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White’s marked stone is high, while Black’s marked stone is lying in wait to gouge out White’s base. What is the correct move for Black?
Black 1 is a strong invasion. It is the simplest way to play.
The high invasion of Black 1 is also correct, but it is more difficult.
PK qY@ OPS/part3.xhtmlWhite attaches underneath with 1. How should Black answer?
Black should hane at 1. A sharp exchange takes place up to 7. Black now threatens ‘a’.
If White answers 3 with 4, Black captures with 5. After connecting with 7, Black will aim at ‘a’ or ‘b’.
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Invading is an important technique that every go player should have in his arsenal. The purpose of this book is to give the reader a knowledge of the basic positions where invasions are possible and to present the main variations.
The material is presented in a problem format. Each problem is part of a series of problems in which various lines are explored. The answers are usually short, avoiding long, drawn-out variations. In this way the reader can concentrate on the important idea of the invasion being studied.
The reader is not necessarily expected to solve these problems; rather he or she is expected to look at each problem, think about it carefully, come up with an answer, then compare his or her anser with the one given. If you go through the whole book in this way, by the end you will have developed your judgment and intuition as to where, how, and when to invade.
This is a book for players of all strengths. Parts One and Two should be accessible to 20-kyu players, but there is much material here that even dan players will benefit from. Part Three is more difficult, but the weaker player should study it anyway, because he or she will be introduced to many important ideas. In this way, new ideas will enter your thinking and there will come a time when it will all come together and you will find yourself on the threshold of being a dan player.
PK qYYgc gc OPS/prob150.xhtmlBlack maps out a huge moyo with 1 and 3. It is now urgent that White reduce the size of this moyo. Where is the weak point of Black’s position?
When Black has a tight small-knight enclosure with extensions on both sides, the weak point is at White 1. Depending on how Black answers, White will make sabaki by playing at ‘a’ or ‘b’.
White plays 1 when he wants to erase the top. In this case, Black would push with 2, then cap with 4. This move is very severe, since it not only attacks White’s two stones, but also expands Black’s moyo on the right. Clearly White 1 is not a good idea in this position.
Invading with 1 gives Black a target to attack. Black first pincers at 2, then caps with 4. Black is strong above and below, so it will be hard for White to escape.
If White plays 1 and 3, he is left with a heavy shape after Black 2 and 4. White cannot make a full extension down the side because of the presence of the marked stone. This is a terrible result for White.
Locally, White 1 is a good move, but Black then eliminates the weak point of his moyo by jumping to 2. When dealing with moyos, the iron rule is: ‘Never let your opponent perfect his moyo.’
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Simply jumping to 2 is adequate for Black. White is split into two groups.
If White jumps out from the other side with 1, Black plays 2, attacking the white stone on the left.
PK qY OPS/js/PK qY9q OPS/js/gobooks.js// Replay diagrams in Go books – // Copyright © 2019 Smart Go, Inc. All rights reserved. var runEPubScripts = function() { var ePubCheck = document.getElementById('epub-check'); if (!ePubCheck) { return; } var ePubInfo = "This EPUB reader supports JavaScript, but not the full EPUB reading system. Interactive diagrams may work."; ePubCheck.innerHTML = ePubInfo; var rso = navigator.epubReadingSystem; if (!rso) { return; } ePubInfo = ""; var name =; if (name) { ePubInfo += name; } var version = rso.version; if (version) { ePubInfo += " " + version; } var hasDomManipulation = rso.hasFeature("dom-manipulation"); var hasMouseEvents = rso.hasFeature("mouse-events"); var hasTouchEvents = rso.hasFeature("touch-events") if (!hasDomManipulation || !(hasMouseEvents || hasTouchEvents)) { if (!hasDomManipulation) { ePubInfo += "White has made a three-space extension along the fourth line. How should Black invade?
Invading on the fourth line with 1 is an effective move. It will now be hard for White to make sabaki when he attaches on the third line.
Black plays on the third line with 1 because he wants to link with his allies. However, it will be easier for White to make sabaki when he attaches with 2.
PK qY[6 6 OPS/prob1.xhtmlWith the black stones on the left and the right, White’s three-space extension is vulnerable. Where should Black invade?
Black 1 is the vital point. No matter what White does after this, Black will have no problem.
If White plays 2, Black pushes up with 3 and, after 4, attaches with 5. Black dominates the top.
PK qYB- - OPS/prob5.xhtmlHow does Black respond when White attaches on top with 1?
Black should wedge in with 2. Up to 6, Black has gouged out White’s base. Black is quite satisfied with this result.
White could also atari underneath with 3. White links up, but Black makes a large-scale moyo on the right when he plays 10.
PK qYEX; ; OPS/prob151.xhtmlThe black and white moyos divide the board. With one move, however, Black can break up White’s moyo and wipe out much of its influence.
Making a large-scale moyo from the 3–3 point is unnatural because Black will land a devastating blow in the center of White’s position with 1. White will respond with ‘a’ or ‘b’.
After the moves to 5, Black’s stones are quite resilient and cannot be easily attacked. If White ‘a’, Black attaches with ‘b’.
Playing one line deeper with 1 is bad because Black will come under a severe attack with 2 and 4. If Black 1 at ‘a’, White 2 is again the vital point.
PK qY1 OPS/coverPage.xhtmlGet Strong at Go Series, Volume 5
by Richard Bozulich
Kiseido Publishing Company
Chigasaki, Japan
Buy the full book at
PK qYB! ! OPS/prob7.xhtmlWhite plays a diagonal move from the left. What is Black’s response?
Taking the corner with Black 2 is enough. White must still deal with the marked black stone.
After White 3, Black still has moves such as ‘a’ to annoy White with.
PK qY<ќ6 6 OPS/prob66.xhtmlWhite has attacked the small-knight enclosure by attaching at 1. How should White follow up his invasion after Black extends to 2?
White easily lives in the corner with 3 and 5. However, the corner territory is small and White ends in gote, so the timing in playing these moves is crucial.
Living in the corner is small, so White might play 1 and 3. If Black attacks with 4, White jumps to 5, aiming to make sabaki by attaching at ‘a’. If then Black ‘b’, White ‘c’; if Black ‘d’, White ‘b’.
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