Jul 19, 2012 · We show how to construct G-symmetric quasi-values algorithmically by averaging certain basic quasi-values (marginal operators).
We analyze the consequences of weakening the symmetry axioms and study quasi-values that are symmetric with respect to permutations from a group G ≤ S n . We ...
We classify all the permutation groups G that are large enough to assure a unique G-symmetric quasi-value, as well as the structure and dimension of the space ...
We show how to construct $G$-symmetric quasi-values algorithmically by averaging certain basic quasi-values (marginal operators). Publication: arXiv e-prints.
Dec 13, 2022 · The quasi-symmetry series utilizes the 5-fold symmetries that I first started investigating in the mid-60's in Drop City.
Missing: Values. | Show results with:Values.
Abstract. According to Shapley's game-theoretical result, there exists a unique game-value of finite cooperative games that satisfies axioms.
Abstract. According to Shapley's game-theoretical result, there exists a unique game value of finite cooperative games that satisfies axioms.
Feb 5, 2024 · And similarly, it is known that quasi-conformal map φ:D→D, where D is an open quasi-disk, extends continuously to a quasi-symmetric map ϕ:S1→∂D.
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All the permutation groups that are large enough to assure a unique $G$-symmetric quasi-value, as well as the structure and dimension of the space of all ...
In this paper, we reveal a hierarchy structure of the quasisymmetries and the corresponding nodal structures that they enforce via two different approaches.