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In the next sections, we present a construction of a weighted automaton and the computation of weights from a regular weighted expression in efficient ways.
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Oct 22, 2024 · This work is a part of a more general project whose aim is designing an algorithm for manipulating weighted automata [1]. Here our approach is ...
A new approach is suggested to enhance the performance of recognition in very low SNRs. The weighted state probabilities (WSP) method considers the heuristic ...
In essence, IDF is a weighting method that tries to suppress noise. It assumes that less frequent words are more important and more frequent words are less ...
Oct 21, 2019 · We propose in this paper a novel term weighting scheme to be combined with word embeddings to enhance the classification performance of CNNs.
Bag of Visual words (BoV) is one of the most successful strat- egy for object recognition, used to represent an image as a vector of counts using a learned ...
In this paper, we propose an automatic estimation method of word weights based on the influences on IR. 2 Evaluation Measure of ASR for IR. 2.1 Weighted Word ...
Listeners integrate acoustic and contextual cues during word recognition. However, experiments investigating this integration disrupt natural cue ...
We suggest that the perception of spoken words is socially weighted, resulting in sparse, but high-resolution clusters of socially idealized episodes.
Jul 2, 2016 · For this purpose we designed a weight-based model and a learning procedure based on a novel median-based loss function.