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Pierluigi Pisu from
Pierluigi Pisu, Ph.D., joined the Automotive Engineering faculty as an Assistant Professor in July 2006 and has held a joint appointment with the Electrical and ...
Professor of Automotive Engineering, Clemson University - ‪‪Cited by 5876‬‬ - ‪Controls‬ - ‪Diagnostics‬ - ‪Prognostics‬

Pierluigi Pisu

Affiliation: Clemson University
Research interests: Controls, Diagnostics, and Prognostics
Professor and CURI Fellow Vehicle Project Lead - Deep Orange 10 at Clemson University · Experience: Clemson University · Education: The Ohio State ...
Pierluigi Pisu joined Clemson University in July 2006. His teaching and research interests lie in the general areas of fault diagnosis with application to ...
He is a Professor of Automotive Engineering with the Carroll A. Campbell Jr. Graduate Engineering Center, Clemson University International Center for Automotive ...
Skills and Expertise: Mechatronics, MATLAB Simulation, Control Theory, Control Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Pierluigi Pisu Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Automotive Engineering and CU-ICAR, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University.
Pierluigi Pisu at Clemson University (Clemson) in Clemson, South Carolina teaches AUE 8170 - Alt Energy Sources, AUE 8260 - Vehicle Diagnostics, ...
This paper introduces a frequency-domain false data injection attack called Frequency Spectrum Attack (FSA) and explores its effects on load forecasting and ...
Works (50 of 169) · Design, Detection, and Countermeasure of Frequency Spectrum Attack and Its Impact on Long Short-Term Memory Load Forecasting and Microgrid ...