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We will cover the lifecycle of geotagged data in multimedia research, where the topics range from how this kind of data is represented, processed, analyzed, and ...
We will cover the life- cycle of geotagged data in multimedia research, where the topics range from how this kind of data is represented, pro- cessed, analyzed, ...
... Lifecycle of Geotagged Data ... The full-day tutorial is organized in 3 modules that cover the main phases of the lifecycle of geotagged data in research,.
This tutorial aims to teach researchers and students how geotagged multimedia data differs from regular data and to educate them on best practices when ...
We will cover the lifecycle of geotagged data in multimedia research, where the topics range from how this kind of data is represented, processed, analyzed, and ...
We will cover the lifecycle of geotagged data in multimedia research, where the topics range from how this kind of data is represented, processed, analyzed, and ...
Oct 16, 2016 · The The Lifecycle of Geotagged Multimedia Data tutorial covers the four stages that are part of the lifecycle of geotagged multimedia data ...
We will cover the lifecycle of how geotagged data is used in research, where the topics range from how it is created, represented, processed, modeled, analyzed, ...
为了避免陷阱和避免错误的结论,本教程旨在向研究人员和学生介绍地理标记多媒体数据与常规数据的不同之处,并向他们介绍处理此类数据时的最佳实践。我们将涵盖多媒体研究中 ...
A list of geographical information sources for geotagging purposes is developed. A good practice guide for the geotagging process is proposed.