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The idea for this book arose from the interaction of Jiang and Guo in giving joint lectures on the Kiseido Go Server, beginning in 2004. They have known each other since they were pros in China, where Guo was at one time a pupil of Jiang’s.
The mistakes in playing joseki sequences and in selecting joseki for particular game situations that are the subject of this book are all taken from actual games played by amateurs, many of them dan level players. A print version of this book is available from Slate & Shell with the title All About Joseki.
In this game between two amateur 2 dan players, the joseki in the upper left is fine for both players up to White 10. White could play 10 at A to prevent Black’s playing at B.
Variation 1
White could play at White 1 with White 10 to prevent Black’s playing at Black 2. If Black does respond with 2, this is a sort of joseki, but it is not really good for Black, because Black’s position is low on the left side, while White’s position on the top and the right side is more efficient.
Game Record 2
Black could play Black 11 at A. That would give Black some other options.
Variation 2
If White descends this way with White 2 after Black 11 at 1, this pattern is a joseki.
Variation 3
Alternatively, if White descends with White 2 in Variation 3, Black normally would play this way.
Variation 4
After White 2 in Variation 3, if Black tries to escape as in Variation 4, it is good for White rather than for Black.
Game Record 3
In the game, when White wedges with 12, Black blocks, but this is a mistake by White.
Variation 5
White should play 12 at White 1. If Black responds this way, the result is good for White. The black stones are low with a weak shape and the - exchange is good for White.
Variation 6
Black can respond to White 1 with Black 2 as in Variation 6, but Black 4 is a mistake. White gets the easy move at White 5 for points and eye shape, and the three black stones on the left side are weak.
Variation 7
After Black defends properly at the top with Black 4, White can wedge with 5, but this White 7 only helps Black.
Variation 8
Cutting with White 7 this way instead of as in Variation 7 is very bad for White. Black gets a nice shape that is very strong.
Variation 9
If White is going to cut with White 7, it must be on the inside, this way. Normally, Black would take sente, leaving bad aji for White. Later, if there are other stones around, this could become very dangerous for White. Black should not start the fight too soon, when there are no other stones around, but in Variation 9, White’s trying to capture a stone with a ladder by playing White 11 is wrong. When Black pushes out with 12, it is very severe. White will not be able to stop Black.
Variation 10
White should simply pull out with 11; this fight is in fact not good for Black. That is why Black should not start the fight with Black 8 too soon.
Variation 11
This White 7 in Variation 11 is a safe move. This is a normal joseki.
Variation 12
Black should not play Black 8 as in Variation 12 because it makes the black group too heavy.
Variation 13
Playing Black 8 this way is also not good. Now the cut with White 9 works well for White. Variation 11 shows the correct continuation for Black.
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