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Feature models (FMs) are a popular formalism for describing the commonality and variability of software product lines (SPLs) in terms of features.
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Slices are excerpts of feature models that do not introduce, but remove variables-thus, slicing is dual to variableintroducing CNF transformations (e.g., the ...
Abstract—Feature models (FMs) are a popular formalism for describing the commonality and variability of software product lines (SPLs) in terms of features.
Slicing feature models. from
The slicing feature allows the user to divide the Composite Model into Z-Slices each of which will become a Component.
Feature models (FMs) are a popular formalism for describing the commonality and variability of software product lines (SPLs) in terms of features.
Sep 23, 2019 · The goal of all mentioned slicing approaches in The Feature Slicing G uide is always to achieve a vertical slicing instead of a horizontal one.
Feature models (FMs) are a popular formalism for describing the commonality and variability of software product lines (SPLs) in terms of features.
Feature models are a common formalism to specify such dependencies. Feature-model slicing corresponds to creating a subset of the feature model (e.g., with only ...
A novel slicing technique is presented that produces a projection of an FM, including constraints, that allows SPL practitioners to find semantically ...
The slicing feature allows the user to divide the Composite Model into Z-Slices each of which will become a Component. This is for customers who need to cut ...