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We offer a fairly general parsirlo method for :[ree word orde£ ]anguaoes and the way how to use ~-1: for parsing Hungarian c]in~ca] texts, lhe system can hand]e ...
This paper describes a system that extracts information from Hungarian descriptive texts of medical domain texts of clinical narratives define a sublanguage ...
This paper describes a system that extracts information from Hungarian descriptive texts of medical domain texts of clinical narratives define a sublanguage ...
Processing Clinical Narratives in Hungarian. G. Prószéky. COLING, page 365-367. Institut für angewandte Kommunikations- und Sprachforschung e.V. (IKS) ...
As natural language processing (NLP) algorithms are getting more and more accu- rate, their usage can not just cut costs but can also boost medical research.
The aim of this paper is to describe and evaluate the preferences and values of Hungarian primary care (PC) patients before accessing and to analyse their ...
Methods and resources which can be used for annotating medical Hungarian and their application to tagging clinical records are presented and further ...
In this paper, a method is described for the automated correction of spelling errors in Hungarian clinical records.
Nov 14, 2024 · The aim of this study is to describe the digital health-related attitudes and experiences of Hungarian Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Jul 5, 2022 · This paper provides new data on speech tempo in typically developing Hungarian-speaking children and adolescents obtained in three different ...