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Did you mean: The grid SVG Package.
Mar 9, 2023 · Functions to export graphics drawn with package grid to SVG format. Additional functions provide access to SVG features that are not available ...
This package is an experiment in writing a graphics device, purely in R code, for the grid graphics system. The specific device implemented is for the W3C ...
gridSVG is a package for R that turns a grid plot into an SVG image. Under the supervision of Dr. Paul Murrell I undertook both an honours project, ...
The gridSVG package provides a way to add dynamic and interactive features to plots that are produced by R (specifically, plots that are based on the grid ...
A draft article "Dynamic and Interactive R Graphics for the Web: the gridSVG package" (more in-depth overview of package, including some design details and ...
Abstract The gridSVG package can be used to generate a grid-based R plot in an SVG format, with the ability to add special effects to the plot.
Functions to export graphics drawn with package grid to SVG format. Additional functions provide access to SVG features that are not available in standard R ...
The gridSVG package provides a consistent, but flexible system for specifying animation values that is based on a single, coherent data structure, but which ...
Provides a convenient and familiar graphics device interface for the gridSVG package.
R Interactive Graphics with SVG. It seems computer history is full of examples of forgotten concepts from programmers ahead of their time.