In this article, the demand for grid technology by the financial industry is analyzed and the architecture of a financial information grid is proposed. Download ...
The financial industry can use grid technology to integrate financial information, to operate in a multi-channel manner, to strengthen the supervision and ...
Bibliographic details on Research on the Financial Information Grid.
There are three specific areas that we deal with in the multidisciplinary Financial INformation. Grid (FINGRID) project involving computer scientists and ...
A distributed environment has been created that offers two services – time-serial and news analysis – using Globus and Java Commodity Grids and a ...
... financial information managementa nd its information grid technology, the article studies the demand of China's fi nancial institutions for grid technology ...
In this paper, we have depicted how the validity of a model of the international financial grid depends methodologically upon the integration of three research ...
Grid technology can solve the problem. This paper discusses the application of grid computing in financial industry. First it analyzes the feasibility of grid ...
Grid is the world's most comprehensive risk database of adverse media, sanctions, watchlists, and PEPs. Risk information is curated into detailed profiles ...
The first section of the grid is to define types of income received by You, Your Spouse, and Your Dependents. Select your answers from the drop-down box ...