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Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Payame Noor University. Verified email at - Homepage.
Yousef Edrisi tabriz. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Payame Noor University. ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ ...

Yousef Edrisi Tabriz

Affiliation: Payame Noor University
Research interests: Optimal control, Numerical analysis, and Nonlinear Systems
Yousef Edrisi Tabriz , Mehrdad Lakestani : Direct solution of nonlinear constrained quadratic optimal control problems using B-spline functions.
Yousef Edrisi-Tabriz: 1 Following, 6 Research papers ... Papers by Yousef Edrisi-Tabriz. Research paper thumbnail of The Consensus of Different Fractional ...
Yousef Edrisi Tabriz has a total of 6 co-authors. Here are the top co-authors by number of shared publications: · Mehrdad Lakestani · Arash Sioofy Khoojine.
Yousef Edrisi Tabriz from
Payame Noor University - East Azerbaijan - Faculty of Science Dept. - Mathematics. Ph.D - Optimal Control. Assistant Professor ...
Yousef Edrisi Tabriz*. Department of Mathematics,. Payame Noor University,. PO BOX 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: yousef Aghileh Heydari.
Author Yousef Edrisi Tabriz. Articles. Y. Edrisi Tabriz and M. Lakestani · Direct solution of nonlinear constrained quadratic optimal control problems using B ...
فهرست مطالب yousef edrisi tabriz · A new hybrid method of dynamic mode decomposition and long short-term memory for financial market forecasting · Application of ...
Yousef Edrisi Tabriz, Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, PO BOX. 19395-3697, Tehran. Iran. e-mail: yousef Mehrdad Lakestani ...