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Celebrating 50 Years. 

Our world is inherently colourful. Beyond the first thoughts of rainbows and colour bursts, colour recalls memories of colouring crayons and painting as children. Colour highlights our every day, from the food we eat to the packaging it comes in. Colours are the clothes we wear and the car we drive. Colour can evoke emotions, make us happy or sad, feel comforted, inspired or calm and express ourselves in every possible way.

As a celebration of our 50th year here at Gordon Moody, we’re getting the paint out and updating our treatment centres, head office and our logo for a fresh take to co-inside with the celebration of the fantastic work the Gordon Moody team have been creating, pioneering and those who have been in our treatment programmes over the last 50 years.


Colour and Its Codes

The world of colour theory and colour psychology played a big part in our rebranding process. We wanted to combine the feelings our residents had experienced during their recovery process and create a warm, welcoming look and feel that was genderless, ageless and would become a universal asset to all things Gordon Moody.

We’ve opted for a bright and uplifting orange, evoking emotions of positivity, hope and flourishing. Our Gordon Moody orange is designed to conjure excitement, new prospects, enthusiasm, and warmth. It’s also an attention-seeking colour, grabbing attention and hopefully the attention of those who need gambling harm support.

A deeper, darker navy grounds our new aesthetic and provides our base palette for our branding and marketing materials. As leading gambling harm rehabilitation experts, our use of Navy-blue grounds and solidified our authority. As blue is known to reduce anxiety, instil trust and a sense of loyalty, we’re confident that the colour combination between orange and blue evokes what Gordon moody stands for.

‘Gordon Moody gave me care and space to breathe, which meant the world to me. For the first time in years, I could relax. I was ready and committed to change. I was no longer looking over my shoulders. I was safe. I was starting the recovery journey.’ – Residential resident.

Our residents, past and present, often remark on how warm, open and welcoming our spaces and teams are. Our integrity is essential for us, and we take our responsibilities very seriously. We wanted to strike this emotional balance in our new charity colours.


Art Therapy

Expression and exploration through art therapy is part of our recovery programme. We aim to unlock emotion and get creative juices flowing. A form of psychotherapy using art and colour, art therapy relaxes the mind and the body. Colour and creativity play an important part in our gambling recovery therapy. We’re always looking to try new forms of communication and therapy that get people thinking in new and exciting ways.

‘It’s hard to put into words how rewarding the process was. My paintings demanded my patience, diligence, attention-to-detail and created a sense of contentment, which was a welcome surprise. Painting the afternoon away was so incredibly rewarding. For almost 20 years, my addiction resulted in me selling, discarding or walking away from my material possessions. I have found this new creative hobby soothing, therapeutic and a simple way to make new memories and create items I will be proud to hang on to and keep forever.’ – Residential resident.


Pride In Our Colours

We’re a very colourful bunch here at Gordon Moody; from Mandy’s purple hair and Hannah’s super colourful statement earrings, expression is important to us personally and professionally. As a company that takes pride in our gambling harm treatment programmes, a team of gambling treatment specialists, we’re bolder and braver at Gordon Moody than ever before with our treatment approaches, our marketing, and our messaging, reaching more people than ever before.

With an increase in media appearances, engagement, and attention, as well as heightened brand recognition as a leader in gambling rehabilitation, we wanted to put our best foot forward with our new brand identity and represent the work we do and the incredible team we have in the best way possible. Even though pride month has passed, we’re waving the Gordon Moody flag with pride as we continue to embrace our individual approach to treatment, our inclusive and supportive team, and our amazing treatment users!


Where do we go from here?

Find out more about our treatment options and treatment approach.

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Gordon Moody

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