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Saul Carliner has a double-double career in learning and communicationwith substantial tenures in both academia and industry in both fields.
Certified Training and Development Professional, Canadian Society for Training and Development. Volunteer Experience: Canadian Network for Innovation in ...
Great lecturer and demanding prof. His classes are full of fun and learning. Be prepared to participate, work hard and laugh a lot.

Saul Carliner

Saul Carliner is an associate professor, provost's fellow for digital learning, and director of the education doctoral program at Concordia University in Montreal. ... Google Books
Place of birth: Baltimore, MD
Affiliation: Concordia University
Research interests: Elearning, Instructional Design, Technical Communication, and more
Saul Carliner is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Education at Concordia University in Montreal, where his research and teaching focus on the ...
Professor, Concordia University - ‪‪Cited by 2423‬‬ - ‪elearning‬ - ‪instructional design‬ - ‪technical communication‬ - ‪management of training and‬ ...
Saul Carliner from
Occasional tweeter about information and instructional design, with occasional museum reviews and shopping tips. For my books:
Saul Carliner from
Saul Carliner is a Professor of Education at Concordia University in Montreal, where his research and teaching focus on the design of materials for learning ...
Saul Carliner from
Saul Carliner is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Education at Concordia University in Montreal, where his research focuses on the design of ...
Saul Carliner is a professor and Graduate Program Director for the Educational Technology program at Concordia University, among other titles and duties.
Saul Carliner is a communication and educational technology professor at Concordia University, where his research and teaching focus on both the design of ...