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IMAA-CNR (Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis-Italian National Research Council). Email verificata su
Vito Imbrenda. Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis - Italian National Council of Research · OT Multi-platform Methods and Techniques for ...
Vito Imbrenda from
PhD Researcher at IMAA-CNR (Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis - Italian National Council of Research)
SciProfiles provides open access to the scholarly community, offering comprehensive profiles where researchers can highlight their academic life, ...
Investigating climate variability and long-term vegetation activity across heterogeneous Basilicata agroecosystems. Coluzzi, Rosa; D'Emilio, Mariagrazia; ...
In addition to well-established academics in the field of scientific research, we also welcome and encourage the next up-and-coming generation of scientists ...
Vito Imbrenda: 35 Followers, 4 Following, 69 Research papers. Research interests: Production Process, Soil Pollution, and Regional Planning.
Works (16) · Scrutinizing the Statistical Distribution of a Composite Index of Soil Degradation as a Measure of Early Desertification Risk in Advanced Economies.
Ricercatore presso CNR - IMAA · Esperienza: Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (CNR-IMAA) · Località: Potenza · 86 collegamenti su ...