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In this paper we present a probabilistic extension of LOTOS which is upward compatible with LOTOS. We present testing semantics for the reactive and ...
Abstract. In this paper we present a probabilistic extension of LOTOS which is upward compatible with LOTOS. We present testing semantics for the reactive ...
In this paper, we consider the inverse work, the derivation of operational semantics from algebraic semantics for our probabilistic language. This approach can ...
In this paper, refusal testing ideas are applied to define a testing semantics for a probabilistic process algebra.
Testing semantics for probabilistic LOTOS. In. Formal Description Techniques VIII, pages 365-380, 1995. M. Ntifiez, D. de Frutos, and L. Llana. Acceptance ...
A probabilistic testing semantics is defined which can be used to alternatively characterize fair testing ... Testing Semantics for Probabilistic LOTOS · M. Núñez ...
From this operational semantics we define a testing semantics, where a process passes a test with a probability in a period of time, and two processes are ...
In this paper, refusal testing ideas are applied to define a testing semantics for a probabilistic process algebra. A testing equivalence is defined by ...
The semantic model is based on the conditional probabilities theory. Given an event of a defined experiment, we obtain the behaviour of the system conditioned ...
Abstract. We study termination of LOTOS behaviors. In order to characterize termination, we first define a testing semantics for LOTOS in the classical way ...