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Source: Computers & Electrical Engineering ; Authors Luodie Xie, ; Institution Sun Yat-sen University ; Cites: 24 ; Cited by: 5.
Luodie Xie received the B.Sci. and M.Sci. degrees in Computer Science from Central China Normal University. He is currently a doctoral student working toward ...
Structural–Temporal embedding of large-scale dynamic networks with parallel implementation. Luodie Xie, Hong Shen, Dawei Feng. Sun Yat-Sen University. Research ...
Xie et al. [48] proposed STEDN by extending the Hawkes process to include both structural similarity of weakly connected nodes and explicit time information in ...
Jun 20, 2022 · Authors: · Luodie Xie. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China · Hong Shen. School of Computer ...
List of computer science publications by Luodie Xie.
Leaded design team in numerous different projects from interface design, multimedia integration, web architecture and 3D animation.
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Luwei Xie is a higher education professional specializing in program management, strategic planning, and partnership development.
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(COMPELECENG-D-21-01782) Luodie Xie, Hong Shen and Dawei Feng, “Structural-temporal embedding of large-scale dynamic networks and its parallel implementation”.
A serial tech entrepreneur, Louis has founded and launched various internet businesses across different fields since 1999.