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APL occurs in one in every 250,000 people. APL occurs most commonly in adults around age 40 and in children between ages eight to ten. APL accounts for 5 to 15% of all acute myeloid leukemia cases. APL accounts for 4 to 10% of all acute myeloid leukemia childhood cases.
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So, while the recommendation that dyadic execute should be added to the APL language is worthy of consideration, please don't call this function "rule." It ...
Assuming a Poisson distribution, λ = 228/225 = 1.01, the expected probabilities of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ≥5 incident cases of APL per month are 36.3%, 36.8%, 18.6%, ...
Feb 10, 2023 · Newly-diagnosed APL from 1991 to 2021 divided into three 10-year periods were studied to define its epidemiology and how oral-ATO impacted on its outcome.

Probability in APL

Book by Linda Alvord
Originally published: 1984
Author: Linda Alvord
Genre: Thesis
Illustrator: Linda Alvord
Treatment outcomes are similar in adult and pediatric patients although recent studies have indicated that very young children may be at higher risk of relapse.
Using AIPL with the proposed threshold of 99% of confidence score, this risk is very low but should not be forgotten. All-trans retinoic acid could hence be ...
It develops in about 600 to 800 individuals each year in the United States, most often in adults around the age of 40 but also in children.
What is the survival rate for APL? Research suggests that people who receive ATRA-ATO therapy for APL have a 97% chance of surviving at least another 2 years ...
Jun 30, 2021 · Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), accounts for 10–15% of newly diagnosed AML cases. Approximately ...
Title, Probability in APL. Author, Linda Alvord. Illustrated by, Linda Alvord. Edition, illustrated. Publisher, APL Press, 1984.