clean up those rough edges at the bottoms if you want there and let's give them hair. I don't know. We don't know what color hair they had. I'm going to start with a little bit of black and brown together. Let's give him a beard. Kinda looks like Pharaoh now. We need to fix that. Hang on. Let's do a beard. Maybe add some highlights. Uh oh now it looks like he's gray. I don't think he was that old when Jesus was born. Let's add a little bit of brown in there. There you go. He doesn't look quite as old. Perfect. And let's give him a rope as well coming down in the front. Perfect. I used tan for that. Now once the they're dry again. You can take your detail brush and add more of the face back in if you need to give them any haircuts. There we go. And then because they kind of have some rough edges at the bottom I'm going to take my medium round brush and clean up those rough edges. Give them a little bit more shading with some black. And then you can fix up the bottoms of their tunics. I'm just taking my medium round brush and kind of cleaning that up. Perfect. And then like I said with any figures I just take my detail brush brush in some black and I kind of outline some of the different areas now I'm not going to do a full outline I'm just doing kind of individual expression strokes if you will in certain areas especially along that front where the white and the color meet along the edges anywhere that you feel like it needs more definition an outline definitely helps there we go we can even do Jesus' body there we go okay now Joseph is missing something I'm going to give him his walking stick or his shep staff you you see a lot of times in these depictions. I'm going to do that. Uh like a candy cane shape and a little tan oval for his hand. Perfect. Okay. So now let's make it interesting. I'm going to add a sheep. I'm going to do kind of an amoeba shape on the left hand side. Fill him in with the medium round brush. Detail brush. Do some black little legs coming down. Perfect. And an oval shape for the head looking towards baby Jesus. Give him some ears and then outline him as well. There we go. It's up to you how detailed you make this as with any of my paintings. Make it your own. Gonna add some highlights there. And let's see. Bethlehem. I'm going to add some palm trees. We need something on this other side. So I took my medium round brush with a black color pulled up a line and then use a toothpick to make some smiley faces in the trunk. Now with a fan brush I'm going to take a little bit of black paint. Make a line and start pulling out from that line. Just pull out and down kind of in a curved shape. Use a very very light touch and the texture from the brush will make it look like palms. Now, I usually do four or five of these and just to kind of curve out, think of gravity pulling them down. Let's add a second palm tree by medium round brush and then before the paint dries, take a toothpick, make some smiley faces going up that trunk. Good and same thing with the fan brush. Tap a palm out and then drag the paint out and down in a curved motion. There we go. Whoo. I love it. Now, this is a pretty simple beginner basic nativity scene. It's up to you how many details you do. I just make sure I clean up any lines then. Add a little bit of shading down at the bottoms and then as a final touch, I know we have that big star but I don't think all the other stars disappeared that night so I'm going to take my toothpick little bit of white paint and just.Not. doing splatter snow in this painting because there wouldn't have been snow. But I definitely want some constellations just to make it pop. There it is. Little bit more detailed than the others but definitely beautiful. Merry Christmas everybody.
Beginner Nativity Painting | Another top request has been a nativity scene, so here is a beginner basic painting tutorial of the reason for the season! ✨ #paintingtutorial... | By Emily Seilhamer Art | Let's not forget the reason for the season and paint a nativity scene. So I'm going to take my mop brush with some navy blue and white and do a line straight down the middle of my canvas. I'm using stretch canvas today. And then coming off to the right I'm going to start doing lines coming out from that center point but moving them out further and further. So it kind of looks like the sky is radiating. I bet you can guess what we're going to paint. So I'm going to do that all the way to the corner and then on that midpoint again at the top. I'm going to start bringing out the lines at an ang