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Shengjie Lin from
Dr. Shengjie Lin adopts a social-contextual approach to examine the intersection of motivation, emotion, and creativity, primarily in STEM learning.
Hi, welcome! I'm Shengjie, an Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology at The University of New Mexico (UNM). Broadly, my research adopts a ...
Shengjie Lin

Shengjie Lin

Affiliation: University of New Mexico
Research interests: Motivation, Emotion, Creativity, and more
Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico - ‪‪Cited by 625‬‬ - ‪Motivation‬ - ‪Emotion‬ - ‪Creativity‬ - ‪STEM‬ - ‪Family and Culture‬
I'm currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, deeply immersed in the intersection of robotics, computer vision, ...
Shengjie Lin from
My research examines the intersection of motivation, emotion, and creativity, primarily in STEM learning. My major research line studies how students' ...
Oct 20, 2023 · Shengjie Lin. Pronouns: he/him. PhD student, Computer Science, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. Joined August 2021 ...
Shengjie Lin, PhD. Shengjie Lin. Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology. Simpson Hall, Room 118; 505 277-4317; · Read more · Adriana ...
Biography. Broadly, my research adopts a social-contextual approach to examine the intersection of motivation, emotion, and creativity, primarily in STEM ...
Shengjie Lin at the University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque, New Mexico teaches EDPY 310 - Learning and the Classroom, EDPY 503 - Principles of Human ...